Is it wrong for Christians to engage Cannabis? || 4/20 conversation with Artist & Pastor Taelor Gray

Did God create cannabis? If so, how did we get to a place where majority of Christians demonize it? How did marijuana become …


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  1. As someone who put weed down and picked up prescribed pills. There needs to be a real conversation about what the dosage of this medicine really looks like. I don’t think it’s a good thing at all to be numbed by pills, or in particular, to need them to sleep. But at the same time, I’ve gone through seasons of life where I numbed myself with cannabis, and study’s do show that it does affect sleep, including REM sleep, which is literally sleep that heals our minds. So for myself, I don’t know how to walk back to a side I prefer, because I’m told by a doctor to take these pills every day. And I make a potentially foolish assumption that she knows what she’s talking about (even though you hear comments like “we’re not sure how it works”). But even at dispensaries, there’s no one any more knowledgeable to say, “you should eat an edible once a week”. Or something like that. So I appreciate you’re openness, but I personally am left wondering how often you partake in the medicine, or what works for you. But I realize that’s ultimately none of my business.

  2. The spirit of bondage Believers wear in the name of churchianity is why men are so afraid to conquer these topics. When you address this topic w/ a religious spirit youre already building on a bad foundation of sand vs solid rock which would be taking a more Kingdom minded approach.

    We live in a unique time where people think medicine is what "certified" men create in laboratories when approving drugs(even drugs that have worst potential risks than the symptoms of what its supposed to cure). We have lost the concepts the ancient world had & passed down having been taught it from God, angels(in the time of Noah), & Israel(a people of God given many insights preserved in their traditions). One such concept is how medicine since the beginning has been knowledge of plants & nutrients(even essential ones the body needs regularly to avoid major illness).

    I say all that to simply say its ok to boldly address this stuff as men who unlike women are called to have no head above us but God, yet too often we flirt w/ the fallen Lucifarian like systems of religion that always need a glorified man to sit as head hence those who hail the pope or worship their almighty pastor completely unaware that such unmerited granting of power & adoration is the very flaw of Lucifer that "got him got". Its not unlike a woman who will submit to dozens of cultural powers & authorities but somehow is pre-indoctrinated to resist authentic submission to her husband whom she hopes to mislead, Eve style, as she listens to demonic whispers from the world she has no issue submitting to.

    Literally this is what Jezebel & Ahab picture(what Adam & Eve got wrong), unlawfully bowing to someone unfit to sit above you(Ahab spirit) & unlawfully usurping power to rule over someone you are unfit to be above(Jezebel). Even submitted to Lucifer's lie over her God let alone her husband's authority then Adam allowed her to emasculate him in leading him to disobey God as well in direct conflict w/ what repeated having learned from God, his father. its a perversion of sacred triune order not unlike the flesh or the emotions seeking to lead the renewed mind. Its a home where the child calls the shots as the emasculated dad submits to the "wife".

    We as christians dont even seen fatherhood, sonship, & holy spirituality as godhood…we sooner imitate the ungodly fool down the street, famous people who rely on Ahab spirited fans to uplift them, or the man-made tv show embedded w/ demonic propaganda than see these 3 sacred mantles as ETERNAL elements of God. We havent even been sharp enough to conclude that the destiny of sons is to be raised by the father to become fathers let alone do we recognized that the reason we are fit to lead women is because men are called to directly submit to God(Jesus being God) w/ no middle man other than triune God & in so doing we learn the selectively submissive way of a wife as we are heads in the Bride of Christ aka the Church.

    We then can embrace things at a greater depth than the religious minded who needs pastor to save him in hard topics rather than having an effective way to hear from God personally such as dreams & visions which God promised us all in the last days. This seems off topic but it isnt…its a call to walk out the ministry Elijah in restoring fatherhood & sonship which are elements of the Eternal God w/o whom there is no blueprint for what these things are. A dog can be a male but even a dog w/ pups cant be a father…we rightly divide soul from spirit so why not divide fatherhood from a male organism procreating? They arent the same if you define it by God rather than by fallen creation.

