The Great Debates | EP 1 | Drug Decriminalization

The Great Debates Episode 1 | Should the United States move to decriminalize drugs and drug use? The Great Debates is a new …


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  1. Hector would have a good point if we didnā€™t have Marijuana to show that legalization doesnā€™t lead to all of the fear mongering arguments heā€™s spreading.

  2. I disagree with Diane when it comes to younger people not using drugs as much. Itā€™s been easier than ever for young people to get and hide using drugs, at least when it comes to nicotine. Juulā€™s and vaping is crazy popular with high schoolers, and parents are very uninformed when it comes to that specifically. Just my observations at least

  3. I donā€™t know what is the agent is talking about. We have been living in a time where the government has already been highly enforcing pain medicines not only with pharmaceutical companies but doctors as well. So I donā€™t know what heā€™s talking about it is very enforced right now that is why people are dying because theyā€™re running to the street and if not dying they are committing crimes just to buy the expensive medicine they wouldā€™ve gotten from a legal pharmacy much cheaper and much safer years ago and if theyā€™re not dying families are being broken because they are going to jail or they are going broke trying to feed their addiction therefore families are being separated and we have more homeless than ever.
    The abusers should be punished if they are abusing for fun but the real patients should not suffer however should be monitored. Iā€™m not with the feeding addiction because in this country everything is a pill. You have to take a pill you have to take a pill which is wrong but the real patients that are in real pain and suffer should not have to deal with the consequences of the rest. There is no reason to prescribe somebody 80 mg oxy or Other opioids along with this medicine or benzodiazepines or other muscle relaxants. This is wrong. They actually need to relax on the doctors so they can do their jobs, especially now after all that has happened they are already terrified and no doctor is going to jeopardize his or her license even if it means to help a patient I mean we see this now already so HIGHLY ENFORCE THE Street dealers, China and the Mexican cartel. Put a death penalty on anybody that sells fentanyl or causes an overdose because by them doing that they are jeopardizing a persons life themselves.

  4. This DEA agent does not even know whats going on. He says once it is legal they companies will get greedy and it will be about money. Of course they will but if it is illegal like now, WHO IS DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE IS SAYING? Lol. The STREET DEALERS which DO NOT MAKE THEM SAFE AND KILL PEOPLE ALONG WILL MAKING THE MONEY HE IS SO CONCERNED ABOUT.

  5. Legal or illegal the user will use and seller will sell. So y not legalize and MONITOR THEM? The lady is CORRECT! Ill say this, if the pharma produce them its much cleaner than the junk out on the street. I am for legalization. Their number one job should be to STOP fentanyl coming in and create a law- DEATH TO ALL FENTANYL SELLERS. Yes, we will still have addicts and sellers (always will legal or not) but at least we wont have deaths like this AND JAILS FULL OF DRUG OFFENDERS.

    These strict laws have FORCED doctors to cut off patients because doctors became cowards. the dea guy spoke about if they legalize it will become about MAKING MONEY, well its already about making money either way. Doctors no longer CARE ABOUT THEIR PATIENTS, they care about their license and their money. And i understands drs are scared about losing their license but ā€œyou are a doctor, you should know who needs it and who doesntā€ also YOUR PATIENT SHOULD ALWAYS COME FIRST. TOOK AN OATH FOR THIS.

    Docs not only cut real patients off or deny them their NEEDED meds, but they judge them and report the patient so now this patient cannot even get his NEEDED meds from a different doctor, i have seen this. What they should do if they are a coward, is at least STILL HELP THE NEEDY and refer them to a colleague they know will CARE for patients needs. This way the desperate patient does not go to streets and DIE from OD or commit suicide or just SUFFER. This is a big problem.

  6. It's interesting: This debate seemed to boil down to how much do you trust governments to regulate drug suppliers. I'm rather liberal on drugs, but
    anybody who has seen the movements from FDA regulators to Big Pharma Exec positions ought to strongly consider Hector's position.

  7. Patrick, the non liberal cities and towns she was referring to with horrible drug addiction problems and high crime rates are West Virginia, Coal mining counties in Kentucky, several rural counties in Ohio are plagued by opiate addiction and fentynal OD's. The Midwest is in the worst shape its been in since the opiate epidemic started. Just Google the overdoses due to opiates in the Midwest and West Virginia. It will shock you.

