"Understanding Wonderland" ft. Cathy O'Brien 4/21/22

This was one of the great ones! A brisk Thursday evening in April, and we get to speak with Cathy Obrien, MK-Ultra survivor, …


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  1. I'd like to suggest a classic noir that's often overlooked. Sorry, Wrong Number starring Barbara Stanwyck & Burt Lancaster. Side note- the jewelry she wears is real and her's

  2. I saw true news station with a man in front of Capitol and there was not any kind of evacuation. There was a normal vibe all around the place the entire day on into evening. Was a false flag. From the left of course.

  3. Cathy O’Brien is the OG. My redpill.

    So glad you got her on.
    I went to see her, Mark, and Roseanne speak in Toronto years ago.

    I wish she was able to delve more into current political issues and answer your questions more directly. But your questions were ACE!

    God bless you guys.

  4. Frank we don't get our internet and cell signals from satellites.. it's the cell towers and the emitters all around us which is why we wireless internet doesn't work good in forests. If we got our signal from space there would be no issue with it because satellites would have crazy wide emitting capabilities. You ever wonder why there's no receivers on cell towers??

  5. When you were talking about the sun I thought of the Simpson's episode where the world leaders and celebrities escape earth on a spaceship while a meteorite or something was going to destroy the earth and when they were flying along through space the ship captain presses a button and the space ship splits in 2 and all the idiotic celebrities who thought they were needed where sent on a trajectory into the sun.
    Choose you this day who you will serve.

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