Douglas Bloch Livestream Video #257

In this video chat, I share my latest thoughts on how to heal from depression and anxiety as well as answered an array of …


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  1. Doug, meds have not been the answer for healing my depression. You give me hope though because you healed a episode without meds. Im trying to find purpose to heal so ect/ketamine arent options for me. I seriously do not know how I am going to heal its been 2 years and you were lucky to heal in 9 months. Thanks doug, no better place to vent than here.

  2. When I was 22 (almost 40 years ago) I adopted an adorable kitten who was a black and white tuxedo cat who had such a wacky personality I named him ""Spaz". He had perfectly symmetrical face markings, and I started collecting things that had his perfectly beautifully symmetrical facial features, and also created logos using his face when I was in college learning graphic design.
    Anyone who knew me in my 20s also knew about my famous SpazCat!
    Spaz was my best friend for 18 years, we had so many adventures, and my parents loved him as much as I did. Spaz especially loved my dad, we laughed over how this cat sucked up to him.
    My dad died August 13, 1996. The day before he died he joked that he was coming back as my cat so in his next life he could be ridiculously spoiled and taken care of.
    I told him "Dammit!
    Now I'm going to have to keep every mangy stray cat who shows up on my doorstep!!"
    Daddy winked and said, "You were going to do that anyway!"
    Yeah, I've adopted all eight strays who have shown up since my dad died, no regrets at all since I've loved them all.
    My sweet mom passed in 2000. She was devastated when she lost the man she'd loved for more than 40 years and told us she wanted to be with him. Two days after she passed, Spaz went into renal failure, and I made that difficult decision to help him pass.
    BTW, Spaz was my dad's favorite kitty, and he told me long ago that I would see them both again, over and over. Thought it was weird at the time.
    Christmas 2020 was miserable for me and my son. We had nothing to celebrate and what's left of our family is far away and they don't seem to care. 2 days after Christmas, I heard a noise on our porch which is very remote and very far from everything.
    I saw this beautiful, perfectly proportioned tuxedo cat face, who looked extremely familiar, looking at me through the glass front door. I thought I was hallucinating. I got my 30 year old son, who also knew and loved Spaz, and asked him:
    "What do you see? Um, Are you seeing what I'm seeing??"
    He gasped, "It's Spaz, OMG! MOM! It's Spaz!"
    He ran outside and caught him and brought him inside. took pics that I posted on FB next to pics of Spaz, and people assumed it was the same cat because their faces are identical.
    This mystery kitty not only looks like Spaz, he has his funny sense of humor, and he's become my best friend.
    I named him "Houdini" because he is so neatly dressed in a "tuxedo", and he made my loneliness and depression magically disappear!
    That's Houdini I'm holding in my pic. Don't know how he found me, but sure grateful he did!
    Spaz was my ♥. I couldn't imagine I could ever love another cat as much, but Houdini "poofed" his way into my life and now I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have him, because I don't want to.

  3. For some reason I can never comment on a live chat ever again and I don't know why but if I put my finger on it disappears and I can never comment I can send a stupid smiley. Hello Douglas from Batavia New York you have helped me when I was in the worst place of my life well maybe it's worse now

  4. I posted some songs for you Alex, but they don't show, so please search for them, if you want to:

    1. Milky Chance — Blossom (Lyric Video), beautiful new animation video version posted 9 months ago by Milky Chance Official 💮💮💮

    2. The Bells of Norwich — The Storm Windows

    Listen to the chorus <3

  5. Heading into autumn in NZ, with clocks going back at 3am and your Sunday video coming through at 7am Monday! Not the best time but always catch you later! You are unmissable!

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