New Zealand’s Reserve Bank Says Its Monetary Policy As Usual!

The latest RBNZ Financial Stability Report is out, and the Central Bank has no regrets about its Monetary Policy, according to the …


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  1. The delusion that is a civilised NZ

    Consider crime. Right now, New Zealand is reaping tourism dollars because this country is such a "safe" place. So why are so many of us afraid of walking in the dark?

    Answer: our official crime rate is second only to Sweden. Worse, our number of police officers for every 100,000 population is the lowest in the developed world, bar Finland.

    Our solution, it seems, is to throw the criminals into jail en masse. New Zealand's imprisonment rate is the highest in the developed world, bar the United States.

  2. Based on how Orr answered the question on waiting to start raising rates, the head of the Reserve Bank of Australia should lose his job immediately.

  3. I wonder…did NZ reps and senators buy up big into property too like OZ reps? Kinda makes sense when you have insider trading knowledge.

    Govt backs the banks so easy loans, back them for generations to support govt policy…individually rise the gravyvtrain

  4. NZ is 14 times more inefficient as the UK. Nothing NZ does makes a difference to these forces. NZ gets to make decisions on how much beer is in the drink shops but what's happening now, is all decisions made in the developed 1st world. Not here in the 2nd world.

  5. Every now and then I get to buttonhole Grant Wheeler. Now when he sees me, he runs like a rabbit. These guys get Holden Pillows on "Retirement" – Directorships etc. But like Gareth Morgan son getting Trade Me for dad promoting Business Tountsbled Mythical Trickle Down during the Pilaging of the Country, or Cameron and Duignsn getting Top Group and International Optic Fibres, or Alan Gibbs Telrcom, or the same Model transplanted for "Russian" Khazar Oligarchs.

  6. "Play the cards that are dealt at the time….", by the Money Printers at The Fed. He then started Nit Picking the CPI, that has been gutted since I graduated at Vic under Brian Philpott in 1973. True Inflation MUCH higher. These Central Bank Spokesmen have ALL the Power and operate in International Lock Step.

  7. The RBNZ over-stimulated the Economy and created the enormous inflation problem in NZ, no one else is responsible for the inflation other than the RBNZ, and they cant blame the war in Ukraine. The problem started in 2008 and the RBNZ kicked the can down the road rather than letting market forces solve the problems. All Central Banks need to be abolished as they create these problems by playing around with interest rates and creating periodic wealth transfers from the poor and middle-class to the rich. The market should be left alone to solve the problems itself.

  8. Orr also said, it’s possible for house prices to fall beyond the “ sustainable range” of 5 – 20% because “ that’s how markets work “

  9. Take note of the tone of this monetary mandarin you presented. How would you describe his attitude to be questioned by democratically elected representatives? When they manifestly get it wrong they recoil at the impertinence of anyone questioning their authority. Hindsight? Jesus. Independent central banks? Jesus. If the people can’t recall, or remove, powerful bureaucrats how would you characterise this political economy? NZ doesn’t have a WA. That’s why they started raising early. They’re screwed. Orr engineered this disaster, but will not face the consequences.

    Its time to understand who really rules us and controls our economic lives. We only have ourselves to blame for what is coming.

  10. How far is the Australian reserve bank running behind what a scam these guys are paid 300 to 400 hundred thousand dollars a year for what 😉 to f::::::: up in there own interest only 😉😉😉🧐🧐🧐🧐

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