Therapist Reviews Noom Mood | Is This App Safe?

Obvious and clear trigger arning for all things ED and dieting related for thine! Please protect yourselves and take care of your …


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  1. I'm very new to your channel, but i'm immediately loving you and your content & I happily subscribed….
    now… I'm worried about my asking this next question, bc I feel like I shouldn't venture into this area… however.. I am quite curious as to the "app-that-shall-not-be-named"… only bc I am a pretty big consumer of psycho-educational and self-improvement apps & if there is something out there that I should be cautious about, I'd like to take that into account… so if it's not a violation of your site to gently hint as to which app that is, I'd appreciate it.

  2. Thank you Mickey for being so transparent and honest in this video. I can strongly relate to your feelings, this app would upset me just as much for the same reasons. It's a horrible mindset they promote. What makes me even angrier is the fact that it's just another small part of the diet culture brainwashing we receive.
    I'm very sceptical about mental health apps since literally anyone can put one in the app store with no scientific background whatsoever. I'd love to hear how you'd rate some of them.
    I'm sorry this one was so retraumatazing, I hope you'll feel more in control of your mental health again soon.

  3. Appreciation comment for Mickey steeping out of traditional therapy practices to test out the app. I have no doubt that your experience will save others from being ambushed. 💖💖💖

  4. My first mental health experience was with a similar app the other day. I told them I was self harming and had suicidal ideations and they gave me some standard journaling prompts and an adderall prescription. It was very disheartening

  5. Huh. When my mom did noom ( the diet version) i remember specifically going through stuff that said Do not use this if you have an ED so I guess I'll give them that, but idk about noom mood, I think it's always shady when apps start getting into mental health. i maintain one should talk to a therapist first and foremost (if possible)

  6. Holy shit. My opinion of this app just plummeted. How has it not been taken off the app store? I'm sorry you went through this just for the sake of informing us. That's a heavy consequence for the sake of a video.

  7. I'm interested in your take because I find their ads to be really triggering at times. Thank you for sharing ❤

    Edit: holy shirtballs, I was really confused why I got Noom adsense ads when I hadn't looked up anything except ED recovery resources. I turned off my personalized ads just in case but they kept coming for a short period. I am livid about their targeted marketing. I am also livid that this app hurt you ):< they are absolute jerks. Again, thanks for sharing your story.

  8. Noom implying someone can get "less mentally ill" really gets my goat. I am mentally ill and went through a lot of therapy and that gave me a lot of skills and tools to better cope with my life and emotions.

    That doesn't make me any "less" anxious than I was before I had therapy. That will always be a fundamental building block of my mind I work around sometimes and work with sometimes but that is always there and will be until the day I die

  9. This feels not only designed to trigger and cause really bad relapses for people. But also one of the many avenues to steal our personal data but done under the guise of mental healthcare. Your openess and honest is immensely appreciated

  10. I'm glad I watched this. I've considered using Noom a couple of times. But I'm some with body dysmorphophobia, who sometimes thinks about doing things that would be considered disordered eating. I don't need anything tipping me over the edge.

  11. I was considering trying this since I have seen it being recommended everywhere but was wary as I have experiences with ED and I'm glad I didn't. I can't imagine it wouldn't have immediately sent me spiraling.

    Also, side note, your hair looks absolutely amazing. It fits you so well.

  12. I'm really excited to watch this because my parents both did this program, and while I was still at home the food in our house got so boring and unappealing 😅 They both sing its praises but I always felt like it wasn't healthy and the way my mom judged about my eating habits has been rough. Need some vindication and also a positive talk about food.

  13. I'm only 19 minutes in and I am so mad! How dare they do that. It's sad because I'm not surprised but Geez. I am so sorry that this was so traumatic for you. You doing this is appreciated so much and I know this will keep people from downloading this and getting into their own EDs (and ED adjacent) too. I agree you have to take responsibility for your own mental health but not everyone has that kind of control to not dive into logging and such. Fuck Noom.

  14. It makes me angry that an app that is advertised to help improve your mood, encourages you to go into a calorie deficit. Like ummm a calorie deficit is not gonna put me in a good mood. It's gonna make me angry and sad!!

  15. This is really dishonest on the app's part. I'm sorry you went through this.
    Like, maybe an ad was predictable, but setting a weight goal? Unpredictable, disgusting.

    Just… They're not helping, and they can't not know how unhelpful this is. It's clearly just to make money and unethical

  16. Honestly thank you, I was almost drawn into Noom and I wanted to believe but I just felt deep down it was a scam. But every once in a while their ads come up again and you wonder. No more

  17. Are you sure you were chatting with a real human as your coach? Or were you on a real phone line?

    A good Artificial Intelligence program could and would do exactly as you describe, just answering a question with another question and reflecting what you say.

  18. I appreciate how you were able to share your experience in a way that was respectful of yourself and your boundaries, and in a way that was helpful to your viewers. I wish you the very best in your recovery.

  19. I would love guidance on what to do for an ED without getting an ED therapist/specialist. I already have a therapist for my anxiety and depression but I need something for my food issues but I can’t afford another therapist.

  20. I never used noom, but the “system” I tailored to my needs as far as nutrition is concerned looks somewhat like that. I know calorie counting can be a major issue for many people depending on their history with food, which is why I stayed away from any kind of tracking for a very long time. My issue with food is that part of my autism brings be to ritualize my comfort foods and I am very capable of eating the same thing every day for weeks. Tracking my food forces me to snap out of that cycle and to actually eat a varied diet (even when it means arranging my daily meals to still make room for my comfort foods.) I guess what I’m trying to say is that different people have different needs and just because tracking food can be damaging to some it doesn’t mean it can’t be very helpful to others. Restrictive tendencies are widespread but not universal and there need to be options for people with other issues. For example, as helpful as intuitive eating can be for some people it could actually be incredibly harmful for me as it would mean eating the exact same pasta with tuna fish and tomato sauce twice a day for several weeks in a row and that is not a great idea 😅

  21. I got (yet again) an ad for Noom before your video started. That's almost comically insulting. This company is rapacious. Thank you for speaking up.

  22. Not sure if you're still reading these but in case you do: I think you are so strong to be so honest and vulnerable while you're still dealing with it live. I appreciate your channel so much and how real and raw you always are, whether it's a reality show review or actual therapy related things. I don't even know what exactly I wanted to say but I feel very strongly about showing my support for you because you deserve all of the good things in life. Also I loved when you said you'd need a cry and then come back to it because normalising feelings and showing them is so important. Thank you for doing what you do, if you need any time off please don't hesitate take it and know we'll be here when you get back

  23. I had to stop what I was doing and just absorb when you said they gave a goal weight without asking. In what world is that a good idea?? Without asking any relevant questions or even permission? That's insane

  24. You probably don't want recommendations but I think it may be fun to watch the Japanese version of Love is Blind.
    I feel that the cultural differences give it a completely different feel

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