How I Got A Legal Medical Cannabis Prescription In The UK

I talk about how I got my medical cannabis prescription in the United Kingdom. Are you going to pursue a medical cannabis …


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  1. Nice, yeah I've been using a cheap £60 portable xmax starry v3 but there's a newer xmax with USB c and a nicer display that costs a £100 but can only find it on ebay as of now in the UK but I'm sure it will be on the usual reputable vaporizer sites soon? The starry v3 doesn't even combust at it's highest 240degree Celsius temperature because it's all toasty kiefy dust after I've extracted fully, zero dust. Perfect for poor people like me 😆 Great content, new sub…keep up the good work mate ✊👊 😎

  2. I have Depression, Anxiety and Autism (all diagnosed) the only one of which I've been medicated for was my depression, but I never had multiple different prescriptions, just higher and higher does of the same one (fluoxetine) would that mean I couldn't get my licence? and if so, please give me any tips you can

    Edit: forgot to mention that no, my current medication isn't working for me

  3. So does anyone know what the actual weed is like and the effects? Which I’m mostly interested in… are the highs different to weed I’ve previously smoked?

  4. I just got my prescription today (2/2/22) for Khiron 22% Indica Flower and Noidecs T10:C10 Hybrid from TMCC, I’m just wondering what are the waiting time for prescription to delivery, do you got any ideas when I might get it?

  5. How much did you tell them you smoke a week/day to get 10 grams? I'm not a regular smoker but I have recently been dabbling with budd for pain and sleeping at night as I broke my back over a year ago and I'm still on tablets that mess up my insides and don't give me much pain relief. Thanks 👍

  6. If and when I get this prescription, how can I proove to the police that I am entitled to it.

    I've got Complex PTSD from my upbringing (Diagnosed)

    And cant remember howany drugs I've been prescribed for it. I am on sick from work and in debt so hope this trial helps get it on the NHS

    Thanks for the informative video bud! No many people explain it as clear as you

  7. Your chatting shit you got it legally my arse even if you did get it medically it will have about 4-6% THC in it coz britain said if they did legalise it they would make sure nearly all strains had fuck all percentage of THC

  8. I spoke to the clinic about the bud being grow abroad and they said that this year they are going to set up grows in Guernsey/jersey. So hopefully we won't get as many delays anymore. 🙂

  9. It’s not the thc that helps you sleep it’s the indica. Sativa for an uplifting daytime experience. The cbd should help counteract the anxiety and a different terpene profile may help as well.

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