Know the Artist: Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon’s (British, b. Ireland, 1909–1992) contorted and distorted figures magnify the trauma and treachery of living.


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  1. You forgot to mention The Dark Knight – I am pretty sure I have seen in interviews or behind the scenes stuff that they said the approach to the Joker's makeup was heavily influenced by Francis Bacon work

  2. Thank you so much for all the work you put into your videos. They are incredibly detailed and a joy to watch. I recommend you to others any chance I get, please keep it up!

  3. Beacon has inspired the artists behind the design of the game Silent Hill! I would like to see an episode of "Know the Artist" about Gustave Doré!

  4. Hey haven't watched your stuff in a while got all caught up today.

    Faye Wei Wei is a contemporary painter. From uk. Her work is beautiful. If you can find out information on her to make a video, would be really cool.

    confirming I'm not sent by anyone to say this

  5. I have a question. Do artists seek out pain in life to inspire art? Not just painting, but I've noticed this trend in performance as well. Or is it the other way round that the deepest scars produce the most striking works?

  6. Some more pop culture references: In the 1989 Batman movie, Jack Nicholson's Joker (who mutilates a lover and calls it a work of art) is defacing an art gallery with his gang, ripping and vandalizing every work they can find… until he suddenly reaches Bacon's 'Figure With Meat,' pausing his henchmen from destroying it because it's the only one he likes. Twenty years later, in The Dark Knight, the smeared and evolving makeup style used on Heath Ledger's interpretation of the Joker was directly inspired by Bacon's portraits, according to director Christopher Nolan.

  7. several circles has filled the void that was left by the art assignment, you make great videos, I watch them almost every day.

  8. The portrayal of the artist being as important and equal to the art itself is amazing as always. Thank you for these videos and I can't wait to see your take on Dürer sometime in the future🤞.

  9. Not personally a massive fan of Bacon's work, but I can see why a lot of people are as it's quite unique and emotive. The quote about paining self portraits due to having no one else left around him to paint, is nearly as sad as the fact his Dad sent him to Roaring 20s Berlin to try and "straighten him out" is hilarious!

  10. Congratulations – an excellent overview crammed full of references. Very well researched and presented – a tricky thing to undertake for a short intro. I thought that I'd not learn anything new but, to be fair, I did not know about the German Shepherd!

  11. That's so crazy, just watched 1985 documentary Brutality of Fact documentary on Francis Bacon. Thank you for doing this. Huge fan of your channel! 😺😻😸

  12. I’m so happy you covered him. I discovered him a couple years back and it changed my life. His paintings kind of showed me what art was capable of and inspired me to start doing it myself

  13. Hi guys, thanks for another great upload. Rachel, brilliant as ever. Pain in paint, angst in art, chaos in charcoal, emotions in emulsion and always with a side serving of war, persecution and repression. What art would we have today without it I wonder, plain pastoral pictures in pastels?! Lol, loved "London's demi monde" btw.

  14. These videos always pull me out of an art block absolutely adore bacons work and to revisit is just nostalgically refreshing. Should Talk abt Margaret keane next ❣️

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