Best Ways To Lower Your High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, needs to be controlled. The surgeons discuss this issue with Dr. Heffernan, the …


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  1. Thank you for information, what happen when you have atrial Fibrillation, how many blood pressure medication you need? Is this AFib. makes more difficult to control high blood pressure? Iโ€™m taking 2 blood pressure medication, Losartan,, metoprolol ssuccinate, both 100 mg. ?

  2. It's frustrating being an active person with a much healthier than average diet and no family history of high BP… I wound up in the ER with heart attack symptoms ( left side chest/ shoulder/arm pain and numbness, nausea, lightheaded, sob) at 43 years old. I'm now on 2 BP meds and a cholesterol med, though they don't believe it's diet related. I've undergone lots of testing, and the only thing we can come up with as a cause is my horrible chronic insomnia. I thought I was too young for this, and too healthy. I was also afraid the meds would negatively impact my running. They don't. If you're honestly doing everything you can to live a healthy life and still have high BP, do yourself and your loved ones a favor and go on the meds.

  3. Dry fasting and water fasting boosts metabolism and clean the veins. No worries of getting older ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜Š Some Russian doctors are very skillful using fasting with their patients.

  4. I think itโ€™s nicotine that has the effect not the smoking. So vaping and smokeless tobacco have an adverse effect on BP. Why do I say this? Because I wasnโ€™t ever a smoker but I enjoyed nicotine pouches and chewing tobacco, I took my BP one day 136/86 I quit nicotine for 3 months dropped down to 126/76. I then relapsed with a vape for just a single week and was back to 134/80. I think itโ€™s the nicotine not the tobacco

  5. I would appreciate it if Doctors would give information on side effects of Drugs such as Losartan Potassium when they prescribe them. Problem is that a patient starts looking for info on side effects after they have appeared for a while. I gained 12 lbs over 2 years and VERY dehydrated skin w Losartan. When I looked up a lot of patients had the same problems. One person had gained 120lbs.



  8. I named my dog "five miles"….that way I can tell my doctor that I walk 5 miles every day. I never feel stressed while fishing for sharks from my dingy cause I always smoke my Cuban cigar first and look forward to my hard liquor after. With the hats on I can't tell who's Larry, Moe and Curly Joe.

  9. You can absolutely regulate your blood pressure level with the best naturopathic remedy recommended both for severe hypertension and hypotension cases.

    My high blood pressure diagnosis came at a time in my life when I was very stressed. My husband's company had closed a few months earlier and he lost his job. We decided to locate to San Diego with our three children. My husband moved to California a year before we did, so I was juggling work as a nurse, caring for my son and two daughters, and taking care of responsibilities around the house, like cooking, cleaning or shuttling the kids to school and extracurricular activities .

    Following my birthday event in February, I was taking my daughter to ice skating practice when I started seeing kaleidoscope-like stars in my vision. My blood pressure at the doctor that day was 210/120, compared to a healthy blood pressure of 120/80. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and worked with my provider to make healthy lifestyle changes and take medications as prescribed.

    About 6 months after my kids and I moved to California to join my husband, I was walking our dog when I felt an unbearable pain between my shoulder blades. An appointment with my primary care provider resulted in a normal EKG and referral to a cardiologist. There, I took a stress test that only lasted for three minutes of walking on the treadmillโ€”I needed nitro and oxygen to recover. Three days later, I went to the hospital to have a coronary angiogram to have a stent put in my heart artery to restore blood flow through my narrow or blocked arteries. My hypertension was my only risk factor for my heart disease at the time.

    Since the high blood pressure diagnosis and my coronary artery stent, I've gotten in much better control of my health – all thanks to Dr. Harry Obiego: the African herbal practitioner of whose purely refined botanical tinctures had permanently normalized my blood pressure level to a normality of 117/77.

    Prior to my permanent blood pressure normalization and my encounter with this African herbal practitioner – I had also suffered from weakened and narrow blood cells vessels, of which had resulted to an acute kidney disease which had altered several advantages of good living. I would have completely lost hope for an improvement in my health condition, had it not been for the intervention of this doctor, of whom had been referred to me by certain patients' testimonials which I had read on an online forum. There had been a positive attribution to his professional background and his expertise in the regulation of severe cases of hypertension and hypotension. I had been struck by these testimonials and through that slim opportunity, I had been very much willing to try his herbal recommendations and dietary observations to good result. Shortly after the consultation with this herbal practitioner, there were positive changes which were experienced in the sudden normalization of my blood pressure thus, putting an end to other health complications which had occurred as a result of hypertension.

