18 Minutes Of The Best Nostalgic Comedy Stand-Up (Feat. Katt Williams, Richard Pryor & More!)

18 minutes of nostalgic black comedy excellence featuring Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Katt Williams, Sinbad and Lavell …


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  1. With over 2.6 Million views, there should definitely be 2.6 Million likes!… Some of y'all MoFo's is just too damn lazy or way too busy hating, to locate the like button!…. 😂🤣😂

  2. I was one of those children they put a leash on thank goodness or otherwise I would have gone over the top of it shipped and then no more at 4 years old how to say who grabbed me just in time gave me back to my mother and she put me back on the harness and Leash!! Renegade are care of kids between 18 and 4 years old I tried little ropes around their waist and lead go I told him and I take the dog who guards the dog didn't need a leash and we walk down to the beach and we play and everything and put the little worlds back on so we could go back because she can do crazy things and cars don't always see kids especially on the roads at Seaside!! The police would just go by and smile and wave at us!! All the parents were for kids aren't going to be getting hit by cars when you do that!! I know it is funny but yes it is a smart thing to do on little children !!

  3. Some white kafolica bebe get mad when blacks make jokes about them and think they can’t do the same. Lol honestly it’s probably because the comedian isn’t funny. I mean….. Robert Downey JR went in black face on tropic thunder and not one black person complained. But Kramer couldn’t do that

  4. Oh, Proctor and Gamble time…….. Thank heaven for Sinbad. They are all,however, extremely funny. Miss Pryor in these days: he was such a genius despite the hard life he survived. I remember Eddie closing down West 4th Street and Sixth in the village before he was discovered. He was a true natural….what one sees is how much our culture is American no mater what the melanin level. Let’s laugh and build it back up.

  5. Ok I'm not disrespecting any of the other comedians but I miss Richard Pryor and Sinbad and I know that the other comedians are top notch but I always liked Sinbad and he didn't curse either

  6. Black people think Obama is black but he hasn’t done shit for black people black privilege people don’t give a shit about black people

  7. Love Richard Pryor we had the VHS tapes my mom loved him I wish she was still here to see all the Richard Pryor to see all these clips 💚

  8. Every single one of these folks are fuckin legendary goddamn comics! Top shelf comedians, if there's anyone that knows a top shelf comedian, I'm right up there with them. Maybe one notch below cuz I'm not THE BEST OF THE BEST OF THE GREATEST, my dick isn't big enuf to claim that title.
    That being said, I always thought "nostalgic" meant something other than black comedians smashin on white people. Yeah, these are all nostalgic bits and artists, but I don't know that the word belongs in the title as if it has some shit to do with the actual content of the entire video.
    But whatever. This ain't my channel. I ain't even gotta channel. Therfore, I CAN NOT judge the individual puttin all this mastery together

  9. I love comedians and I love when they talk about race gender it’s called comedy and if you get offended then there’s something wrong with you! If it offends you don’t go to the show

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