The Top 13 Causes of Inflammation: And How to Treat it Naturally

Chronic inflammation can lead to all kinds of health issues. Find out the top causes of inflammation and learn how to get rid of …


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  1. A friend told me that her doctor had prescribed a high calcium dosage for her, but sometime later tests showed the excess calcium was not going to her bones. It was collecting in her arteries. She said that her doctor was confused by this result. Apparently, her doctor didn’t know to prescribe Vitamin K2 to be taken with the calcium. My doctor recently prescribed a 50k IU Vitamin D. He did not advise that I take it with 500mg K2. Thank you, Dr. Berg, for the advice to take 100mg per 10k IU Vitamin D.

  2. Thank you Dr. Berg for sharing such usefel information. I wish I had learned all of this early in my life so I could live a much heathier life style.

  3. I've read that the beat way to take tumeric for the benefits of it is by taking it in capsules so it can survive most of the stomach acids..

  4. The sharp pain I usually felt inside my ear was unbearable for me that I had to use herbal supplements from Dr Madida on YouTube for treating my Tinnitus and tuberculosis condition and after using the supplements for several weeks the pain stops completely and I have being examining myself for months now without the pain coming back.

  5. I believe the best anti inflammatory is flax seed 3 times aday ,the best natural source of vitamin d is grass fed butter Redmond real salt is a must for anti inflammatory

  6. Dr Berg is a national treasure. 🙏 thank you for the health awareness and information. It is keeping the world healthy much better than our medical practitioners.

  7. Hi Dr Berg, I hope you see this and can provide an answer for me. I’m wondering what you think about the bile sludge/bile salts and the absence of a gallbladder. Thank you in advance.

  8. Thanks again doc! Really appreciate your elucidation of these topics. My thinking on health and diet has totally changed since I started watching you and others!!

  9. Thanks loads for these well researched health lectures. They are soo detailed and extremely helpful. I am grateful to always watch your videos. Please, are Salmon head, eyes,bones,liver,good sources of Omega oils? Essentiay I consume the entire Salmon fish carcass apart from the scales and fins. Please are they okay or not. I would greatly appreciate your opinion on this one. The

  10. Im an avid followER DOC and Iearned a lot from your informative videos thankyu sooo much🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤❤🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺

  11. Hi doctor I have various auto immune conditions, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, hasimotos and diabetes, listening to your videos has really helped me . Thanks 😊

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