MILKED documentary follows a young activist who goes deep into dairy land where he takes on the giants of New Zealand’s most …


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  1. We had milk in schools when I was a kid in Tauranga. Half pint glass bottles in crates left outside classrooms. Sometimes the milk went off and the smell was just awful. Later on there were huge town recycle bins with the worst stench coming from Trim Milk brand plastic bottles. It went yellow/green and putrid, not sure why. If you drink cows milk it’s rotting inside your stomach. Just stop buying it. If you think you need something there are plenty of plant based alternatives.

  2. Here in the United States people have cut back on dairy, but the stinking government keeps subsidizing the dairy farmers. So, in turn, the dairy farmers keep torturing cows and producing more dairy than what is necessary. We now have 1.2 billion pounds of cheese stored in a cave in Missouri. This insanity has been going on for about 80 years.

  3. My acne reduced by 90% by leaving dairy, achieved great weight loss, improved my digestion like I could digest dirt, guilt reduced by 100% for the animal cruelty I was part of and much more. There is no other way, quit it now or reduce it by huge huge percent.

  4. This is absolutely brilliant film. I feel so much more informed about just how comprehensively this is damaging the planet now, great reporting. Information is power.

  5. A agree there’s much improvement needed in the dairy industry. However, I recommend the book “Sacred Cow” to give a different look at these problems. Usually the knee jerk “simple solution” reaction, stop all milk production or vegan is the only way to go etc, is incredibly naive and ignorant in the context of the entire ecosystem. Also a lot of bad facts listed in this. In particular CO2 emissions from crop production is much higher than well managed ruminants. The key is well managed! Think of it this way. Emissions from grass fed cows can only come from the grass. They burp out methane, which then turns into CO2, which grass then pulls in when photosynthesizing. It can be a healthy cycle when managed correctly. Whereas crop production requires fossil fuels (running machinery, fertilizer, spraying etc.). Not to mention tilling soil releases a lot of carbon that can only be brought back into the soil with plants. We need to use first principles thinking when attacking these problems!

  6. We can now humanize cows to produce 100% Human milk. The donors will create the brand name. Think about that… Kardashian sweet cream… Dolly Parton aged chedder. On and on. $$

  7. You had me until you began to advertise the idea of cow-free dairy protein, if that is in fact what you were doing. It's the same cancer promoter (casein) that The China Study and our American whole food, plant-based doctors so thoroughly and sensibly disavow. The whole idea of being truly plant-based is the solid science of plant proteins over animal proteins. "Precision fermination proteins" sounds like just more nonsense. Are you suggesting that as an acceptable alternative? Perhaps I'm misreading your message at that part of the film.

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