Micro-dosing magic mushrooms | Full interview with CA mom

Recent studies have shown psychedelic mushrooms can treat or even cure depression. Now, more and more moms are coming …


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  1. 🖕🖕🖕Look up the handle on IG…all thanks to him. He is a tripsitter and he sells the best psychedelics such as Dmt,LSD, Shrooms, mushrooms 🍄etc. He guided me on my microdosage journey and his psychedelics helped cure depression and anxiety. He ships swiftly worldwide and discreetly.

  2. I regularly MD and I help other moms learn about the benefits too 💗 I just did a podcast interview (on my channel) with a woman that tells her story about how Mushrooms helped her not want to take her own life. Her children have a healthy and happy mother now 🌻💫

  3. I'm in support of someone micro-dosing but once she said she's been doing it since she was 4 months pregnant she lost me. I'm open minded but that's idiotic.

  4. mikaela is awesome! i have been following her for a while now for education and support. i microdose to help with focus and memory retention while i am in school to earn a doctorate in medicine. i also microdose to aid in emotional healing. there are so many benefits! if you are curious definitely do some research and look into it!! the medicine may be calling to you for a reason. ❤️🍄.

  5. “Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
    ― Terence McKenna

  6. This young lady articulated the decriminalization initiative in an exceptional manner. I respect the "community's" perspective and relationship with nature. I further respect that she stated she 1) had an abuelita to guide her; and, 2) a community to be a part of that understands the benefits of nature's goodness.

    EXCELLENT piece of journalism!

  7. If you're pregnant you should have the maturity and self discipline to not take NOTHING until that baby is born. Give the infant a chance to come into the world pure. I understand the elders gave kids mushrooms as she said but don't lol

  8. They deleted my comment on micro-dosing other drugs but they are okay with promoting micro-dosing illegal psychedelics. ROFL. You are shady CBS 8. CBS 8 promoting the use of drugs!!!!

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