Candle Business Makes $300,000 In 18 Months!

Do you love crafts and making things with your hands? Have you ever thought about turning that into a business? Today we’re …


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  1. What do you guys think about Jazmin’s story? Are you ready to start a hand-crafts shop, or do you still have questions? Let us know in the comments!

  2. re Insta u r doing it right! cause the algo tries to befriend u and make u happy. If u do more, it does not mean u get more customers. Specially not with paid ads !!! Sometimes less is more… U r doing it right.

  3. Absolutely awe inspiring! Jazmin, you're AMAZING! I wanted to walk this journey back in 2008 but God's got His own Plan… I don't know even a fraction of the wisdom you have encompassing the entrepreneurial and proprietorship facets of this passion that you do tho, girl… you are KILLIN' IT! Maybe someday I'll be able to bring my product ideas to market, but I have so much I need to learn first. Maybe one day we'll meet and make a couple of products to collab, compliment and maybe have a bit of friendly competition. I'll be checking out your website in the meantime and I'll funnel people your way when I come across folks in my circles looking for something different and better!

  4. What a testament as to what one can achieve in and short period if it's a pasion or a surveying
    I too stopped working in April 2020 after 16years on the one job. I retired April 2022 and now have picked the candle making business. It would truly be a blessing to model that sucess. Keep boarding your sucess.

  5. Congratulations I enjoyed your interview and thanks for sharing your success if I can ask a question that you can answer for me if you will I have a food product I want to get out will or do fulliment center do this

  6. Nice content! The best way to find that balance between saving and living is by investing, this way you get to have your savings intact and then live comfortably of the revenue coming in from your investments.

  7. Hey @UpFlip I would love to see you do a local fulfillment center – seems like there’s some margin on this business – at $5 per package + flat monthly fee, I suspect packers can pack a dozen packages an hour…. That’s $100/hr. If you’re paying packers $20/hr minus operating expenses, etc… that leaves like a 50% margin! Let’s validate this back of the envelope math

  8. Is it possible to do a consultation for people who are more hands on learners? I hear it all but it all sounds foreign to me. I make natural soaps and I have no network. Idk how to network or market or keep my motivation/mentality consistently “up” long enough to maintain confidence in my ability to get my business off the ground. My soaps are amazing compared to literally any soap I’ve ever tried. I want the whole nation and then some to experience at least 1 bar of my soaps. I just keep seeming to fail when I’m trying. I have to physically be seeing it and working it for everything on the business side to click in my head. I want to add candles to my product selection but idk how I’m supposed to do that if I can’t even push the soaps enough to make a real income off of it.

  9. This was so informative and straight to the point.. and I love how knowledgeable and clear she spoke. This was a breath of fresh air. It has peaked my interest

  10. I'm new to cryptocurrency and I don't understand how it really works. Can someone guide me on the right approach to invsting and making good profit from cryptocurency invstment.

  11. I am a candle maker myself. Candle making is expensive in the beginning of the process. Lots of testing and trial and error. You will blow through a ton of money fast until u get your wax and wicks that work for your wax down along with your vessel size. Then if you switch from one wax to another it's testing all over again lol but congrats to her and her huge success 🙌

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