Catholics and Marijuana Weed (Is it OK for Catholics tonsmoke if its legal or for recreation?)

Catholics and Marijuana! Is it a sin to smoke weed as a Catholic if its legal or for recreation? What does the Catholic Church teach …


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  1. I'm Catholic and don't agree. I smoke weed and drink and nothing wrong .Mother Mary asked Jesus to turn the water into wine for the wedding? Would the wedding not be happy with out wine?? Excalty

  2. Hello Bryan,if you sent me an email on 15th February thank you. Iā€™ve not read it yet and keep forgetting too! Even though I donā€™t know how you got my email so it could be from someone who isnā€™t you. God bless anyway. Ps if it wasnā€™t you then Iā€™d like to know why Our Lady at La Salette supposedly said that heresy would go right to the top of the hierarchy which is impossible because the top is his Holiness Pope Francis who canā€™t err.

  3. Our bodies are temples for the holy spirit drunkards counting stoners don't reseceve Heaven you can get the therapy use with out weed and using it as a turning point there's much better ways this is coming from a dude who has cerebral palsy your so much smarter than that come on man

  4. I was watching you marijuana conversation. I was a user in my youth. Also I worked in the entertainment industry my whole life. I've seen why legalizing marijuana is a slippery slope. I quit because it was a waste of time. Also I've seen how bad it can get. This is truly a step to the dumbing of society

  5. I am outraged…I am a 69 year olds retired semi operator. I attended 7:00 Mass every morning. I have had terrible sleep patterns my whole adult life. I have a cannabis prescription I take a dose every being so I can sleep. It is a God send. My health has improved greatly. I can finally sleep! I do not have to take any other pharmaceuticals for my health. I awake 5:00 every morning for prayer, and then Mass. I work out everyday. It is nothing more then a health aid for me. I personal believe that in the future they will find so many health purposes for cannabis that will be life changing. Sorry guys donā€™t demonize something that can be used for good! I rarely have a drink, alcohol is much more destructive. You guys are so off base!

  6. This is a very touchy subject, and I appreciate so much the wonderful things that were touched on. I am guilty myself of wanting that little buzz from a drink, and to relax. I agree only to an extent, however; I would argue that if the only intent is a good tasting drink, that is much more easily achieved without alcohol, and at less of a price.

    I appreciate all of your insight, and the pure intent of this video. These topics are so good to talk about and really search inside ourselves and ask the right questions.

    God bless you!

  7. Found this on Catholic Answers: "Getting drunk with alcohol and high with marijuana are both obviously sinful. In the process, the consumption of alcohol can help people relax without their getting drunk. St. Paul also wrote about the medicinal benefits of wine (1 Tim. 5:23)."

  8. When we turn to anything other than God then we need to question ourselves and our faith.

    But the problem with makind is this, we has become more educated and by this we can fool ourselves and others.

    Sin has lost its meaning in modern times and everything is OK. And in times to come everything will be OK because we will have more so called experts giving thier viewpoints.

    I have seen people twisting the Bible, twisting Church teachings to suit their so called culture, opinions, ideas etc.

    But the Truth remains and prevails. If you know the truth the truth will set you free.

    Grace to all who have an undying love for Christ. Shalom

  9. marijuana is spiritual and it comes from nature and God made it. It is the safest route to reach higher frequencies and spiritual realms. I use to smoke it when I was 13 and I am fine.

  10. Catholic Truth I am very glad you touched on this subject on your channel. How come the marijuana is bad but smoking tobacco is not considered a sin by some saints? I have a friend who can smoke a lot of weed and he gets so high he can talk to God. He's the homie young prophet.

  11. I put Marijuana in the same category as coffee. Both don't get you intoxicated nor do they mess up your sobriety. But they do change your state of mind.

  12. Bryan, I am a Protestant and Iā€™ve been watching your channel for about 7 months now. I really enjoy hearing what you have to say about the tenets of the Christian faith, as well as dialogue about the pressing issues of our time. Even though I am a Protestant, I must confess that I agree with almost 90% of everything you say on your videos. The more I watch your channel, the kore I wonder if the differences between Catholics and Protestants may actually be very small.

    Are you a lifelong Catholic, or have you been a Protestant as well?

