Full Breakdown of Crump and My Reasons for Launching This Hemp-Based Protein

Help Launch Crump: I invite you to watch this without any preconceived notions and biases as …


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  1. Insect based Protein is the No.1. For building muscle as for longivity. I love to eat ant eggs omlett or ant eggs salad. Talking about North Thai dishes.

  2. you know what we need ? an egg alternative , introducing feggs made from 100 percent jelly fish and liquified orange coloured avocado contained in our patented calcium carbonate matrix honey comb shell

  3. This sounds like a great product and a much better alternative than other plant- based meat products. Hemp has great potential, at least on paper, and even being mostly carnivore-ish i would love to try this, and would probably use it if i feel i could digest it well. BUT, you talk about stopping the arguing and actually making a change, and watching with an open mind, but ironically, checking out the site it seems the company is pushing mostly the same old narrow minded narrative of "meat is bad, plants are good", insinuating that meat is unhealthy and that eating less meat is always good? Considering that a considerable part of your viewer base are meat eaters, aren't the messaging and marketing of the company just strengthening the "meat vs. plant-based" divisiveness and potentially creating more arguments? If the messaging had been "consider this product as an alternative to unsustainable meat which we think we should eat less of or accompaniment to a diet that includes sustainably raised meat" i wouldn't have felt compelled to say anything, but this product seems like a vegan product made by and to vegans with ideologically driven vegan marketing?

  4. This is an amazing opportunity, wish you good luck bro! People who hate on you are simply losers, that have never been invested in any business ventures. It's not about any agenda…

  5. I get regularly drug tested for a job. Does hemp have any thc in it at all? I've never touched even cbd because it only has a tiny bit of THC, but enough to fail a drug test- I do not want to lose my cdl license so I am extra careful.
    Good luck on the product, Siim

  6. Seen plenty of vegan and vegetarian bodybuilders that build good muscle on pea protein and hemp. That makes me confident to say this product works and is good. You also get alot more nutrients like magnesium than with whey.

  7. Wonderful, but I didn’t find it at Amazon and it is the only way I can get something where I live , in the mountains. Not even post office here . I will keep waiting . 🙏🏻🍀✨

  8. "Not productive to argue about what diet/food is best, better to focus on solutions."

    But discerning best food IS FOCUSING ON THE SOLUTION! (vs marketing a vegan product for profit).

    "Obviously I'm not like a full vegan…"

    Dude, you eat meat and other animal products. You're not a vegan AT ALL IN ANY RESPECT.


  9. On the autoimmune protocol, can’t do legumes (peas) or seeds (hemp seeds). Too bad because whey protein (dairy) is no good for me neither. 🙁 Collagen protein or desiccated organ powder is what I do without issues.

  10. Manganese maximum treshold is 11 mg per day, 100 g of Crump contains 17 mg, I think it could be dangerous to eat too much of it, moreover every day.

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