    God isnt an allegoric father trying to fit in w/ us, we rather are made in His likeness & uniquely so that we should to mind any being blessed w/ the sacred likeness of the pinnacle of the godhead(Father)…something Kingdom minded eyes should see but religious minds are sure to overlook. So w/ this same Kingdom minded power of knowledge, it shouldnt be so odd to find oneself at odds w/ the MANY even in the church in this Jezebel spirited age where christian divorce rates are higher than non christian Japanese athiests.

    Religious culture will & has failed us & cant be substituted for our need to better understand the Kingdom that is already being lived out in Heaven like it will soon be on earth. Churchianity will cease when Jesus returns, but will cannabis? Even scripture speaks of the tree of life in that time bringing healing not in its fruit but in its leaves(though I know cannabis flower isnt the leaves but the bud). The point being healing & knowledge of nutrients & medicine seems to be something that will not cease just like seed, time, & harvest will not cease. One thing I can say for certain of cannabis is that it is a medicine & a very effective one that does great good to the body when not over used & thus abused.

    Sadly, we have let the stoners be the authorities on the topic just like the world is the authority on marriage & sex when these topics are better narrated by Kingdom minds. Most people still dont think cannabis can kill anyone because of the misinformation when for a fact people have died from over eating cannabis(via stroke)which isnt hard to do as the body can only take so much when consuming activated cannabis as a form of edible. So much can & should be said but sadly you wont hear it in the mainstream of either side of the aisle.

    I assure you this is an age where Jesus would get rebuked if He passed out wine during service…we literally have scripture showing us that after 1,000 years of paradise, Satan will mislead people to ride out against Jesus yet again after all we already put Him through & all He saved us from. In such a world where people think selfishness is love & mistake hate as love's opposite when truly its selfishness such as the ego that got Lucifer cast out of heaven, its normal to walk a path at odds w/ the crowd…such is like the Narrow Path that leads to Life.

    This is why Ive been openly on this tip for about 6 years now being saved for about 16 years. Im already rightly dividing to show myself approved in other topics, cannabis wasnt so hard to divide properly. It has its risks but so does aspirin & submitting to a corrupt medical narrative pushed by MDs too dull to admit the solar eclipse is proof intellectual design by a Creator & that the big bang theory is so unscientific it has no place in the world of science, let alone Darwin's racist theories of human evolution.

    The more we restore true fatherhood & sonship we will see more authenticity from men…no more stunting to try & look deep, no more fake christian voices, & no more emasculation to appease Jezebel & the beast she uses to keep us enslaved in her master/slave dynamic culture substituting itself for the father/son culture by which we have divide structure in husband/wife & parent/child dynamics. Like its written, we judge/discern all things but we ourselves are not judged/discerned by the world.

    Thats why rightly dividing shows you are approved…it shows you can see whats really going on & already heard from God or one of His knowledgeable sons who share His messages hence why we call the immortal sons of God of heaven, angels/messengers, & even angels who too confirm to the Eternal Blueprint in so imitating the Son of God who presented Himself first as the Angel of the Lord who spoke as though He were God, was addressed as God by the patriarchs, & showed His face under this reputation for many years w/o being cast down like Lucifer did we he felt like embracing his inner selfish desires so perverse that he put himself above God all the while rebelling against the very nature that God defines Himself by…TRUTH(not lies & fakery).

  3. This is such an important conversation to have and I’m so grateful that the two of you had it! I trust you both as men of God and this really opened my eyes to view Cannabis in a different way and encouraged me to do my own research and digging for myself

  4. This is a great, interesting, neccessary conversation.
    My greatest concern in all this, with any mind/mood altering substance is its abuse and misuse. It truly is a gateway drug. I've seen it over and over. The mention of oreos to pie: 😂😂. God help us… We all really need self-control and accountability that comes from human relationships and The Holy Spirit so that we can manage well that which has been provided for us to enjoy and be well.

    I'm godly proud of you two having the courage to have this conversation.

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