WNBA star Britney Griner arrested in Russia on drug charges

Two-time Olympic gold medalist and WNBA star Brittney Griner has been arrested in Russia on drug charges after customs …


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  1. WHO CARES? She clearly despises the United States through her actions ( disrespecting the U.S. flag & what it represents). Good luck Brittany.

  2. This may turn out to be natural selection in the end. If you’re dumb enough to carry drugs through an international airport, you deserve everything that you get. She was one of the players that didn’t want our national anthem played at home games and protested it. She will be kicking and screaming now to be back in the good ole USA. People are breaking the doors to down to get into this country. We have first world problems. However, she is just another ingrate athlete who doesn’t have a clue how great her life is in the US. She can gain some appreciation now. It will be good for her. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” If we had real problems in this country, you wouldn’t have people getting mad over the words that someone uses. It used to be “sticks and stones” and people were raised thick skinned and robust. The lack of discipline growing up, fatherless homes and never learning cause and effect has led to this also. We have had it so good for so long now though that we are arguing over petty stuff. So many of these SJW’s don’t have a sense of purpose in their lives. It used to be the norm to get married, raise kids and have hobbies which gave us a purpose. Now, social media and video games have left many people empty thus leading to this outrage culture. The SJW’s weren’t disciplined as kids and told how special they are. Now, we have these people as adults who think that the world should cower to their demands. My free speech doesn’t end where your feelings begin. If words really affect you that much, get mental health counseling. Nobody has an obligation to not offend someone. When you get offended by someone’s words, you essentially give them power over you.

  3. we dont want her woke ass back…i have advantage over you democrats…i realiazed in the cuban missile crisis i did not decide how long i live…lets do the nuke thing

  4. Meh, she's gonna get 10 years. Who cares if she can dribble a basketball. And just because she's black, she doesn't get a pass.

  5. Lol… you trash America and expect us to give a crap. Sorry buy not sorry. She's about to find out how great america really is. If you she isn't killed while in custody. Hope that doesn't happen. But she fucked up.

  6. Anybody else wanna go to these evil countries….?
    After hearing things like a guy in north korea took down a poster & got tortured and killed, people still go to places like that…? The guy who was comatose after chemicals were injected into his brain… people STILLLLL WANNA GO TO EVIL PLACES LIKE THAT..??? Enjoy

  7. I bet America is looking pretty good about now .. she deserves to be in a Russian prison for being an idiot if nothing else and she's not going anywhere… from Russian with love but you militants please continue with your outrage with how terrible America is good luck with that

  8. I will preface my statement by saying that I do not have a dog in this fight. Perhaps she did carry the THC oil into her luggage and through customs – it’s not unbelievable. It’s likely that she did do it. If that is the case, than regardless of the political climate we are in, she should be brought to justice. HOWEVER, given that our relationship with Russia is in the toilet, bringing her home is of importance because of the likelihood of her human rights being violated, which goes beyond her doing the time for her crimes. I’m all for her being held accountable, but not at the expense of her life. I also understand though that we cannot pick our consequences. Once you set something in motion, you cannot pick how it all ends. Many blessings to her and her family either way. 🙏🏾

  9. She is a moron. Why would you even have that in your possession especially in a foreign country? Why take it with you to an airport?? You live in a foreign country and break their laws, you have to suffer their consequences 🤷🏿‍♀️

  10. WOW CNN is such junk!! She wasn't arrested for her sexual orientation. She broke their LAW!! And since you all know sooo much about the anti-gay status that country chooses to pursue, pretty sure Ms Griner knew of it as well, why then would she go to such a country? AND bring drugs with you? That's about as stupid as stupid gets. And now, all of a sudden, we the USA are forced to spend precious political clout for this individual. WOW how stupid. The most she'll do is ten years or so… she looks like she can handle it.

  11. Bet she loves America now. These Frikin morons turning their back on their own country think they have it hard here Bish, hold my beer you ain’t seen nuttin yet until you’re locked up in a Russian prison. Bet she loves America now

  12. Never go to another country with the goodies because they will find it ,don't think cause your a big time basketball player that you would be let go , where's Black live matter? Huh! Only in America that works but around the world it means nothing , sorry you got caught ! Next time go straight not sideways.

  13. Griner is not caught in the middle, she had the drugs she should do the time, This is an example of a typical American sports "athlete" who thinks their American privilege is going to work in foreign countries. I have no sympathy for this person

  14. She knew it was illegal in Russia she did it anyway got caught now she has to do the time just because she gets cheered on for being a woken America doesn't mean it's that way in Russia I hope she does all her time she makes over a million two hundred thousand a year and said that still not enough so she had to smuggle drugs into Russia I hope it's enough to pay for lawyers

  15. She is an American who broke Russian laws. At a time when wealth inequality leading to institutionalized privileges is a hot topic she shouldn’t receive any more support from US government or media coverage than anyone else. Hopefully she learns to be thankful to be a US citizen.

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