How I get out of a rut: Productive morning in my life + talking about weight gain (real vlog)

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  1. GIRL!!!!!!!!! 😩😍 this spoke to me — I feel like I’m seeing this rut for what it is because I know I’m not the only one. MADE MY DAY ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  2. I really enjoyed hearing the "people pleasing" section of the video; it helped me realize why I recently triggered by having to speak about an area of my life with certain people. Thank you🙏🏽❤

  3. so appreciate you always being transparent with us. truly feels like i’m just talking with my friend. i’m journaling as i watch this. congrats on being down those pounds 💕🎊🎉!! i’ve been working on my mindset so i can stay consistent when i get in the gym or even just moving my body.

  4. It’s relatable, I enjoy your videos it’s part of my self care. Learning things from you and thinking about purchasing the meal kits . As well finding a way to get my superfruits without triggering my allergies.

  5. Thank you for being open and honest. I've been watching your videos and you've motivated me to eat healthier. I've always wanted to do it, but didn't know how to go about it. So far eating healthy has been a great process, but being fit has been difficult. One minute I want to and then next I'm not. It is very hard. I have been feeling better since I've been eating healthier. I don't have headaches and not always tired after work. That's why I really did it. I wasn't eating right and I was always sleepy. But yesterday after work I was so tired. So I didn't want to go to the gym. My boyfriend forced me. I was on machines falling asleep. Mentally I wasn't there at all and complaining saying I'm not seeing new results with eating correctly. So I understand everything you said in this video. Thank you again!

  6. Unpopular opinion but I prefer shorter videos. Anything over 20 minutes becomes too much. When I saw you uploaded a video this length I get motivated to watch it. Thanks! Loved it

  7. Dear Alexis, I love to watch your Videos, they are so inspiring, motivating and true. I really love you showing your confident self but also your struggles, thoughts and feelings, your more vunderable side. You do a really god job girl!!

  8. Hi Alexis,
    I find your channel very inspiring, tasteful, and down to earth.
    I just want the drop this here for you to check out. It has helped me tremendously with overeating and eating bad foods like sugar, baked goods, high carbs, etc. In the beginning it's not easy, but if you care about your health it's worth a try. I am older and not a stick figure, but I have no high blood pressure, diabetes, or any of those diseases. I am not on any meds, thanks to my dietary choices.
    Please keep up the good work! I appreciate you!

  9. I love the transparency. It’s really refreshing to see someone be relatable and actively demonstrating how you’re healing and improving. Also showing that it’s not always linear! You will forever be a favorite of mine!

  10. Thank you SO much for all your amazing soothing content. You’ve helped me grow as a woman so much & I appreciate all of your amazing tips! A lot of these tips you put out I’ve been doing now for about a month. I’m so proud of myself. You’re such an inspiration!

  11. I’m the same way I have to workout early or I won’t do it and I have a hard time eating healthy consistently I’ll do great for a few weeks and then fall off track! Very relatable

  12. Hey love. I've been watching u for a while and I wanted u to know I'm also Ina. Rut and the chiller videos are actually better for me right now. The varietg is good. When I'm on my go yes give me those busy videos it's so inspiring. But now they seem overhwleming so it's nice to have some chiller vlogs. Love you 💞

  13. Currently going through a rut myself so this came at the right time. Thank you so much for consistently helping me along my wellness journey by sharing your own experiences. You have no idea how much these videos help me.

  14. I like how you are telling how you feel and showing us how you overcome those emotions. I find myself in a rut a lot and it’s because I have so many ideas but get so overwhelmed and just stop everything 🙄

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