Q&A with A&V Livestream 3/10/22 8:00 PM

Virologists Amy Rosenfeld and Vincent Racaniello answer your COVID-19 questions (or any virus questions) on this livestream of …


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  1. At first I thought it was the end of the world for me but today found the solution for the genital herpes. My deepest appreciation goes to Dr.adogen U are indeed a blessing to the society

  2. I know someone who is in their 60s that had Cov and also has the comorbidities of: diabetes type two, COPD, asthma, Lyme disease, kidney disease, obesity, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and smokes three packs a day. This person got the virus in June 2020 and again got Omicron recently. This person is not vxd and did not end up in the hospital either time to my surprise. This person got it from a person who was actively sick and she was around them without a mask. The person she got it from had it bad ended up in the hospital and is still on oxygen (no vx, in 60s with 3 comorbidities) Why do some people end up in the hospital and others don’t? They say it’s due to comorbidities but this person that I know has many and is ok. Also this person did not take any medication other than an antibiotic and a steroid and cough medicine. I tried to help her get the antivirals with no success as the dr didn’t respond. And the other person in the house didn’t get infected and is also with The comorbidities of: liver disease, diabetes type two, kidney disease, and obesity. They didn’t quarantine from each other.

  3. In one point of the video he agrees that Florida has the highest deaths but then in another part of the video you admit that the reason why the US has the most deaths is because we have a lot of elderly people but the same can be said for Florida. Florida is known to be a retirement state and there are many older people living in Florida so that needs to be taken into account on why the cases are high in that state.

  4. Just heard stress causes hair loss?? Didn’t know mandate on masks lifted.??Vaccine is the way out of pandemic ??… considering the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting. Doesn’t prevent from passing. So how is the vaccine to be the mechanism to stop it?
    4 studies show Covid vaccine has negative impact on quantity and movement of sperm.
    Didn’t know the extreme numbers of myocarditis.
    Amy appears to fall asleep
    Doesn’t know how many adverse effects
    Wrong on numbers
    VARES is under reported
    Pandemic Over for vaccinated.. huh

    I’m close to half way i can’t take it anymore.. their disregard for the safety of the public is astonishing …

    Not sure I have seen less enthusiasm and lack of knowledge on current studies and position of agencies to a negligent degree..

  5. Oh my gosh! The vitrious humor is an immune privilleged site? Interesting! In my early 20's I had "eye floaters" show up.. that got slowly worse over time.. still not debilitating or anything.. but annoying at times. I read all the explanations for what these objects were.. the most common one being that they were globules of hyaluronic acid clinging to collogen fibers that had come free from the back of the retina. However, I looked at the microscopy of these objects (that I could find, not many) and they do not look like the "string of fish eggs" that I, and many others describe. What my floaters DO look like is streptococcus bacteria, and I did indeed have strep throat infections as a youth, and the sinuses do have passage ways to the eye cavities. The floaters are hard to observe, and they certainly have become longer and more complicated shapes over time.. but I do not know if they are "growing" or I am just seeing more loose material from the back of my retina. The main doubt I have about my alternate thesis is, if bacteria were to be growing in my eye.. wouldn't it become a serious problem, pretty quickly? Then it occured to me that the conditions might be just so, that the bacteria remains alive, but it's metabolic processes become extremely lethargic… is such a thing possible? Some argue that bacteria would be too small to see.. but I am not sure that is the case if they are drifting in and out of the focal point of your eye and casting a shadow on the retina… you are not seeing the actual objects, you are seeing their enlarged shadows. I can't think of a way to confirm or test this hypothesis without doing something invasive to my eye.. but idealy, if I wasn't afraid of getting my eye poked, i'd want someone to try to extract some of the whatever they ares and analyze them.

  6. When people say that SARS CoV2 was made in a lab they don't mean it was created from scratch in a lab. I think what they mean is that a lab took a bat virus and made an alteration in the virus that they were able to replicate and were studying it and it was transmitted from a person working in the lab to others outside the lab. Isn't that the whole point of the studies that the Wuhan Institute of Virology have been doing for years and years? They take bat viruses and play with them. So I still don't understand Dr. R why this is discounted as a possible origin. Thanks for any insight you can provide about this hypothesis.

  7. I've had o2 at 96/97 since my mild covid in Feb. I had no cough, no runny nose, just an awful headache. Prior to covid my o2 were always a healthy 98/99 even when wearing mask. What mechanism other than lung damage could result in this o2 saturation, if its a)linked with covid
    b)I had no lower respiratory symptoms with covid, at all.

  8. At 1:10:13, you mention that SARS-CoV-2 will never go away because vaccines don’t prevent infection. But, if the vaccines or infection can reduce R0 to below 1, the virus could go away.

    The vaccines and previous infection were both extremely effective against infection by Delta, but not Omicron. Had they developed an Omicron specific vaccine and vaccinated everyone before Omicron showed up and infected everyone, then that vaccine would have probably prevented the spread of Omicron.

    So all we need to do, as I’ve said before, is use science to predict possible future variants and vaccinate against before they appear in nature. We do have the technology to do this. We could have predicted all possible future variants a year ago and the vaccines against all those variants could already be FDA approved today.

  9. There's a new paper from JAMA Neurology investigating the impact of Covid on the brain, coming out from Wuhan that is worth checking out. Might complement the other recent study on changes of brain mass due to Covid as mentioned in this episode.

  10. Missed out on your q&a, I've been testing positive via rapid antigen tests for 14 days now. No symptoms throughout. How is that even possible?

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