Is marijuana ever OK for Christians? EP02- UNcomplicated Podcast Maria & Justice Coleman

This month decriminalization of marijuana has reached Federal level… what does that mean for recreational use? Will we see …


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  1. Love this!!!! I agree with the habit girl, and also with Pastor Justice! Stay off grey areas! It is a spirit of witch craft. My experience was after being sober and delivered from drugs and alcohol for four years I slipped once, I smoked crystal meth, the Holy Spirit convicted me right away, and He told me to cast it out. So I ask for forgiveness and I said, in the name of Jesus I command you spirit of witchcraft to go and it did. It’s like something was covering my heart, I felt it came out from my heart through the top of my head. Never touched it again and it’s been 28 years. The Holy Spirit is very sensitive that’s why the Bible says in Ephesians 4:30 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. The more you practice sin, the more you grieve the Holy Spirit. And also the less sensitive you become of Him, and of the conviction of sin.

    David said and Psalm 51: 11 Do not take your Holy Spirit from me. In the last days there will be a great apostasy the falling away from the faith. 1 Timothy 4:1-3 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4.
    We are going to be judged by our Lord Jesus’ Word. “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” John 12:48 NKJV.

    My advice to the Christians that uses marijuana for medicinal purposes is
    to guard your minds, in whatever thoughts you allow, guard your mouth whatever words you speak and your action. Be careful not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. And for the leaders, you have a higher standard according to first Timothy chapter 3, also 1 Peter 5:8

  2. How can we set our minds to the glory of God. Would we say I’ll have this one beer for the glory of God.

    In this video you pointed out, which is scripture. I’ll say it in my own words, “whatever we do, do it to the glory of God” I would like to hear more.
    what is the meaning, action and character behind this verse. What is the way to walk in that truth.

  3. So good! I’ve struggled with weed for a long time. It was always somebody else telling me “no”, and recently I decided that I needed to make that decision for myself.

    God showed me that, whether or not I use marijuana, He loves me the same. What it ultimately came down to, for me, was the question of, “Do I enjoy marijuana?” and the answer is a resounding “YES!”, followed by, “Do I enjoy God more?” Also yes.

    God wasn’t asking me to choose, but giving me the opportunity to spend more time with Him in a real way, and I chose to embrace that!

  4. Yesss! NHHS… Many of my friends went there. Class of 1984.
    We went to Junior High together. But I've left right before high school. So I ended up going somewhere else. But I had no idea you guys were in California. So that was interesting to hear. Huskies!!

  5. Love this! Very enlightening. Would love to hear more on the spiritual warfare aspect of this. You mentioned a bit of the witchcraft side & after a lot of research I’ve also done on my own- smoking weed/ or just not being of sober mind in general opens your body up to demon oppression. We essentially allow Satan to attack us and give him a foothold in our minds/hearts. It creates separation from God, as we can go into guilt or confusion (which are of the enemy), I also feel it can reinforce our self centered nature & selfish desires or just addictive habits in general instead of living for God and remembering that this is all for his glory.

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