Lewis Black's Rantcast #79 – 420

The rubber chicken is on leave after pumping out an extraordinary quantity of eggs for Easter. And like his coworker, Lewis is also …


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  1. Do you know where colored Easter eggs came from? It's a miracle from the time of the last supper. Jesus didn't trust humans to lead the Church and so he took a Rabbit and raised him up to be the founder of the church and he provided him with a miracle as a sign of legitimacy… and that miracle is the Easter Egg.

    Rabbits do not lay eggs except on Easter and then they are colored. If you go out in the woods hoping to shoot a bunny rabbit on Easter Sunday for rabbit stew, U R sure to find these remarkable eggs. U should remember it is miraculous as the first Pope of the church was Peter the Rabbit!

  2. I love you so much Lewis but I must say I'm discouraged to hear you say most people are In the middle. Most boomers are in the middle but the younger generations are more progressive . We are sick of the status quo. We want positive, inclusive change that moves us forward….we want progress to continue the evolution and success of our country.
    Just like humans who grow and evolve and learn and change as they age, our country needs to do the same. Too many people are terrified of change and it's holding us back big time. I
    was one of those people. Absolutely terrified of ANY change in my life or daily routine until it occurred to me I was better off because of it. Just throwing it out there.
    APRIL from Syracuse is AWSOME ❣️
    C 🤬T is my favorite word as well and it's problematic 😉

  3. Pity to see the propaganda has gotten the best ….
    Putin is as mad as the USA president, stop playing in the hands of those war loving perverts who profit from war. If u care for Ukrainian people you d push for peace, not for war .
    Stupidity is rampant..

  4. Honestly, I've never seen an audience member's criticism of a comic go well. What possessed Clifford that he thought Lewis cared about his critique of Lewis' audience rant 'bits?'

  5. As an almost 53 year old male that has not had anything but a finger stuck up his butt and is looking at rectal probes of this sort some time in the near future, thank you for that information Candice.

  6. Thank you Mr. Black for reminding me to call my psychiatrist. I should preface this by saying that my doctor looks remarkably similar in face and voice to you. He’s also well aware that he in fact does look like you and that at my first visit I was highly confused about why Lewis Black would use an alias to be a psychiatrist.
    I wish you two could meet. It would be like seeing one Starbucks across the street from a Starbucks.

  7. Lewis BLACK, you are a lucky man for knowing Matt Kleinschmit; by chance, is he from Woodbury, GA. If so, tell him Decatur misses his charm. It has been a hundred years, that is too long from hearing from a true friend.

  8. using the "peashooter" analogy LEWIS..um 21:34 ..the equivalent measure, to stop war , would be that the peashooter was for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. Had to! Don't lose your chops, bud

    because the analogy is the invaders VS invaded …. so what you're proposing is Zelensky=Hussain. Yeah. You're getting a little too loose with that one. See what i mean?

  9. So literally I got a pop up when I posted my comment that said my comment did not agree with community standards , and would I like to edit it before I posted?? What the actual fuck Lewis?? Are swear words now not allowed on YouTube?? How the hell are we supposed to rant without the word FUCK ???

  10. I used to think weed could bring us all together 420 the holiday for all .. but after 10 years in the cannabis industry .. I have found that to be completely untrue .. many who support cannabis do so not because they actually use or understand what cannabis can do for them or simply want access for a sick loved one .. or for greed .. and because they don’t use it .. they are fucktards .. greedy assholes that I would likely never see eye to eye with even if they did get high !! I mean I still think this world would be a better place if everyone would relax chill out and smoke a fat one , but honest the assholian state of this country today leaves me wondering if even weed can help , and you know I live in Humboldt where we have some of the best cannabis on earth .. and still I don’t have much hope of it helping ! Sigh .. happy 420 sir .. thank you for giving us all a platform to rant !

  11. Ushers were tipped at one point, particularly in Vegas. For either a fair or large sum, the good seats were up for grabs. Unfortunately the venues caught on and seating that used to be first come for a good seat are now assigned with raised prices bilking more money off the audience than any group of ushers. This does make the case for those in the service industry that should be paid a living wage rather than pawning the employers responsibility to customers.

  12. You are sounding a bit confused there, Lewis. Easter eggs are bunny eggs, NOT chicken eggs….everybody knows that. Get some rest, Lewis. Making us laugh is not worth causing yourself mental illness. Be well.

  13. Lewis, I’ll give you free golf lessons (former A3 professional). I teach simple and I know I can help. After that we’ll smoke some good weed and enjoy a BBQ here in Oregon. Cheers!

  14. I’d like you to comment on removing the mass mandate by unqualified Trump judge. One person is able to buy Fiat make a decision on the whole country and they’re not even elected

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