  13. Any drug can be abused but if it is used for medicinal uses everything is fine. My friend had cancer, certainly helped with pain control

  14. Bryan, it took A LOT of guts to do this video. Most Catholic influencers out there are too afraid to come anywhere near this topic. However, as you said yourself, it needs to be addressed. Thanks for putting yourself on the chopping block for Catholic truth!

  15. It's not a black and white thing are you using it to get high it can be considered wrong and sinful but used as a medicine it's fine, natural is better than synthetic

  16. Marijuana is and always has been stupid and I donā€™t care the excuse. Any form of self-inflicting anything that will alter oneā€™s ultimate natural state and thus oneā€™s spiritual conscious is a great mistake and I hate so much of the modern world has been sold on the lie of marijuana.

  17. How many Catholic Truth watchers do drugs? How many drink too much? It seems to me that materialistic greed is the biggest sin in America today. I personally know many Catholics who wallow in this sin of greed like a brainless pig. Relentlessly and without any restraint, they even villainize the more caring and generous. This they do while making every effort to block every form of charity and patriotism. Am I a fool to hold my breath, waiting for a Catholic Truth episode about that? There is a crystal clear definition of greed in I Timothy 6:6-10.

  18. I have a question my mother had a severe bone infection and other infections they gave her synthetic marijuana but for each week we wouldā€™ve had to pay $1000 for the drug I know I was not really a practicing Catholic or anything at this point but we couldnā€™t afford that money so I went and got something in an edible to give it to her I mixed it into ice cream to try and relieve her pain and fix her stomachShe also was not eating and was down to about 112 pounds yes I did go to confession for this one but I just wanted to know what the answer was on that one

  19. Wait is this really an issue.
    God commands sobriety:

    1 Peter 5:8
    Be alert and of sober mind.Ā Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.ā€Ā 

    It warns about addiction to alcohol so it is common sense that addiction to any other substance that affects the mind would equally sinful.

    In spite of what promarihuana people say it is addictive.

  20. 21:20
    So wrong.
    I never liked the stoned feelings, but I love the flavor of cannabis.

    Most cannabis users love the flavor of cannabis.

    If you watched cannabis culture, youā€™d see the running joke is itā€™s too strong. People canā€™t enjoy smoking because itā€™s far too potent.

    I appreciate you video, but I hate whiskey, so I would never drink it for pleasure, so I donā€™t drink it.

    Just because I donā€™t like whiskey doesnā€™t mean ā€œpeople are only drinking whiskey to get drunkā€.

    You are not logical, rational, or reasonable on this point.

  21. I have a question. What if it's medicinal? I think abuse may be a sin, but i.e, for over ten years, I have barely been sleeping and enduring heat exhaustion. Everything is too bright and hot almost constantly and it makes me incoherent and very grumpy.
    I really feel like the only sin of it is it's too expensive.
    It helps cure my ADD and natural heavy metal animosity testosterone.
    I utterly love smoking and drinking coffee and doing rosary and other devotions that I sincerely pray the Lord has attentive grace upon.
    I ask God if it's a sin, I can go back to the shade of certain repcouperation without making my life itinerary harder for less or same wage and stuff.
    Thank U āœļøšŸ›

  22. The PILL is NOT good for anything! Not even to regulate a women's period! The pill throws off a woman's hormones. That's never a good thing. Being on the pill is not good for any woman.

    There are good Catholic OB/GYNs out there that would never prescribe the pill for whatever reason. There are natural things a woman can do to regulate her period. Without getting too deep into the reasons why a woman's period is not regular, there is something that she can do to help regulate her period. If a woman's period is not regular, there are other reasons for it. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. My daughter has PCOS and that cannot be fixed by just taking the pill. A lot more is needed. A different way of eating is needed. The pill is not going to do anything to regulate a woman's period except damage her body! It can cause cancer as well!

    So please, STOP telling people that the Pill can be used to regulate a woman's period. Take it from this woman, a mother, who knows.

  23. I do not care about the law! If something is not good for me, I want nothing to do with it. I don't drink and I don't smoke!

    I don't see how anyone can think that Marijuana is a good thing.

  24. weed lowers your iq and puts you into a more suggestible state, blowing the door open for the devil to influence you while "high"

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