16 boda boda riders arrested over sexual assault of woman in Nairobi


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  1. How come they are happy to expose this woman in such an ugly incident and the people who were arrested are not being exposed?????? Why are their faces not being shown????

  2. This bodaboda guys have no mercy..I also remember last month my husband was turning the car and I was sitting at the back sit ..as he was turning 3 guys rushed and parked behind the car and he didn't see them so when reversing he hit one bodaboda and before he could even realize it they were all surrounding us about 10 of them…we had to pay 10k so that they would let us leave… Yaani just the headlight was hit and we had to pay 10k…and the car boot………….

  3. The well behaved boda boda riders should assist the authorities to bring sanity in this industry because i believe they know one another better otherwise the bad ones will spoil their business and who will suffer ……..???

  4. Even a boda boda riders opens his mouth and says praise God he's still a criminal.they must change and change without turning back coz we are tired of your hooliganism action.

  5. Bodabodas should be banned or made very expensive. They are a nuciance..I feel no pity on the riders when they are knocked down..they follow no traffic rules and regulations. The police is to be blamed..they simply watch the riders driving on opposite sides of the roads..they should be banned

  6. Bodabodas should be banned.. they don't follow any traffic rules..the police are to be blamed.. why allow bodaboda drivers to drive on opposite sides, on footpaths and into no entry roads. The fault is your force in blue. ..the impounded bikes should be burned.

  7. You should be totally ashamed of yourself you are reacting to a clip deal with the boda boda menace once and for all or better still resign and let somebody competent do the job

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