The CP Podcast: Alien Baby Daddies & Fake Mermaids

What up! Did you know the Pentagon has to release information when people ask? Well, someone asked them about UFO’s, and …


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  1. To answer the breed question no. There’s no enough genetic variations in human beings to differentiate one as categorical different. Nearly all genetic variation in humans can be attributed to geographic location and adaptations necessary for that region. A person from Nigeria is more genetically similar to a person from France than they wound be say an Ethiopian. It sounds strange but look it up for a more in depth explanation.

  2. 41:40 this is my theory we always assume that we are the most intelligent species on earth but if an alien came here who’s to say what we assume is intelligence is that to them we destroy our own home and constantly bicker with each other they might see ants 🐜 as the perfect beings and communicate with those creatures and experiment on us because we are like the mice of earth lol

  3. I love this concept a lot as I’m also a fan of The Twilight Zone and mysteries of that sort. Can’t wait to see what else y’all got.

  4. Got dammit. Antebellum was terrible CP. I trusted u. Great concept, but terrible movie and terrible acting. It's like a weak ass get out.

  5. β€œWhat if the aliens are also fuckin the men?”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”New Fear Unlocked” lmaooooooooooooo

  6. πŸ’― The south is a DIFFERENT feel for Foundational black Americans.
    I just came from South Carolina and Maaaannnnn!!!! You can feel the intensity in the air. I went to 2 plantations when I was there and I could FEEL the Ancestors.
    On the flip side all the Caucasions were having the time of thier lives reliving THEIR history.
    It's just 2 different Americas brother. Its ALWAYS been 2 different Americas.
    Only Foundational Black Americans understand the deepness of what you said.✊🏿❀✊🏿

  7. What CP speaks about in the end is crazy accurate. Like how do they know what dinosaur skin looked like, dragon appearance, stuff like that when the max u have found is bones or nothing at all. They said aliens don’t exist forever, but have forever known what they look like. A lot of stuff is hidden from the public

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