Top Story with Tom Llamas – March 10 | NBC News NOW

There are growing calls for war crimes charges against Russia following a deadly hospital attack that killed at least three people …


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  1. Keep this in perspective. If the Russians take Ukraine, NATO will have to start defending whichever front line NATO country will be next.
    I wonder when they start to get off their duff. ( slang for caudal appendage ).

  2. The Owellian language shows Russia is not entitled to be called a sovereign nation under the accepted meaning of the terminology.
    What it is in reality is a terrorist criminal organization holding a nation in hostage confinement. It is a totalitarian slave state, not a government.

  3. Why do they keep saying terrorizing when it’s clearly murdering the civilian population this is terrible that people are afraid to say what it really is that Russia is doing. Putin does not care about the economics of Russian people if it where up to him those Russian would be living in cabins in the woods like in the 1800s.

  4. The people outnumbered the invaders 100,000 to 1. SMH. If an army kicked in my door.. we’d all fight til the death. They’re only occupying because the people ran away. 2.3 Million of people ran away. There’s not 2 million soldiers invading. Wtf. Stay & fight. Cowards flee. Don’t run. Stand your ground. Man up.

    With tears in their eyes
    The brave march off
    Not knowing who shall return.
    With a proud devotion
    They brandish their flag
    Leaving loved ones to wonder and yearn.

    May we all be buried
    By all of our children
    Is an ancient tribal prayer.
    They're so easy to lose
    But so hard to forget
    Such a burden for a parent to bear.

    The trials of war
    Will never be forgotten
    And all which was lost.
    For those rows of bodies
    Babies, mothers, sisters and brothers
    Make it easy to tally the cost.

    Ukraine has survived all attempts to destroy
    Knowing the cruelty of war.
    We who remain must help keep her free
    For those who can march no more!

    By Kansas City Poet Tom Zart
    Google = Most Published Poet On The Web
    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!
    Google = George Bush Tom Zart

  6. The Ukrainians are right if we don't fight the Russians in Ukrainian. Puta putin will have the craziness to attack Poland and further on. Then one day will try to come to our shores. Let's don't be naive about this situation. Puta Putin is threatening Nuclear war. But if we don't do something about the illegal invasion of Ukrainian by Puta Putin we will eventually regret it..

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