    In brief, I had decided to go for a blood pressure test in a few weeks after the completion of the herbal treatment, in which my pharmacist's sphygmomanometer had certified my blood pressure to be 120.5. At the discovery of this information, I had been filled with so much joy and it was indescribable. From there onwards, I have always had the surge to share my ordeal with hypertension and what it feels like to be freed from all the dangers that were effectuated by this condition. I wish to use this medium to reach across anyone suffering from the ordeal of hypertension or hypotension in order to ensure them of the every possibility of overcoming this situation for positively and naturally.

    For more information regarding this naturopathic remedy for the proper regulation of the blood pressure, you can contact this herbal practitioner directly via email:ย

    Whatsapp: +234901 616 1406……

  10. One thing that I've discovered that is not commonly known among lay people.You can have a pulse of 40 and still have a ridiculously high b.p.And I don't mean due to C.H.F. I am talking about a pulse that low due to extensive endurance training of some kind.

  11. I am absolutely convinced that it's our way of life.And our diet.There is no way around it.You can run 10 milers for years on end .It won't matter.Been there done it.You can help by greatly reducing alcohol and caffeine but it still won't arrive at anything near 120/80.I just run to run.I half done it so many decades that it's like losing a left foot if not continued.But I have no allusions that it can help an americans b.p.Almost ALL of us have high b.p.And I don't mean by a little.Its the rare genetic total freak who doesn't. And the guy whose diet consists of fasting and eating dirt.I have excepted it as part of life.You can avoid the flu.You can't avoid high b.p.
    It's delusion.

  12. Can you teach on not just high blood pressure but what if someone has high blood pressure with diabetes and kidney disease and is on nitro and ozepike which hubby has all 3. Also had a triple by pass 4 yes ago

  13. I have a problem with โ€œtaking blood pressureโ€, both myself and Docs/nurses. If we do it 5 times, we get 5 completely different results. Part is definitely the white coat stuff, that I know. But, the results are ALWAYS all over the map: 150/95, then 128/89, then 120/80, then 145/89,โ€ฆ.all in a 10 minute period. Iโ€™m a healthy older adult, very active, but with a bit of a โ€œbeer bellyโ€ (could stand to loose about 20lbs). But, I find measuring my blood pressure basically random non-sense. And what really bothers me is, at the docs office for whatever (which is rare), they take it once in about 5 seconds and write it down, done. If I ask, they will say looks a bit high, then the next time they say, it was perfect, then next it was slightly high, then โ€œit was lowโ€. So it just seems random and useless to me. I think we need a MUCH BETTER WAY TO MEASURE BLOOD PRESSURE that the ridiculous thing wrapped around your arm blowing up. There must be a better more accurate way???

  14. I am 72, 5โ€™ 2โ€, and eight months ago weighed 170 lbs., I had high blood pressure 189/125 or thereabouts. I was on a diuretic and atenolol for the blood pressure. And some other meds for other health issues. My doc wanted to add more meds. I said no. Iโ€™ll take care of this. She made a deal with me: if I couldnโ€™t get it below 140/90 in three months I was to return for the prescriptions for the new meds. I agreed. I started researching lifestyle changes. Within 2 weeks I was walking, fasting and had given up all grains, all sugars and all high carb fruits and veggies. My blood pressure started coming down. After 8 months of this new lifestyle, I have lost 50 lbs. (now 120 lbs.), my blood pressure now is always below 120/80, it usually averages about 110/65. And in addition, it turns out my old lifestyle was contributing to a long list of health problems. Now, my fasting blood sugar averages about 85 and my last A1C was 4.9. My allergies all cleared up. I have no more digestive problems, my electrolytes are now well balanced, I had to get new glasses because my eyesight has improved so much, and my strength and balance are awesome. My doc checked me again a couple of months ago and instructed me to keep doing what Iโ€™m doing as she is both amazed and thrilled with my new found health. Geeze, when your doc tells you that! Oh, and I am off ALL medications.

  15. I drink between 3 to 6 cups of coffee each day …. and I have very low blood pressure – about 100/65 before treatment. It doesn't seem like coffee increases my blood pressure at all.

    Now I take magnesium tablets and fish oil to increase my blood pressure a bit, so its about 110/70 now. Pretty normal, but still a bit on the low side.

  16. I exercise plenty. My issue is diet. Lean meat and veggies are no problem. But what to do about the starches? White bread, potatoes, white rice, pasta, etc. all breakdown into sugar. So what to eat? Sweet potatoes, brown rice, and whole grain breads. Any other suggestions? Also, I think it is excellent that you removed a patient's BP meds when you could.

  17. Thanks to Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my high blood pressure with his natural herbs medication which I used and my high blood pressure came back to normal after using his natural herbs medication.

  18. Mine goes too high sometimes so my new dr.pit me on a low dose but it made it go tOO low when it is normal. I am going to.just take a high dose when it os dangerously high again.