  8. "I would rather have the government in charge of giving out those drugs (schedule 1 and 2)." Geez lady, now the government can give you your welfare check and your dope at the same time. Sometimes tough love and overcoming adversity is the only thing that saves an addict. Coddling hard core abusers does not work. —8 yr prescription drug addict. 7 years clean.

  9. The law has never stopped anybody who wanted to use drugs from using drugs. I repeat the law has never stopped anybody who wanted to use drugs from using drugs. The argument is over there.

  10. lam sure the people and the country who hate usa are loving the drug uses are increasing and legalizing drug will be a dream come true for them,,,,because people who use drugs are mostly depressed people and drug help them to avoid it..i don't think not facing hardship make a person strong,,by legalizing drug you will only raising weak person who cannot face hardship
    good luck for the next generation šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  11. what a joke, I stopped listening the minute the 'lieutenant' outright lied in the first six minutes of her opening her mouth. You have got to be kidding 'Everyone in America uses drugs. Everyone.' errr no they DO NOT. There are heaps of people in America and all over the world who DO NOT smoke or drink coffee or alcohol. And yes, they do not take pills of anykind either.

  12. I havent watch the whole thing yet but i hope they talk about how Portugal decriminalize all drugs and from what i understand it is going fine after that radical act!

  13. Legalize and tax all of them. This is by far the lesser of all evils. Caffeine is at least as addictive as cocaine and it is actually more toxic. When was the last time you heard of someone robbing a 7/ 11 for a cup of Joe? How many fatalities in all of history are the from an OD on espresso? The war on drugs is a complete scam and failure. There is no possible win. Follow the money. The better law enforcement gets; the more profits are in the game. Hence, the more incentive for the cartels and dealers. The direct results of all the resources we squander on this charade is true shame. The loss of human and actual capital lost on the "war" is staggering.

  14. Great episode. Keep them up. I believe a long term strategy would be to start with term limits and the politicians. I also believe with that, Iā€™m not sure if lobbying is illegal, if not it needs to be and strictly enforced. I also believe that education is key. We need to be educating our people, but not just general education like today. We need to be educating people about how to budget, making smart choices with their money. Teaching people that the here and now is important, but so is tomorrow, next week, next year etc. We need leaders that are not afraid to talk about the real problems even if they are not popular. We need to come together as a people to work on these issues regardless of what side of the political isle we stand on.

  15. This had potential but was let down by Patrick and his DEA guest failing to acknowledge the war on drugs will never work and its time to let humans decide to live or die with or without drugs.
    Always about the $$$$$. There is no solution.

  16. Isn't he the person that kidnapped people in Mexico and brought them to the United States? Caused a questionable supreme court ruling, that said it was legal to kidnap people instead of going through extradition.

  17. Hey Patrick, I love to listen to your podcasts. Itā€™s a great mix on current events. I feel like I can receive different perspective all the time.

    Since you were asking on our perspective in solving the drug problems that we are seeing, I would like to share my perspective too.

    I really feel most of the society issues we see are rooted with ā€œSIMPLEā€ solutions that are already presented. What I mean by simple doesnā€™t mean itā€™s easy to do. Itā€™s simple because itā€™s not an intellectual problem such as like what Elon Musk needed to solve on the rocket problem.

    Society issues are in general related to ā€œpeople and cultureā€ problem. The solution is simple meaning that unless we see progressive change and improvement on education, ethical values, it will be very difficult to see a big improvement on these society issues. All of the society problems are mostly related to people choices. These choices are made mainly determined by factors like 1) what they are being taught in forms of education and family values. 2) what are their unique circumstances, meaning are they being put more often in those situations and 3) macro cultural and society values. This means people usually act in the way of what they see in their leaders.

    In a way, we need a big shift in the caliber and quality of people lives, then people will naturally make better choices.

    1) Do high quality leaders able to move to the top and lead the country without a huge bureaucratic System. Monkey do and what monkey see. If leaders do not set a good examples, the people only behave like the way the people they look up to. This is macro and affect generation in a slow moving way. But the effect is massive. When leaders focus only to foster the desirable values, then the people will follow with those goals in mind. This is important as is also why we see the gap between two extremes are continuously increasing. If the leaders show unity then people will unite. However, the following point is important -> if the current leaders got up to the top by not uniting all sides, then itā€™s natural to believe this will not happen when they get to the top. Your caliber usually wouldnā€™t suddenly change to another level unless you are open to keep learning.

    I donā€™t want to write too much but here is my humble opinion.

    Take care and look forward to your next podcast.

