Possible new medical breakthrough gives hope for people with Type 1 diabetes l GMA

In a story first reported by The New York Times, a revolutionary cell transplant helped restore one man’s natural ability to create …


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  1. Thank you so much Dr osaye for your ultimate help and I understanding in curing my p
    Diabetes type two now I know that anything is curable , you are good at what you do,keep up the good work

  2. All thanks to Dr osaye, I got cured diabetes with his herbs ,he always had faith that I would be healed and he asked me to do the same,you are appreciated Dr

  3. I’ve been type 1 diabetic nearly 25 years of my life. When he talked about seeing his blood sugars at a normal range everyday, I started to cry. Because I understand the frustration he’s dealt with and then to have that freedom again.

  4. In the mean time, please read Dr. Richard Bernsteins Diabetes Solution, it changed my life, especially following the low carb recipes and small doses of insulin.

  5. hope someday they found good treatment for GERD 22 million people around the world suffers daily over all of they take daily Antacid like PPIs there is lots of surgery to fix Hiatus Hernia and loose LES valve between stomach and food pipe but there is no guarantee of almost all surgeries available to help in long term so sad i had this disease

  6. If donated stem cells were transplanted, you'll also usually need to take medicines that stop your immune system from working so strongly, to reduce the risk of your body attacking the transplanted cells (immunosuppressants), or to reduce the risk of the transplanted cells attacking other cells in your body. Wouldn't really consider this a cure. Its great they are making progress, but far from a cure.

  7. Thank you so much Dr osaye for your ultimate help and understanding in curing my diabetes type two
    Now I know that anything is curable when there’s a right source

  8. Seeing a lot of reviews from Dr IGUDIA on YouTube for Diabetes disease cure not until I gave it a shot and that was the end of my Diabetes disease after using his herbal medicine

  9. 50 year old type 1 diabetic. Diagnosed at 18 months but probably had it a few months before that. Mixing a few doctors who didn't understand late shifts or swing shifts and I have literally been to Hell and back. If not in real life, I would go to hell and back in my Dreams/Visions during the fight to crawl out of bed and make it to a sugar source. I believe that was the brains self-defense mechanism to scare you awake. Usually the refrigerator.
    It seems to me in the mid-to-late 90s I was informed of this budding technology. Just as I cheered on the CGM, I am cheering for this as well. It can come none too soon for me..

    Just to let anyone know who has Type-1 Diabetes. This is not a cure! Anytime you have to take anti-rejection medication it is not a cure. I had a KPTX in 08. Taking anti-rejection medication is extremely serious. It lowers your own natural immune system way more than Diabetes. Please research before doing this. I am grateful not to take six shots a day; however, the trade off especially over the pass couple years is SEVERE quarantine. Not to mention some anti-rejection medications are known to cause Cancer. So please research the benefits and side effects/ long term health issues.

  11. Hats off to Dr DAGBA, He saved me my life, Diabetes almost took my life meds didn't work but his herbs cured me completely, Thank you so much Dr Dagba forever grateful

  12. Being diagnosed with diabetes has been a major lost of money and has caused major problems in my immune system,but when I came across Dr osaye and he recommended his herbal medicine I got completely cured of diabetes

  13. This is great news but I heard about something similar 30 years ago the big question is is insurance gonna cover this but I am happy for Brian because it seems like the diabetes is taking a toll on him been type 1 for 50 years

  14. My type 2 Diabetes came to an end after using the natural herbs medication which I ordered from Dr IGUDIA on his YouTube channel.
    The herbs medication was indeed very effective and helpful.

  15. Realmente te agradezco DR JADU OINDIN en YouTube por devolverme la felicidad, por darme una cura permanente para mi HSV2. Muchas gracias, amigos, únanse a mí para agradecerle lo que realmente ha hecho por mí y les pido a todos que tengan una buena vida y buena salud, y muy especialmente a usted DR JADU OINDIN …

  16. What a joke they have the cure long time already they kill the people who discovered it. So companies don't lose billions every year same with aids,cancer,etc to much money to lose just like covid-19 man maid.$$$$$$$$$$$$

  17. I knew there was a catch. Big pharma and a representative who's name ends with CIA.
    So –
    ' we can kinda… help, but you'll have to take other drugs (which we coincidentally have for sale) and could result in you dying from something completely unrelated as your body can't defend itself due the crap we sold you.'

  18. I've been dealing with type 1 diabetes for 36 years. Definitely been a ride.It is full time job on top of full time job.I am praying for a cure one day.I know how you feel now it must be remarkable.Thanx for sharing.Tim

  19. Thanks for giving me your attention and making everything a peaceful experience for me. Your kindness gave me more hope than ever, thank you Dr osaye for successfully curing my diabetes

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