ELON MUSK: "Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it"

Description “Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it”. The richest man in the world has now forced the entire Twitter …


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  1. Dirty Hands. Once upon a time an independent contractor did some work for my company and there wound up being a problem with the work and the general manager didn't pay him. I ask her aren't you conserned with him calling the athorities. She said No, he has Dirty Hands. That is when I became Aware of people with Dirty Hands. People with Dirty Hands will not bring attention to anything which may bring attention to them selves. Explains Why no one from the republican party has filed charges against Joe Biden for impeachment for the massive incompetence and soldiers he killed in the rithdrawel from Afghanistan. All the Republican senators and congressmen has dirt on their hands. Payments to their bank accounts by the CCP for starts. Explains why they sit there quit like mice. They have placed the safety of their flesh above the safety of their Souls. But there is still a short time left. Perhaps we will see some Senitors and Congress people come forward and confess their transgressions. God is Always ready to except us. Amen.

  2. The democrats already stole the 2020 election. So what makes you think that they're not gonna do it again this year??? Stop dreaming people, wake up, these bastards are freaking destroying your beautiful country!!! (From Canada)

  3. The "Fight for Free Speech" is basically about free speech on the internet, ie, the video I am now staring at on my phone. Free Speech is Alive and Well everywhere else right now. Even in the Chinese prison camps, when the guards are not around, the Christian inmates discuss how they will eventually be killed and their organs harvested for sale on the black market. I always Speak the Truth to my friends and neighbors without fear of repercussions. If God has something he wants me to do next week I trust he won't let the free speech gestapo take me away. Every day has become a simple exercise in trusting God. Just for today, I will Trust God. Amen.

  4. Funny how all these youngin fighting for communism in the United States and now they are upset because they don't have free speech. …L..O..L. you kiddos ain't seen nothing yet, wait until you don't have the reserv currency. Then you will see why the working class have been pissed off for the last 50 years… goodluck guys you are going to need it. ✌

  5. Michael, you're back!
    We've continued giving and knew you'd put it to good use. (I hope contributions are making it to you, Michael. Youmaker Corp, right??? Is that your outfit?)

  6. Remember, the WHO has been given NO power by God but rather is an organization formed by human animals. They have No Power to inject Gods children with experimental drugs without their Permission.

  7. I will comment by piece on this video because each piece has its place in time. The fact that 38% of Americans approve of Bidens residentsy shows that a small percentage are still Asleep. This definitely gives me Hope. The New World Order's. Administration is definitely Failing at it's mission of world domination. Humans plan and God Laughs.😀😀

  8. WHO is a wimp organization. It is not a real health campus. It is a political one. It wants that kind of power to pretend to be in power. Because it doesn't have real medical personnel in it.

  9. I don’t believe in WHO, WEC (private), The UN, The World Bank, or any other ruling body that’s not of this Country. These organizations are corrupt, envious, and very few member states truly believe in Democracy. I’d like to see us withdrawal from all of them, our association with them has benefited us in anyway.

  10. I don’t believe any poll after the last couple of Elections. I don’t think anyone believes the Brandon is competent, including Brandon himself. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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