Why Does Your ADHD Make Things So Hard?

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  1. 43M Diagnosed ADHD
    For me, individual hyperfocus is absolutely not a benefit of ADHD. The net effect of 30+ years of hyperfocus is though. I have learned many different topics, almost mastered many hobbies, and had so many varied jobs that today I am able to draw on an experience set that is far greater than my colleagues. I speak to people who have only ever worked for one organisation for 20+ years, they have only had one or two main hobbies. As Dr K spoke about in another video, water minds, people who have that amazing ability to stay on track, flow through everything. Put a dam in front of them and the stop! Wind minds, whilst seemingly random, gusting, strong, weak, left, right who knows! They find a way around the dam, sometimes the water minds can follow, sometimes they can't.
    Anyway, hyperfocus in itself, not a benefit. Sum total, maybe its a benefit, probably…

  2. Hyperfocus kinda feels like the opposite 9f executive disfunction. It's the lack of balance that is the problem.
    Like, it's great that I'm able to hyperfocus and study intently for days before an exam, because I need to make up for all the times I couldnt make myself study, but ideally that wouldn't even have been an issue and there would be more balance so that I wouldn't 'need' to work myself into exhaustion.

  3. I think sun hyper focus is bad implies that you can’t hyper focus on “good” things. I’ve hyper focused on school projects, it’s almost the only way I even get them done.

  4. few studies recruited women to study ADHD and thats why it is heavily under-diagnosed in us. Most people couldn't "believe" i have it until i found a great doctor who correctly diagnosed me

  5. Your friend was really good at multitasking with ADHD.

    I am pretty sure that is not true.

    Also a bit disappointed you didn't go i to the comorbidity rate of ADHD. It's very common that ADHD is diagnosed along with ASD, Anxiety, Depression or OCD.

    Which means that having ADHD can be a lot more difficult when it's paired with another diagnosis. Oppositely it can also balance some of the deficits of ADHD symptoms making it hard to meet requirements in some of the symptoms.

  6. I'm so used to being brushed off about my daily struggles with ADHD that I have a hard time reminding myself that this is a very real and serious disorder that some doctors research and take seriously.

  7. My ADHD has only helped me where I have enjoyed a game and got super into it, where my real life ceases to exist. And organizing things for hours. Aside from that, it's shit.

  8. Also, I am pretty sure my wife is touching the ADHD spectrum but she refuses to believe she has a problem. I know I have always had ADHD my whole life but didn't ACTUALLY know what it was till I was 48 when I got diagnosed and medicated. The medication only worked from a certain manufacture and now the pharmacy can't get it from them and the new supplier I feel is selling me sugar pills because it just isn't working as well anymore. I hate myself, I hate how I cant just "be normal" how I am always angry, I am always being accused of "stealing the conversation" when i am just sharing a related experience to show I know what they are talking about, I hate how I am always accused of being lazy, not listening, not paying attention, how can I focus on gaming for 5 hours but I cant spend more than 4 minutes doing my taxes before I reach burnout. I cannot explain to them that it is causing my actual pain to do things I am not interested in so I just say its giving me a headache. NOW I am getting yelled at for always getting headaches and should seek medical attention… why is IT ALWAYS MY FUCKING FAULT! i hate being like this I hate myself so much yet no one cares, not my family, not my wife, not even my dog gives a shit. so I write this comment as a form of shouting into the void where no one will care here as well.

  9. I really wonder if I have ADHD. My mind always drifts when people are talking to me and brain does not process what they are saying because it thinks of something else, but overall I get super hyper focused that I have a really hard time stopping. If I’m working on something creative or I enjoy I will be at it for 8+ hours without eating or taking a break because I don’t want to get up. I just keep going. I keep telling myself I need to do something else but I’ll be up all night still. It’s always “one more thing” next thing you know 3 or 4 hours have passed.
    All this leads to guilt, feeling of what am I doing with my life, and depression.
    Never been to a therapist or psychologist, but i wondering if maybe I should checked for this.

  10. My only issue with ADHD medication is whenever I took it, it seemed like I was zombiefied. I want treatment but when treatment makes things seem worse it makes it hard to believe it's worth it.

