How to Fix Cannabis Plant Problems, @High on Home Grown #86

In this episode we talk about how to fix cannabis plant problems. This can range from nutrient deficiency on cannabis plants, …


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  1. Finally caught up to your latest episode. Love everything you talk about on the show. Regular Spotify listener! I get All my information from HOHG and growcast. Best podcasts out there! Would love to have the opportunity to score some seeds from you guys and some sick merch.
    Organic soil, outdoor grower from Aus! Bring on some Aussie speakers 📣. Would love to hear about the cultivation practices in Australia based on the climate and constant high humidity.
    Love your work!

  2. I definitely believe that Police and any government agency or any job for that matter, should be able to consume whatever they want to when off duty/the clock. If they can perform their duties safely while on that is what matters.

  3. My comment about Cops consuming cannabis— medically, cannabis should be treated the same as any other prescribed medication in regard to being able to do the task at hand. As far as cops with firearms, whenever I’ve consumed in the company of firearms, my judgement and accuracy is not flawed, but my reaction times are. I’ve shot competitively in my younger day, I had no trouble hitting, I just never got off as many shots! So I’d say a stoned cop is more of a danger to him/hers self and teammate! Recreationally, same rules should apply to everyone, no double standards. If you part-take after work, you know you are not intoxicated the next day, but traces of various compounds remain detectable for up to 3-4 weeks. There needs to be a test that test for levels of intoxication, not judge on tests that proved you’ve consumed. Until then, you cant prove it !

  4. I managed to pass out and miss the end again, and I was smoking sativa. I'll try smoking twice as much next weekend and see if that works. Good show lads🥸

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