5 Facts You NEED to Know About Scoliosis (Best Exercises, Back Pain, Performance, and More!)

Check out thus video to learn 5 important facts about scoliosis! Topics include “best” exercises, back pain, performance, diagnosis …


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  1. I’ve got a top curve of 38° and lower curve of 45°. I refused surgery at 18, nearly 20 years ago. I decided it was too primitive and barbaric. The risk of addiction to pain meds, high risk of infection, and the risk of maybe needing surgery again and living with more pain just didn’t outweigh the benefits for me. Thankfully, it hasn’t progressed at all! 👍🏼✨

  2. If no exercises are off limits, does that mean it's safe to squat heavy? I have pretty noticeable scholiosis. I think its something like 20L and 39T. Squatted up to 275lb with no pain, but sort of chickened out when I thought I was pushing my luck. Also, what is good exercises for chest? I got a hunch back of Notre dame thing going on and cant lay flat on a bench. No pain, but it's uncomfortable to bench, and I think the imbalance is eventually going to cause a tear somewhere.

  3. Saying that you can’t fix it naturally is inaccurate. Austin Goh has 5 minutes program you can use 2 – 3 times a day. I have been doing it for 1 month and 3 weeks and it has been a massive help.

    Also do not promote the idea that we can do any exercises with scoliosis, this is not true either, push-ups, pull ups, running

    They are all very bad for people with scoliosis. Please stop spreading bullshit information thanks.

  4. Usia saya 53 thn dgn scoliosis di dada 37 ° dan di pinggang 44,9 ° sdh disarankan operasi ,tapi saya ga berani ,Apakah ada latihan latihan yg bisa mengoreksi kelengkungannya ?
    Senam senam yang ekstrim pun akan saya lakukan jika ada ,

  5. I have a scoliosis with 70 degree, difficulty breathing while walking and standing and my feet gets numb, a lot of pain in my lleft lumbar. Du you recommend to have surgery or physical therapy, and chiropractic.

  6. Thank you for all information!! Ive been told last year from a yoga teacher that I had scolosis because of my hanging shoulder. But actually its not THAT bad … BUT it gets REALLY bad after a day off lifting. I work as a scuba diver instructor since 2018. But since 1.5 years back I suddenly got in a lot of pain. And my back looked very much like someone with bad scolosis. as soon as I go back to lifting more that 10 tanks, I get all twisted. (And when I life, I bend my legs, tight my core etc…) I cant sit, stand stright or bend over when the pain is really bad. not even go to the bathroom. its really bad. and the pain comes like stabbing knifes if i do a movement like lifting an arm or trying to sit. Last time it happend was in december and it lastet for 2 days. after 1 day in bed resting i could do stretching and getting a massage and adjuste and it was gone the day after… And I dont know what it is now. I thought it was scolosis. Did an x ray 2020 and everything looked "normal". Any ideas of what it could be? again, thank you for a great video. Anna

  7. I have some symptoms of soclosis when I was just 17 year old but I don’t have knowledge about this disease and at the age of 19 started gym and start lifting heavy weights which cured the symptoms of this diseas in one year and now i am so happy I have a wider back and good looking posture I would like to thank gym and suggest to everyone who has some symptoms of soclosis

  8. Had specific stretches that were not so comfortable to do by a physiotherapist that tried to tell me ny scoliosis was not a hindering factor. I was in much pain bed bound next day

  9. Thanks for the info. i was actually was going to do those profit treatment where y aneed to pay 5k for one year for treatment for ya scoliosis back. But now i see it everyone gets its and i can do normal things without worying about this. I just need to figure our a small issue ive been having doing a minor leg nerve pain i get sometimes in my left leg.

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