Pre-Tampon vs Post Tampon World: The Dark History of Menstruation

Hi friends, happy Thursday! Welcome to the Dark History podcast. Periods. Let’s talk about them. Let’s talk about why we don’t talk …


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  1. You're not the only woman to insert two tampons by accident :). The only one I've heard of who needed tongs to get it out LOL.
    I am Australian, just 54 yo, born 1968. In 1980 women were still using the belt. Sanitary pads were like surfboards, one would walk like a cowboy. Tampons and thin pads are a wondrous invention, the govt loves them too as they provide huge tax dollars (Goods and Services Tax). Sadly, the chemicals in the products harms many women's health but there's a return to material pads, underwear to soak up the blood – reinventions of old ways but work much better. I'd love a history of menopause, Bailey, if you're up for that. Learn your future, gurl, cos it can be a hellish time. xo

  2. My high school fashion design teacher would have a small container filled with different kinds of pads and tampons. Regardless if you were a fashion student or not, you were more than welcome to get what you needed.
    Me, at the time being a 16-18 year old boy, SAW NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. I THOUGHT IT WAS AMAZING AND THE FEMININE PRODUCTS NEVER BOTHERED ME OR HARMED MY GRADES. I don’t get it, A lot of men want to date/marry a woman but then choose to ignore and belittle the real struggles women go thru. I want a world better for my sisters, my mother, my cousins and aunts. Let’s change it for them please.

  3. How do I send you a moonstone bracelet? It seriously SERIOUSLY cancels any negative side effects of my period and boosts me up a level, mentally and physically. The earth is out here pooping crystal nuggets for a reason.

  4. I work in a hospital and when there is major hemorrhaging, it is announced overhead as "code omega" in whichever dept needs it. When I am on my periodat work, I say "I have a code omega in my PANTS."

  5. I would pay for sure to see men go through a period for one day. Definitely would pay for them to get pregnancy labor pains and have to go through the crazy hormones and etc for a week as well lol

  6. You could have at least been accurate and have respect to tell the truth about the Christian religion. There is also "belief" of those days and what is actual part of the religion. The Bible even makes it clear that those who do not believe will not understand this.

  7. Is there anybody out there that wants to hear the news from Bailey serion about Russia And Ukraine because I totally rather hear the news from her😁

  8. A very necessary donation is pads and tampons! As well with clean socks! You can donate them to food banks, homeless shelters, or any place in your community that helps people in need. An opportunity to be helpful and there’s a dire need! 💕

  9. I just turned 40 and my daughter is almost 22. Luckily we’ve been blessed with period products! BUT! My mom remembers having to wear the pads in the belts. She said they’re an absolute nightmare! She said you could see all the girl’s pad belts poking through their clothes. Sooo discrete vibes didn’t exist!

  10. I used to get so embarrassed whenever I had to buy supplies at the store when I was younger… as if it was something taboo, something to be ashamed about. So I’d bury the pads and tampons carefully beneath larger items so they’d be safely hidden at the very bottom of the cart and avoid any aisles with a guy at the helm lol.

    Now, 25+ years later, I can carry them out in the open without any embarrassment or shame. I think it’s because, in college, when my husband and I were dating, I was suffering the worse cramps of my life, and he offered to go buy me meds or pads, anything I needed, and I just remember being shocked and confused – wouldn’t he be too embarrassed?? And he just looked at me like I was crazy and said no, it’s natural, so why would he care? After that, I couldn’t understand where I’d even gotten the idea that it was something top-secret or bad. It’s not like I was some super special spy 😅. And if a GUY could buy them without issue, why couldn’t I?? That was a huge shock to me, and I’m so thankful to his family for instilling that attitude in him and helping to snap me out of that mindset!!

  11. This one is my favorite. We shouldn't want to stay at our house instead of sleeping over at our boyfriend's house, because of the embarrassing feeling. We deserve to be cared for , not criticized during this time. We are wizards and we deserve amazing things.

  12. Not sure if should be free tampons or sanitary pads as rather my country pay for other things more like healthcare costs but do think it should be free to some that need it

  13. 17:30 there’s some misinformation right there. Muslim women can eat when they’re not fasting, it’s a cultural belief in some places that they need to pretend to fast. they also don’t need to makeup for the fasts they miss because of their period.

  14. I think it would be great if they were free, but not if people are choosing luxury items over it. For example, stream services, getting hair and nails done, wearing high end clothes, are all luxury items. So if someone is not putting their money in things that are an luxury item, then by all means give them free products or at least allow it to be tax free or purchasable through a food stamp card. I have had some times where I had to cut out streaming services and my custom shampoo because I knew I needed that to go towards my menstrual products. I also know people who try to cheat the system and they are living on government assistance, but are driving luxury cars, getting there hair and nails done on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, they wear all name brand or designer things, so I don't think they should get it free or have government assistance when they can get luxury items. Meanwhile I am over here working full time with stuff on the side and no sort of government assistance and I always am able to get my menstrual products and I don't wear name brand stuff, I have not been to a nail salon in a year and its been months since I went to a hair salon. I work hard and learned to budget to make sure I get my needs before luxury items.

  15. Also not so fun fact I've learned along the way because my cramps also rip my insides out: cramps are not supposed to be that bad. Yes, some cramping is normal but when it becomes that bad and/or debilitating, that's not normal.

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