Marijuana legalization bill expected to pass the House, face roadblocks in the Senate

cannabis #marijuana Yahoo Finance’s Dani Romero joins Brian Cheung to discuss the debate to legalize cannabis as the …


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  1. screw the law been growin 15 years!!! everyone should just grow their own!! now days you can buy autoflowering seeds that are guaranteed female and only require 7-9 weeks start to finish!

  2. Interesting they say they need more background research on marijuana! Complete bullshit! Here’s your research zero deaths! Meanwhile big farma gets dangerous drugs threw in 3 months and it has a list of dangers and many deaths! Percocet!

  3. Marijuana/Marijuano is not even a plant. Marijuana is a spanish word meaning pothead, someone who is high. Molta is spanish for cannabis. All US marijuana laws are automatically Nule and Void for not defining the plant in english. English common law requires all US laws written in the english language. Marijuana, and cannabis are not english words. So their laws are VOID. Everything they're saying is bullshit.

  4. There is only three people in recorded world history to be run over by a tank by its own heinous totalitarian gov't and PA has made the list: China: Tiananmen square 1989, Isreal: Rachel Corrie 2003 and Pennsylvania: Greg Longenecker 2018. They're so proud of this and their medical marijuana stores.

  5. The taxes they put on legal pot is INSANE!!! When I went to Cali I spent almost just as much as I was taxed, it was crazy crazy high! Tax it but make it affordable so the black market isn’t thriving like it is now.

  6. It’s these tobacco and pharmaceutical companies that are slipping these crooked politicians money to not pass these bills. Ridiculous that we can’t get the help that is needed without breaking the law.

  7. So if I were to be on probation and the bill does pass through the Senate and Biden, thus eliminating any criminal convictions, would I be immediately exonerated of my term on probation?

  8. The governor here kills 3,500 people in nursing homes during the pandemic, no arrest is made yet. Two months ago a 51 year old man gets sentenced to five years in prison for growing 100 pot plants. The local media covers this up. In 2018 they killed a man with a bulldozer over 10 plants. The state loves to abuse and oppress the poor while awarding the rich for the same thing.

  9. Thirteen men died after going to the Allegheny County Jail. Here are their stories
    The state tried to do the same to me over petty marijuana charges where nobody could hear me scream in their prison but they failed. The state covers this up while pushing mmj cards.

  10. All right!! I guess POT growers haven't ever heard of prohabition! Nah! Probably too high. TOO bad for them. Maybe, they should have grown food inside. But, I'm not go into the prohabition law's for any one who's wasted their talent to get high! Let them learn the high way. Can't be protected once that law passes. So, pot growers if you ain't too high.look it up!

  11. if pharmaceutical companies keep it illegal for profit again this time I'm never taking another pharmaceutical again after may 1st, feels like the only thing i can do at this point

  12. Stop the insanity. The drug war has criminalized our citizens and police. Legalization of cannabis would help stop the bleeding within our criminal justice and policing.

  13. Pharma lobbys will do everything they can to fight this . Pretty sure some senators will get a few millions transfered to there cayman island offshore accounts . Alcohol kills 3 million people a year in one way or another . Keeping weed illegal puts people in prison and excludes many decent people from working at jobs .

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