Chicago City Council votes to ban investments in fossil fuels

Chicago City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin joins CNBC’s ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the city’s ban on investments in oil, coal …


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  1. You're going to wake up Monday morning with unbelievable gas price hikes. Due to instability in war and bombings of oil refineries. This is a complete stupid move by her. Good luck humans.

  2. <Brilliant analysis of the different things to watch for on the different time frames. Over the years I have learned an awful lot about TA, Markets and trading. Just waiting for good set ups that sometimes work out often enough to grow capital – boredom is bliss! Great channel just gets better. Holders remain indecisive if this is a continuous uptrend and wether btc would hit it's all time high as predicted by analysts or if this little uptrend is a trick to a new fallout. Ive made over 7btc lately using methods and strategies from David Mayor…

  3. Figures. Why should they. They just might help their city. Morons. They will be out there spinning windmills by hand to power their tiny brains. I'll stay with diesel and my generator
    She said a whole lot of nothing.

  4. Re: Chicago City Council

    ……..and batteries are picked out of the ground like potato's?


    <> the energy sector has been "starved" for investment for over a "decade".

    <> state and local fuel taxes help pay & offset the costs for roads and bridges.


  5. I usually ignore the media, but this is just crazy.
    One of the dumbest investment moves on the planet.

    Just another clueless woman who has no idea how
    the energy markets work.

    If this woman truly believed her talking points, she'd
    turn off her home electricity and gas.

  6. That’s scary that they wouldn’t work on increasing fossil fuel production during a crisis. These policies just hurt the lower and middle class. It’s very sad that the people Democrats promise to help
    get hurt the most =(

  7. These people are absolute bozos.

    With the war in Ukraine and pent up demand coming out of the pandemic, oil stocks are the main beneficiaries of the market, and continue to be the best performing sector.

    It's almost as if these politicians literally are trying to destroy the wealth of their cities. They are incapable of separating their feelings and moral grand-standing from reality

  8. Chicago gets even more WOKE. What have things come down to? On the second hand, why is this even a surprise anymore in Chicago? Let the city go bust…

  9. Liberalism/"progressivism"/wokism/leftism is truly a mental and spiritual disease, folks… 🤦
    Again, it's not rich people and politicians who get affected the most by skyrocketing gas price (and the price of everything as a result of it).

  10. 50 years from now will be having the same argument with ( Lithium ) “ We need to move away from Lithium guys. It’s bad for the environment “ Hopefully I’m alive to laugh and point at the TV like DiCaprio.

  11. What a great idea! Broke Chicago should invest in caskets and body bags because gang shootings are the business Chicago politicians are in.

  12. Had my local mayor buy Tesla stock weeks before the city announced Tesla superchargers were coming. Policy makers shouldn't have access to trading.

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