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  1. We don't need therapy as a solution. We need a environment that breeds healthy growth mentally and emotionally. Proactive nor reactive.

    Therapy is good but it is bad as well. Focus to much on feeling that long term isn't helpful.

  2. Anton talk from a dude that don't live in the majority, but he says we talking to the majority.

    So from that he don't qualify to speak on what normal dudes go through. He need to stuck to how to be successful business wise.

  3. My wife and I been together 13 years 2 kids no fights ever. the pebble analogy is accurate. Only prerequisites are find some one you attracted to, some one who is loyal and will follow directions. The hard part is not finding the woman it’s being the man that the woman will want to follow if you can’t get the type of woman you want your estimation of your value is off or in reality you have a lot more work to do as a man. It’s not really that hard. And remember If you are the leader all blame problems and issues are always your fault. You vetting incorrectly or your not a good leader in almost all cases

  4. These fellows thinking is all whopped. Let's remove ourselves from this modern idea that without a woman a man is nothing. A woman fulfills one vital specific role in a man's life, good companionship and alining herself to the good goals of the man. This is why she is called a help meet. Men in history who where very great, and seen as so still date where not seen or called great because of a woman. Men that impacted every generation from their time till date, men like King David, Prophet Mohammed, Abraham, Samson, Moses, King Solomon, Paul the apostle, Elijah the prophet and much more. Women did not make these men very great and greater till date than almost all men even in our modern so-called generation. So stop this silly lie that no man can be great except a woman is by him. ITS CRAZY TO THINK THAT WAY. PLEASE LOOK CAREFULLY BACK IN HISTORY AT GREAT MEN THAT EVER LIVED.

  5. Let me be honest @Rivah, how these young adults are acting is the same in the 80s-90s etc. I believe the reason why this was not being seen is because of lack of social media.

  6. Anton's arrogance may be his undoing

    Lasting Marriages are so iffy nowadays. In the same stream he said that hes not the same person he was a year ago, which means people can change. Circumstances change.

    Ppl have been married for decades and hate each other only to stick it out for the sake of proving ppl wrong, while being miserable waking up next to someone they don't want to be with.

    Definite G wasn't whining. He was simply stating that family court isn't fair to men.

    Women struggle finacially post marriage because generally they are bad with money in the first place.

  7. 10 things to quit for all Strong Men:

    1. Caring about what others think

    2. Not believing in yourself

    3. Not experimenting different ideas / solutions for problems (life&business)

    4. Not prioritizing your health

    5. Wasting your precious time

    6. Wanting something (instead write a plan and work towards it)

    7. Chasing meaningless relationships

    8. Wasting or draining your energy from beating your meat 🥩

    9. Wasting time by scrolling social media

    10. Nailbiting/nailpicking habit for good (if you do it — consider stopping it as it makes you mentally weak + affects your confidence and all other areas of your life!)

    Take it easy and I hope you found one thing helpful in this list

  8. Black men and women with or without kids ger married all rhe time. Fairytalea do happen maybe not everyday but it happens. Every fairytale is differenr

  9. I can guarantee if the government didn't back the women. It will be more marriages, less divorce and less children born out of wedlock. Yes it's a gold parachute they can talk to you any old way as soon as you check them they at cs. A man making 23 an hr will pay 800 a month in child support. How will he live if rent and mortgage at 1500.00? He can't work 2 jobs they take from both

  10. Anyone else notice these women are calling “nice” guy’s the A-hole, because after getting rejected we don’t want to hang around? Ladies just because we are “nice” doesn’t mean that we are interested in your overbearing non sexual presence.

  11. Aaton is wrong with his points about divorce. Women tend to be more financially up compared to men when divorce happens to regular men. And this is according to stats. But, everybody on the panel just kept mute because he said that's a fact.

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