He Thought He Was Getting a Free Computer

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  1. As a Father of a son with Autism and suffering a seizure disorder,…. your video today Really touched me…
    just really Ironic how things work out sometimes
    I hope you and that other fella, and family , keep in touch,,, it's the community you build, that helps you get through things, and remain strong for your kids
    Take care Bret 🙂

  2. I'm so glad that this PC went to this young boy. He isn't able to participate in sports but is now able to join a community of gamers and with that, make new friends and build up great memories. I'm so happy for him. So glad you sat on this PC for so long and gave it away at the right time.

  3. Wow, watching this got me a bit emotional. It really could not be a better match for someone who needs a setup than this 8 year old kid. Awesome video and i hope that both yours and his son will stay as healthy as they can.

  4. Man I thought at first the PC would just go to some random person who'd probably scalp it or something. I feel so good for that kid. You didn't make his and his dad's day you made their year. Honestly those types of interactions don't happen all the time. Good job man.

  5. We're gonna do the worst listing ever.
    Found a familiar who could really use this for thier kid.
    And finds someone to relate to and possibly new friends for a long time
    It's amazing and I'm happy you could help these people out.

  6. THIS was the MOST AMAZING video I think I have ever seen… I can't even type this out because the tears of joy and love are making it so hard to see.
    This was God speaking to ALL OF US! Not just to Brett, or his family, or UFD Tech, or to that guy and his family… this was PURE AND SIMPLE God showing us that the MOST AMAZING THINGS CAN AND WILL HAPPEN when you LEAST EXPECT IT and no matter WHAT your beliefs are, the Lord is always with you, doing what he can to get your attention to tell you that you are Loved, you are NOT Alone, and that you also show, spread, and share this same Love with everyone you see, every day. <3

    Brett, THANK YOU! You have to be the one of the GREATEST humans I have ever had the pleasure of 'getting to know" (even though it's one way and through a computer, I still feel like I kinda know who you are deep down in side and you and a beautiful person) And I want to say thank you for being an inspiration for me… you HONESTLY make me want to just be a better person, every day. God is shining his light on you and your family, and I am so happy to have experienced the universe lining up like it did in this video. You couldn't write this into a movie.; Thank You Lord for making this happen.
    And now I'm going to think about what it means to celebrate this Easter Sunday, the holiday that I have taken fore granted the most.
    Love ya guys. Happy Easter! <3 💗💗❤❤💗💗<3

  7. it's awesome that you can make someone's life a bit better just by caring,listening and helping and in the meanwhile you wil feel better too just by doing it 👍 compassion is all we need in life and understanding each other. have a nice life everyone ✌️

  8. This was an amazing experience this is my son and husband when we pulled up to meet we had no clue what was going to happen to find out about having the same type of lives with our children and having to go through life just making sure your child is as safe and trying to keep them as healthy as possible is a struggle and a worry daily we are extremely grateful for this and shocked it was amazing to meet you thank you so much!

  9. I'm agnostic AF, but I do believe that sometimes people attract to each other in some way. This is definitely one of those cases.
    Brett, you're good people, you make a difference.
    I wish you, your family and all those who cross into your path, the best.

  10. I love these give away videos. I'm crying so many happy tears. Videos like this are what make your channel the absolute best tech channel out there! I mean, your excellent tech skills help too, but the way you connect with others through your work is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing this.

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