The Power Grid: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses the current state of the nation’s power grid, why it needs fixing, and, of course, how fun balloons are.


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  1. Or we could say, F the system and well, every home owner can build thier own power station, and well screw the payment of taxes for power companies.
    after all, it is your power bill paying taxes, and taxes are going to the democrats…but…no one wants to see where their money is going.

  2. maybe if people like that guy cred more about humanity and less about killing people and the profit of war or keeping drugs like opioids from destroying lives (probably has stock in pharmaceuticals) we the people would not have a court system based on bribes and jim crow laws like the constitution that very clearly says enslavement by the state for breaking a human created law would end and we could all share in the profits of our work not only the financially rich. but hey he probably has lots of money so he can buy his way out of jail time for anything – at least the human consequences. tesla would be stopped from helping more than 8 pigeons at a time in many places think about who is creating laws

  3. "What is the return on investment if I fix my roof before it leaks heavily?"
    -"Well none really, but it'll sure stop you losing your entire house to water damage."
    It's not about how much money you will make now, it's about how much money you can avoid spending in the future.
    Most money making companies tend to want their factories and offices electrified.

  4. The Good Man
    "Sixteen" -Walter O'dim
    There is an appropriate comment for everything and every comment in its place. The next thing you know is we're all "getting the job done," "living for other people," "reading fiction" and "working to become the authority." We all know what it's like when the good man is in charge. Not. Then I'm the good man, they're the good man, she's the good man, everyone but him is the good man. Hmmm. Mmmm. "Werewolves" or "Mid-level Management" might be two familiar places they hide. They might think Republicans are the good man who finally resolved his, you know, societal need.

  5. 10:23 he might be talking about buying your own solar power generators? Like the Jackery, Bluetti, Ecoflow Delta, etc…

    If everyone had a backup Solar generator, in they’re home, it would lessen the need for grid.

  6. You don't need to be surprised expert Mrs Stacy Griffin and her teams are awesome and everyone loves genuine servise, they help me recover what I lost trying to trade by myself

  7. You can’t replace every coal mine with a wind/solar farm, but you can replace multiple with one nuclear plant… it’s the best solution, liberal aversion to the technology has slowed green energy by several decades.

  8. The strain to the powergrid can be reduced considerably by installing electricity storages ahead of every electricity meter with an intelligent energy exchange management and an option to connect these to local solar panels and windmills.

  9. I don't knwo about the USA, but if you need to carry electricity from the central USA to the east and west coast, why not ask your north neighbor who already carry electricty for their hydroelectric barrage in the north to the sout (and even all the way to the USA) Ad if ou ask nicely, they might aven tell you what work and what doesn't work, learn from their mistake and improve and/or adapt the model to your situation, and remember your 1 in a century freak snow storm in the USA (except for Alaska) is our normal febuary month, so we can teach you how to make sure your syste survive your worst winter storm (but Canada have few experience with tornado, so maybe in tornado alley subterrean electricity line would be a better idea

    and even if your central resident are total jerk about "it's your problem not mine"… you do know their is more way to generate power. the east coast and west coast, they are near teh ocean right? you can generate electricity using the tide and the wave from the ocean.
    The west coast is on what geologist call "the belt of fire" or somethign liek that? it's like a very active volcanic region. so a lot of GEOTHERMAL energy that can be used?

    The future of CLEAN energy is not solar alone or wind alone. It's all thoses solution that you combine together when it make sense. So the west coast go ahead use geothermal AND tide AND wave AND solar in the southern end like in your Nevada/Arizona deserts

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  11. One key thing that was not mentioned here: nuclear power plants put much less stress on power grids for almost no carbon emissions. This subject is generally badly treated in the mass media.
    Looks like you guys might be able debunk a few useful things on this topic!

  12. Liberals get so mad when you use facts and logic. Like the guy asking about the ROI and they gave a convoluted hippy response. There isn't one, you get warm fuzzy feelings and power CEOs get the ROI.

  13. Switching to nuclear would be a lot better solution in the long term over solar farms. But sadly, nuclear energy is probably not a viable short term solution.

  14. What is the return on investment on sending your kids to school?
    What is the return on investment on having kids in the first place?
    What is the return on investment of doctors keeping you alive?
    What is the return on investment on eating and drinking in the first place?
    What is the return on investment of even living in the first place?

  15. Maybe a good solution isn't to upgrade the grid in order to be able to use more electricity. But to make it more resilient, while reducing our electricity consumption. Do we really need all the gadgets we use ?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I can use these gadgets, but maybe they're not so useful and we could live without them. Using less power seems more like a solution than creating a system that will eventually fail, in order to use more electricity…

  16. I think John's even selling his fire department example short, by saying it only demonstrates non-monetary benefit. Because non-monetary benefit usually translates to some (maybe even substantial) monetary benefit. E.g. doesn't funding a functioning Fire Department actually lead to a huge and obvious return on investment? Throughout history, fires have devastated entire cities. Think of all the property damage avoided by first responders getting there soon enough. It may not be the easiest calculation to do, but that is quantifiable. And to the extent that "money" is just a proxy for societal utility and resources/prosperity, it makes a shit ton of sense that measures that give our utility services longevity and resilience to disasters would be an amazingly good investment. A power grid that isn't falling apart, and that is capable of handling renewables, shows the same foresight and logic as having firefighters, except with preservation benefits on a planetary scale, rather than merely at the scale of cities. People have quantified the present and projected future costs of climate change, and it's not pretty. I'm glad I don't live in the U.S., because I wouldn't want an elected representative who was as ignorant of the relevant economic arguments as this one…

  17. Interesting thing I am sad John missed: Nebraska power providers instituted "voluntary" black outs (as in they volunteered, not me) to send power to places like Texas in crisis. Which sounds good, but Nebraska has a public power district and requires the lowest price per kwh. So they took power from me, where they would sell it for say $0.10/kwh and re-route to Texas to sell for $12+ per kwh. You will always get hosed if someone already wealthy stands to make more money.

  18. 'Don't make your problem my problem'

    "The modern conservative is engaged in one of philosophy's oldest pasttimes; the search for a higher moral justification for selfishness." – John K Galbraith

  19. Wouldn't surprise me if the Pidgeon thing with Tesla was a propaganda thing Edison made up. The man was known for being ruthless in business. Didn't he electrocute an elephant to death to try and convince people Tesla's stuff wasn't safe?

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