UN & WEF Sign Agreement To ACCELERATE 2030 AGENDA*DOW Crashing-Loses 1000*Cat Out Of Pandemic Bag?*

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  1. Over 5 billion people took TMOTB chinas sky turned blood red yesterday and we have a blood red flower moon coming Sunday. Can you go over what special kind of moon this is and what to expect

  2. ENDING R v W abortion INCREASES women's rights, liberty, control over her body, and security: the right to set boundaries of relationships, and seek help if needed, or sue the father for support, Men are safer with relationships of love without sex. Babies are joy if wanted. The Supreme Court should have an urgency to settle Roe v Wade, many die. Originally, Justice Blackmun said, "IF personhood could be established, Roe v Wade would be unconstitutional." It is established; if fetus is not aborted, it becomes a person. R v W is unconstitutional, and illegal and should not be legal in any state.

  3. It's terrible the number of people who do not know how to grow nuffin…… 😕 when I was a kid the school told us how to grow an onion and potato in a pot…it blows my mind how many people do not know how to grow even a tomato plant in a pot on your windowsill or balcony….any how, keep teaching…..Bless…..

  4. It has already been accelerated. They made us think that we had more time, but its actually happening this year with the who pandemic treaty. How long do you think it would be until they implement a perpetual state of emergency?

  5. So the UN/WEF 2030 agenda will be on steroids? And my soul agreed to be here in a front row seat to witness this. Surreal is not strong enough a word to describe what's going on. Yet, so many are still in denial or are still asleep to the things happening. I believe after the summer it will be a RUDE awakening for some!

  6. Exactly, they (WEF) don't tell us HOW these goals are to be reached… for example, to own nothing (whether one is happy or not is another matter) they'd have to get people to not have what they have now. Will you willingly give your stuff to them? Neither will I. So the only way is for them to (try to) STEAL it, in one way or another, most likely via something sneaky like the inflation we're now seeing. We must not let it happen.

  7. Ofcourse `they´accelerate their agenda,.
    Their plans didnt quite work out as they had thaught,.
    They are Wicked, and their wickedness doeth twart them.
    They are Delusional, with Grandeur and Power
    Yet they too shall come to know that they are but Dust on a Cosmic Wind.

    Much Loving Light unto You and Your`s Always and in All Ways! :))

  8. i save all may glass jars that are sealable from the store!!! the coconut oil is the key for so much and you have you're very own seeable jar!!! when done

  9. i have been noticing a consistency that is very accurate and compelling when using muse astrology veridic astrology and natal astrology! find ppls birthdays reveal a lot about their personality especially the numerology factor of it! indeed even exposes peoples true intentions in this universal metaphysical holographic consciousness matrix!! the physics of conciseness is very real as well!! the book of Thoth is very intriguing just like the codex Sinaiticus and Gnosticism. astrotheology is very compelling as well the planetary rulers in each house resemble so much!!! the zodiacs that resonate with each other the day your born and especially the year depends on so much!!! as well as where and when pullls in a big play in other planetary figures and zodiacs in that house at that designated time. some argue that the earth is ruled by the geocentric model. i find the heliocentric model to show more compelling truth the progress sun in so many as well reviles what they will be into and what they're affairs are well into old age!!! MUCH LOVE. GOD BLESS AND NAMASTE ~ James!

  10. Half our small team at work are out sick. All the unwell are jabbed and even boosted. Hmmm…wonder why that is? Saw this coming a while ago but no one listened and others just gave in, even when the vaccine mandate didn't affect my workplace/job security. Just boggles the mind.

  11. I'm currently battling a tick disease/infection of sorts. I am suddenly highly allergic to meat, dairy, sugar…so I'm going through quite the detox. I'm eating very clean, vegan. I live remote deep in the Ozarks. I'm not sure what has changed with the ticks lately but something is very different. I've heard theories but I would love for you to cover more info on the topic since you have also went through something similar. So many more people are sick this year from serious tick illnesses. I've suffered from tick fever previously but this is quite different.
    I appreciate both of you so much. Thank you so much for each video.

  12. I don’t think there is going to be much of a summer this year, it still feels more like fall “October” then mid spring, between the sun changing, all the volcanoes spewing and the geo engineering it’s gonna be a rough growing season

  13. Been expecting this to manifest in my lifetime. But more than that, I believe that Jesus Christ will Be the Reset. Not a religion, Him. The Hosts of Heaven, and the Resurrection/Ascension of Humanity cleansed of the greedy, wicked intentions of the few who intend to Profit from the destruction.. but Karma is really not going to be kind to these folks.
    Still.. until they Unmask the Plan.. no one would believe it, setting us all up for even further deception and en$lavement.

  14. They are out of luck, we aren't leaving our land, I won't leave, you become completely self sustainable they have no excuse to move you on the basis of feeding you or poverty. If everyone starts producing all their own food and energy these people will lose their power.

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