  18. This dried up, fossilized, old Boomer hippie chick is a far left political activist whose organization not only advocates drug legalization, but ā€œcommunity policingā€ and defunding the police. Sheā€™s a con artist and a scammer.

    With all respect to Berrellez, heā€™s not a great speaker or advocate for his position.

    What we know is that as the far left west coast has legalized drugs and stopped prosecuting other crimes, the whole thing is descending into tent cities full of drug addicts, cities piling up with human feces on the streets, people shoplifting at will, and so on. These places are being destroyed. Meanwhile, the rich white people can get their super-charged corporate marijuana and party while Rome burns around them.

    A smart conversation could be had about drug laws. Some adjustments could be called for. But this is not that conversation. We just get to listen to Karen brag, laugh, wink and nod about how cool her weed was in the 70s, in between making dishonest, misleading speeches that sound exactly like a Democrat politician.

    I donā€™t know exactly what drug laws are perfect, but what I do know is that we donā€™t need more drug use and drug addicts in this society, which is already collapsing around us. I also know that when the ā€œWar on Drugsā€ was being pursued in the 80s, along with things like the D.A.R.E. program in schools, and Nancy Reagan being mocked for her ā€œJust Say Noā€ campaign, teenage drug use went down for the only time in the last 50 years. When Bill ā€œI didnā€™t inhaleā€ Clinton got elected, it started going back up.

    What really pisses me off, as someone who has lost a family member to opioids, is all of these glib, laughing, spoiled brat rich kids who think drugs are cool and want to legalize them and party without giving a damn about what it actually means for society. Those are the people who are truly evil in this whole situation.



  20. A customer asked our driver not knock on door when delivering food because "baby is sleeping". The client came outside high as a Kite!! Do you think this creates a safe environment for children? Come on people!!!

  21. Great talk. Although, I would have liked to hear from Hector more and have him articulate his positions. An episode of PBD with Hector would be great.

    In the matter regarding Pat asking Diane about why liberal cities have high homelessness, Diane didnā€™t give a compelling argument as to why that wasnā€™t the case. She simply said something to effect of ā€œI just read it somewhere.ā€ Whether she did or didnā€™t read it somewhere is irrelevant. Pat wasnā€™t convinced and even told Diane she wasnā€™t answering the question. Saying you read it somewhere didnā€™t evidence of anything.

    Hitchenā€™s razor stares: ā€œWhat can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.ā€

    Thatā€™s exactly what Pat did.

    Otherwise, great talk.

  22. Great podcast, the seating seems a little off itā€™s weird to not see them making much eye contact with eachother. Doesnā€™t feel like they are directly the conversation towards one another more to build or critique one another. I think if they were on opposite sides it would feel more like a debate. It really threw me off the seating arrangement

  23. Pat ask the question why did we spend 20 years in the Middle East? You answer that? My question is why canā€™t America go after the cartels, they always talk about the problem but never the solution! You making money off this they donā€™t want to actually go after problem. Ask yourself who is really making money here in this country? The DEA is a feckless weak organization!

  24. Corrupt cops, civil asset forfieture, corrupt legal system, DEA desperados, prison unions, big pharma, the whole show sucks big time.
    Drugs should be a legal medical problem.
    Eighty thousand men being tortured in solitary confinement.

    Drugs also fuel crime and gangs. For decades i have suffered whenever i think of the destruction caused by this social abomination.
    Enough of all of America's endless BS wars.

  25. Patrick to your question that "why most blue cities are the those with the major problems of homelessness and crimes" I don't believe is necessarily because of their policies, is because "red cities" are no welcoming poor people they alienate them , red cities are only oriented to serve the powerful and rich that's their brand, they could also be criminals but in different levels like corruption. Minorities, poor people, immigrants, they all running to "blue cities" with that comes the criminals and the people that get caught up in drug use, is just part of poor communities. America needs to help this communities and stop dividing the cities by red or blue, because when it come to do business, the "powerful rich business" doesn't want to stay out of "blue cities" like Chicago, California, New York, these are key cities all major corporations want to appeal and do their business with. If police in "red cities" kill minorities and incarcerate them because of being a minority and no necessarily a criminal of course they are going to be safer communities due to fear, obviously criminals would feel better in major cities that are trying to create a different approach.

  26. On the black market pills like xanax are pressed in a bedroom and cut with fentanyl that combination causes od the black market is whats causing a large amount of opiod deaths when people cant get a script they go to the black market

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