U.S. Products you WON'T find in MEXICO

There are many common products from the USA that are very difficult to find in Mexico. In this video I’m telling you about them.


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  1. Looks like Jordon has found a new business? You can offer bras and little secret nothings, too? I find you'll always find products people will love and need – so you have a leg up for the best business ideas. Used to be no pizza in these Latin countries, but today there's plenty – new markets if you get in on time.

  2. Dr.Pepper, Dr Pepper Cherry and Doctor Pepper cream soda, Mountain dew and root beer?? hard to find??? Any local store here in Monterrey you can find those!.. Original Fritos or velveeta cheese in HEB or Soriana. Unscented toilet paper? (Oxxo Or 7 eleven) Marinara in Soriana… Cool ranch Doritos in HEB (HEB Brand) Pues en que pueblucho vives amigo??

  3. Well then that’s a good business opportunity!!! Mexican will not past such opportunities that’s why you can find lots of Mexican products in the USA. Find out how you can open an American specialty store.

  4. I learned the hard way if you find something you like at Costco, buy it or buy multiples because you don’t know when or if it will return in the US.

  5. Hi Jordan, you can find Eureka lemons at Walmart. I think they are what you are looking for. They used to be more expensive than Mexican lemons, but now they are cheaper and imported.

  6. This show is so much better since you ditched that chick. Must have been like carrying a cinder block around everywhere. The flow is so much faster and to the point now.

  7. If ur stuck at home for now, cant travel w/ur pup recovering.. speaking of lots of those products.. maybe theres some cooking dishes/meals you like to make in mexico ? 🤷🏼‍♂️

  8. Brother. I’ve been watching your videos here and there over the last few months. I will finally subscribe to your channel because you fired your girlfriend. I’m sorry, I don’t want to bring up any old feelings but I couldn’t stand your ex. I often wondered to myself why you were with her. Your a well spoken, good looking dude. I didn’t understand what you saw in that girl. Anyway, I look forward to all your videos. Greetings from Los Angeles.

  9. Great content Jordan. Loved the can't find in Mexico items but there are tons of substitutes for a lot of the stuff mentioned. I'd be lost without pickles!!! My favorite part of this video was seeing and hearing your baby is doing better. So wonderful to see her moving around again. You're a good papa to your girl. 🐕🐶🐈💝

  10. What part of Minnesota did you grow up in? Lifelong Minnesotan here (50+ years) and I have NEVER heard of anybody ordering a beer with pickle juice. 🍺 🥒 And totally agree about unscented laundry detergent. The scent of most Mexican detergent is sooooo overpowering. At least there's rarely any clothes dryers and line-drying laundry does tend to get some of the scent out. BTW like the new direction of the channel, keep up the good work!

  11. Don't know where you live or where you looked up for the products but Mexico has this marvelous almost mystical place called WALMART… your ignorance affects the view of the country for other people that visit it. You might as well try to broaden your search area (try something else than COSTCO maybe?) just saying…. You seem a bit sensitive, perhaps the lack of vitamins is affecting you dude..

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