  11. 11:01 the key here being the "getting control" aspect. AHDH can definitely have benefits of you are aware of the condition, as well as being sufficiently emotionally intelligent and educated in such a way that you can work with it. However if you're undiagnosed or don't know how the ADHD affects you, it's most likely only going to bring negatives. It is definitely a disorder, but in the right light and given the right tools and accommodations, it can be beneficial

  12. I don't know if he still believes this but 5 years ago Russ Barkely believed that ADHD might be an evolutionary advantage on the grounds that ADHD brains tend to age more slowly and rarely get alzheimers. So while he may not believe adhd hyperfocus isn't an advantage, he does suspect that adhd may be an advantage

  13. If we can harness the power of hyper-focus and apply it as often as we like we'd be unstoppable, i believe its entirely possible for each and everyone of us, chris bailey talked about this idea in his book "Hyperfocus" you can watch his Ted talk to began with some of the ideas he shared.

  14. Points for character creation happen at the population level. When jam a bunch of points into early brain growth you get really smart kids but also sometimes get childhood brain cancer.

    No balance for the individual but the population comes out a head.

  15. Does anyone else feel physical pain when you're forced to do something you have zero interest in, on top of getting distracted every five seconds even when you try your hardest to focus, because you know you have to get this horrible thing done or you'll be stuck there forever until "your plate is clean?"

    Being misunderstood, having assumptions made about me, told I'm just a daydreamer, forgetful, lazy, 'just focus. how hard is that?' too talkative, and that I'm faking everything DESPITE trying my absolute hardest not to be all of these things for my entire life, and having the strain and hardship and energy it took trying be instantly invalidated makes me rage-punch angry.

  16. no matter in how many ways adhd or autism can improve certain aspects of life. it doesnt change how the world is built around neurotypical people. so functioning as expected by others will always be harder for the neurodiverse

  17. so wait, can I get some clarification about what the older guy they played at around @5:30 in the video? where he said ADHD hyperfocus is a "clear sign of a frontal lobe injury" please? Because I had a very nasty accident when I was a kid that involved an injury to the front of my brain box, and this got me wondering if that could have caused enough damage. Coupled with my family genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression

  18. I know this would be helpful for me to watch but I just cannot get through it right now. :[ Thank you for helping the community though <3

  19. Dr. Burkleyy? can say what he whats. after watching your videos on ADHD, i started to understand my brain better and yes, there is a phase or a state of mind where i can focus so strong, i can outperform everyone around me in that time. i think you are right, we can hyperfocus. and yes, it is a disorder, i get frustrated faster, can daze away, am unmotivated (and nonproductive)…all in phases

  20. I’m stuck in a horribly depressed state at times and it really just makes me not want to live, video games give me happiness, friends and some family. If I like the game I can play it for a literal 24 hours and end up getting mad at how often I have to pee and poo💀I realize my mind is in this weird funk all the time but I kinda know who I am at the core which keeps me sane but just living in general SUCKS

  21. My ADHD isn't as bad as a lot of people, but it's effects definitely are felt. The hyper focus can be a great help, but it's not something I can just switch on and often it'll finish and leave me in the lurch. For example, I greatly enjoy writing, but sticking to a project is next to impossible. The idea and the passion will allow me to slam out several thousand words in a few hours, but after that the flow is gone and I start getting competing ideas with just as much passion behind them. It's maddening.
    Other times it's incredibly helpful, like if I need to write something short and specific, I can do that in a sitting. Other times if I need to do something easy but repetitive I can zone out and just work for hours, that can be amazingly useful. It varies, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes it's not noticeable at all.

  22. My experience has really been the duality of perseverance/hyperfocus. It's been crucial in last minute, tune out the world and short term memorize for a quiz. But also, there are those times I fall into a hole reading a book for 12 hours and all my responsibilities are burning to the ground around me.

  23. Dr. Barkley's statement rings so well. Whenever there's something I need to do like go to work, meet with someone, etc. I need to make sure I have about 2 hours beforehand to stop whatever I'm doing. It isn't going to take me that long to get ready or anything but there's a chance I'll get drawn into random research, gaming, youtube etc. which then makes my perception of time broken. For the 2 hours I'm constantly looking at a clock to ground myself to make sure I don't get lost in something even though I'm making myself bored and making the time feel slower. Other times I will sleep all the way up to when I have to leave even if it's a 3pm appointment since there's no chance for me to get distracted when I give myself no time to. I absolutely need to be somewhere else but my perception of it changes when I'm drawn into something from somewhere I need to somewhere I can avoid, ignore, or forget.

  24. I have both bipolar type 2 and adult ADHD. While my hypomanic episodes are very distressing as they present as full panick attacks, I'm so hyperfocused during them that in the moment, I don't want to stop the anxiety because I'm getting everything done so quickly and efficiently. But the depressive crash afterwards with the executive dysfunction that comes with ADHD combined with it makes it hard to take care of myself when I'm not manic.

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