  19. I was diagnosed with hypertension about 5 years ago because of my bad lifestyle & i was so worried of using allopathic treatment & looking for some alternative treatment & i watch your video and follow these natural tips along with hypertension care pack of planet ayurveda that am using for last 6 months and now my bp is under control

  20. You can absolutely regulate your blood pressure level with the best naturopathic remedy recommended both for severe hypertension and hypotension cases.

    My high blood pressure diagnosis came at a time in my life when I was very stressed. My husband's company had closed a few months earlier and he lost his job. We decided to locate to San Diego with our three children. My husband moved to California a year before we did, so I was juggling work as a nurse, caring for my son and two daughters, and taking care of responsibilities around the house, like cooking, cleaning or shuttling the kids to school and extracurricular activities .

    Following my birthday event in February, I was taking my daughter to ice skating practice when I started seeing kaleidoscope-like stars in my vision. My blood pressure at the doctor that day was 210/120, compared to a healthy blood pressure of 120/80. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and worked with my provider to make healthy lifestyle changes and take medications as prescribed.

    About 6 months after my kids and I moved to California to join my husband, I was walking our dog when I felt an unbearable pain between my shoulder blades. An appointment with my primary care provider resulted in a normal EKG and referral to a cardiologist. There, I took a stress test that only lasted for three minutes of walking on the treadmillโ€”I needed nitro and oxygen to recover. Three days later, I went to the hospital to have a coronary angiogram to have a stent put in my heart artery to restore blood flow through my narrow or blocked arteries. My hypertension was my only risk factor for my heart disease at the time.

    Since the high blood pressure diagnosis and my coronary artery stent, I've gotten in much better control of my health – all thanks to Dr. Harry Obiego: the African herbal practitioner of whose purely refined botanical tinctures had permanently normalized my blood pressure level to a normality of 117/77.

    Prior to my permanent blood pressure normalization and my encounter with this African herbal practitioner – I had also suffered from weakened and narrow blood cells vessels, of which had resulted to an acute kidney disease which had altered several advantages of good living. I would have completely lost hope for an improvement in my health condition, had it not been for the intervention of this doctor, of whom had been referred to me by certain patients' testimonials which I had read on an online forum. There had been a positive attribution to his professional background and his expertise in the regulation of severe cases of hypertension and hypotension. I had been struck by these testimonials and through that slim opportunity, I had been very much willing to try his herbal recommendations and dietary observations to good result. Shortly after the consultation with this herbal practitioner, there were positive changes which were experienced in the sudden normalization of my blood pressure thus, putting an end to other health complications which had occurred as a result of hypertension.

    In brief, I had decided to go for a blood pressure test in a few weeks after the completion of the herbal treatment, in which my pharmacist's sphygmomanometer had certified my blood pressure to be 120.5. At the discovery of this information, I had been filled with so much joy and it was indescribable. From there onwards, I have always had the surge to share my ordeal with hypertension and what it feels like to be freed from all the dangers that were effectuated by this condition. I wish to use this medium to reach across anyone suffering from the ordeal of hypertension or hypotension in order to ensure them of the every possibility of overcoming this situation for positively and naturally.

    For more information regarding this naturopathic remedy for the proper regulation of the blood pressure, you can contact this herbal practitioner directly via email:ย

    Whatsapp: +234901 616 1406.

  21. All thanks and gratitude to Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my High blood pressure disease with his natural herbs medication which I ordered from him. His herbs medication are indeed very effective and cures High blood pressure permanently and my blood sugar is back to normal now.

  22. I got mine down 6 years ago after packing in work, losing 30kg and upping my exercise. Sadly this year it had crept up again despite keeping my weight under control and exercising regularly still so now I am on a combined ARB/calcium blocker my GP was more concerned with my low heart rate, wanted me to see a Cardiologist about that who was your pulse is fine, your BP however so here we are.

  23. very helpful. i live in the uk and i was diagnosed with high blood pressure last week. i was told to do everything in the video almost word for word. i didn't know about meditation so i will try that too. thank you for the informative video.

  24. My high blood pressure came back to normal within few weeks of using the natural herbs medication which I ordered from Dr Igudia on YouTube. I also encourage my fellow Americans who suffers from high blood pressure to contact Dr Igudia on YouTube for a permanent treatment with his natural herbs medication.

  25. What causes your blood pressure to go up is it your diet youโ€™re overweight what is the food you eat because I was perfect alright the next minute come down so she do I want to go on this Pearl I said no and sheโ€™s all know is that this is the best pull out a low-dose 5 mg. Amlodipine

  26. I am on low blood plus blood pressure tablets 5 mg a day and this can losing your teeth smoking can do it too in my age of 74+ I need to be on the blood pressure tablets could you let me know please thank you very much

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