My Wife had SƐX with a Young Man in his Car Now Wants Reconciliation But Won't have SƐX with Me

My Wife had SƐX with a Young Man in his Car Now Wants Reconciliation But Won’t have SƐX with Me | Reddit Relationship Story …


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  1. This first one sounds like if you're willing to suffer for 30 years then maybe just maybe your partner will want to have sex with someone else…

  2. "I try to please her but she wont tell me what she wants."

    That's because she wants to take rides on the Anaconda Carousel and she doesn't want you to know it.

  3. Story 1 – Only OP can count on his fingers the number of partners he has had and still have some fingers left over, he can't say the same for his wife, but I love how he makes excuses for her, meaning OP is an enabler. OP of all people, went almost 30 years without sex is now trying to preach to people that cheating does not have to end a relationship as he is living proof that it can still work.

    The joke is on OP, the sex life he is so proud of now in his 60's he could have been having a sex life 10x better than that if he had left his cheating wife years ago when he was still young and his body could perform better, also as a younger man, he would have been enjoying younger women committed to him raw, without needing to share them at a swingers event/club with his little man gloved.

    A very inexperienced OP who didn't even know that a clit or g-spot existed wants to tell us that cheating was not the end of his relationship, what qualifies him to give us that advice?

    OP was openly disrespected and gaslighted by his wife, who then proceeded to cheat on him god knows how many times, then fed him a bs story of only one time, which he eagerly accepted while she still continued disrespecting him never coming clean with the details.

    The worst part is OP has never ever had good sex with his wife, his wife never taught him about her body or how to pleasure her but would passionately give it up for other men. OP only found out a little about woman's bodies online (ie. things like the clit, g-spot which is just the tip of the iceberg, or the ABCs of pleasing a woman), years later when he was in his 50s or 60s. Now OP is bragging about wanted to try out his new knowledge (middle school knowledge) on his wife, whom I can say with 1000% certainty had all of that and much more done to her many times before.

    The truth is that OP lived a chumps life all of his married life all because OP wanted to honor the vows he made to a woman who had no problem breaking her vows to him.

    The biggest kicker is when she got better and started to get horny again, what did OP's wife do? She told OP that she wants to become a swinger. Meaning now that she can duck again she does not want to waste herself ducking OP she wants to duck other men better than OP and she will throw OP sympathy duck every once in a while to keep OP in line.

    Once again OP the simp just went along with her ideas, but now OP is on the internet bragging about his few lousy sloppy seconds swinger encounters he had, while his wife must be getting a train run on her regularly at the swinger parties.

    I can't imagine how someone can live their life so cluelessly by the time they are in their 60s, I guess there are none so blind as those who don't want to see, or maybe he knows especially after the Reddit comments but does not want to accept the reality.

  4. Swingers don’t have lasting relationships. Eventually, one of them finds the one that they really desire. Or they just loose it all for their own partner. That marriage is doomed.

  5. Whenever a dude says, “I’ve had many women throw themselves at me” they instantly loose credibility. Unless you have money or fame, that doesn’t happen. Still, saying that a woman having an attraction to you is “throwing themselves at you” as if they were all cheap whores, is just disrespectful. Which means the OP treated his wife with somewhat the same derision.

  6. It only took two minutes for the first story to simp. Dude says not to blame yourself then in the next 30 seconds spends a few minutes blaming himself. Dude was cheated on then spent the story crying about how he could be a better spouse and lover. Dude deserves any and all the misery he gets. Screams internally. Dude let his wife be dominated by another man??!? All the misery OP had is deserved. He felt bad that his wife felt bad that she cheated. I'd bet that she continued cheating. Wow you got 18 months of sex after 12 years of dead bedroom wow. Kids probably not his. Dude really just believes her.

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