10 POWERFUL Stories of Addiction (& Recovery) | Rich Roll Podcast

The third in an ongoing series of curated deep dives, today’s show is a masterclass on addiction & recovery, featuring personal …


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  1. I have been trying to have the discovery of the nature of addiction known for years to end the war on drugs. I would like to help you as a recovering addict and psychologist. Addiction is the psychology of a liar, only liars get hooked and only honesty gets freedom. The tragedy of addiction is children who revenge a childhood hurt, or trauma, against their parents learning from example. Addicts don’t forgive. I am alone socially ostracised by liars paying the price for being honest. I can prove my claim that the obvious truth is addiction is the psychology of a liar dropping mortality rates when my theory is known. It is harder to convince a fool that to know the truth is better than to be deceived than to deceive him.

  2. Thank you so much for this helpful complication of some of your most impactful conversations! Would love to see another one focused on RECOVERY. HOW ppl recovered, the resources that worked, and how someone who feels helpless, lost, and/or isolated can take the first steps towards recovery.

  3. Lost both of my parents to alcohol adiction. My mom was only 49 years old. Me as a kid had to survive in a very dark, unsafe and very violent household. Now I am 45 years and still try to revive of the very bad childhood by achiving a full year of therapy in a facility. Please know what adication causes to childeren. They never asked for this eighter ❤️ try to overcome for yourself and your lovedones. Proud of you 👊🏻

  4. I used to think I could quit doing drugs, and drinking alcohol by myself, 25 years later I finally am going to give it my all, and quit for good. With the help of God and cam h i'm going to a in patient treatment program. FINALLY

  5. As a 48yo all rounder functioning addict that's been playing with fire all my life this video has certainly opened my eyes to an inescapable truth, I am an insult to all those struggling, and those who have lost the struggle, against addiction.
    I walk through each day thinking I'm some sort of gift to humanity because I have some sort of edge on addiction, like I'm allowed to toy with it so I can show people there is a path out of it through Christ Jesus the Lord & Saviour.
    I am a blemish to the name of Jesus, I am a liar, I am a thief, I am a idolator, full of pride & deceit. I think that somehow I'm above accountability, that I've got some special right to f**k up as often as I please without recompense.
    Thank you for sharing real stories of real people who have made it through real struggles because of real circumstances, that life is not a joke, and that there are people out there that need real help, and resources are low meaning lazy addicts like myself need to pull their finger out, get & keep sober, for Christ's name's sake and for the sake of those trapped in darkness. I'm sorry for not towing the line. Thank you for sharing and making it to the end of my pity party. God bless & keep you who are on the narrow way doing the hard miles for those you love, and those that love you 🙏🙏🙏

  6. I've been an addict with opiads my drug of choice for 15 years it's pure hell .. it's the one thing that even a selfish addicted mind wouldn't wish upon even there worst enemies

  7. Manufactured stories and addiction@
    @ We are on the wrong track when trying to define men and women when clearly this is not the issue. After Sharia Law, the attention is driven away from genuine education and information towards toilets' psychology: it could not go further down the drain! Looking back in History and at present moments toilets do not appear to be the place where mental issues have been generated or solved! Manufactured Philosophies do not know where to start and stop! Rather than facing issues that are apparent and source them, a faceless decision has been not just to create problem's but to impose dead end type of solutions with only one escape: underground mental sewerage in conjonction with swampy politics. While all kinds of Citizens try to get out of boggy grounds, the chances of moving forward and out of self destruction are reduced. Ping pong games are so distractive that many forget to look under the table tennis table! Who appreciates that the real struggle is between Marx and Maslow!

  8. Asking for prayers for my 25 year old with Fasd …alcholizm schizophrenia brain injury from near fatal overdose leaving brain damage ..just out of 8 months in hospital and treatment out 4 11 days has used 3 times and drank 3 times..so yy3s prayers pkwase

  9. I’m 4 days sober. I have had a wake up call and I am at the point I don’t want it at all. I literally get sick of the thought of it. What did happen, what could’ve happened and what can happen. I don’t want to be in this situation ever again.

  10. I still struggle with the fact that my life may never be what I want it to be, no matter how hard I work for it. Which leads me to wonder if it's a waste to try. If I get to the end of my life and haven't found happiness outside of addiction, I'll be so sad that I wasted my life trying to fix something I can't instead of just living it to the fullest in the moment. What a shit world we addicts create for ourselves. Truly devastating to see so much hurt and pain, that may just be for nothing at all. The cycle continues, the cycle never stops, you might have jumped to the next car which changed the cycle for the moment, but is it forever?

  11. "Incomprehensible demoralization"…and yet we soldier on to the bitter end. If we're lucky, we finally "Fully concede to our innermost selves that we ARE alcoholics". The first step to a life of abundance! (5/8/1994)

  12. I’m falling apart … mental trauma, child neglect left me lonely and constantly looking for a way to not feel lonely.. i want to stop using Xanax, alcohol, weed,. But I can’t stop.. I have had many Xanax blackouts,, alcohol hangovers to the point where it felt like I needed my stomach pumped .. im so lost and im crying as I write this.. im miserable ..

  13. This is gonna be the worst lady I've ever heard talk about addiction! What is she's talking about all the words she's thrown out there the chemical awards and everything else.

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