The THC Show with Neil Magnuson Episode 127

POT TV – Cannabis activist Neil Magnuson offered truth, hope and change LIVE at 4pm PT on POT.TV. Neil has engaged in …


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  1. I guess I'm one of the lucky few not blocked out from viewing your show or maybe someone is messing with YouTube stats.

    So love it, I look forward to Neil's perfected spew, so bang on how our taxes are helping the disadvantaged while deliberately committing Organized Crimes Against Humanity.

    Unfortunately, things are looking worse for anyone who volunteers to help save the life of someone in need when our taxes failed.

    Maybe you are the right one to do a narrative of deliberate Organized Crimes Against Humanity, maybe with the United Nations, just …. not in Canada.

    I put my spew out there testing to see how fast Trudeau's Gestapo jumps on it. Well … I never said it was smart, so here's the senior schoolyard retards observations: ( it keeps growing every time Trudeau opens his mouth, sorry.)

    Why is there a delay in a no-confidence vote right this instant?

    Well, that's the double standard problem f-ing all of Canada For the last century, parliamentary democracy versus the people's democracy, you know,, the one we fought and died for, now being just an illusion.

    There's something seriously wrong with this picture.

    Even when government and the chair lose all citizens' respect, they still get their bonuses and rases.

    The issue is when we go to the polls there's not one honourable party to vote for that won't break their election promises or twist their promises to mean the opposite, ending in more drunk on power waste of taxes for less benefit to the people.

    I definitely did not vote for a dictator so I'm not understanding how this traitor to our democracy is still in power, and squashing all no-confidence voting, in parliament and media by the second week of the trucker's protest.

    Could it be the WEF Gestapo forcing them to bankrupt all citizen subjects beholding to banks in exchange for a social credit system except the elites?

    Dumocracy is: The Queens Gestapo breaking their training and oaths to use Trudeau's or their personal discretion that’s totally lacking any morals and commonsense to abuse the law and to prove they are the gods above the law and you the subject is guilty until proven innocent $pirates fines$ knowing you can’t afford the corrupt judicial system $willfully ignorant bought authorities$.

    This is what you the gullible Canadian citizens have all allowed for far too long, and you know it, so own it, and fix it, before there is more shame and harm done to what we fought and died for, especially for the disadvantaged individuals.

    I'm afraid in Canada there is no justice, the system is just too corrupt. So sick and ashamed of seeing so much drunk on power corruption in the Government of Canada abusing their immunity privileges. So this is my spew:

    Canada is broke so he's stealing your money by hook or crook no matter what.

    That needs to be dealt with in court along with organized crimes against humanity, but you know it would never see the light of day. Welcome to the WEF enforced by the Queen's Gestapo, you have been chipped.

    Canada needs help to get back what we fought, sacrificed and died for, yes our parliamentary system has gone rogue with ruthlessness. We have a dictator we did not vote for installed by a foreign power, taking orders from a foreign power.

    I still can't believe that all Canadians are held hostage by Trudeau's unbelievably pompous bully ego of a tyrant jumping the gun to bypass the opposition and go nuclear, spilling Canadian blood first just to not listen to the people.

    Our public servants also failed their oaths to protect us and put this insane dictator that no one voted for in a straight-jacket to stop all of this before harm was done when the worthless opposition totally failed to hold them accountable.

    This makes me so ashamed to be a citizen. If only there was a vaccine that could stop this covid, WEF, government’s incompetence and gullible citizens.

    Your right, this thief of donations provides he only has the corporate interest first, not the people.

    Democracy is in a crisis globally and yet they still force their ideological methodology agenda believing we are all fools.

    Obviously, Trudeau doesn't respect the constitution, policies, laws, oaths, regulations or those in most need.

    So what's the new word for our current dictatorship where we've lost our rights and ability to vote on decisions, policies and laws that affect all but the government, because “democracy” it's not?

    The government and all its bubbleheads with Health Canada standing accountable to corporate interest first and not the people have caused this chaos, traumatizing not just all of Canada by their quest for total compliance enforced by his Queens Gestapo, by replacing science with fake science, fake experts and fake news to politicize the pandemic, with mass psychosis brainwashing of unaccountable scripts to make us happy and own nothing.

    There’s nothing new here as we deceived fools have allowed them to dismiss the consequences of unaccountable harm to those in most need for the last century, by elites who don’t care about their reality entrapment, just our money and redefining definitions like corruption = complicated.

    It’s long past time to put our government, Health Canada and all public servants on trial for complacency in deliberate Organized Crimes Against Humanity.

    Parliament needs to be dissolved even if we have to separate the provinces from the federation to clear the path for the solution to drain the swamp.

    If only all public servants will shed their secret government-stink and speak their inner truths so I can shake their hands and sleep at night knowing my family and I are protected.

    So sorry to lose so many good contributing members of society leaving Canada because gullible fools still declined to take off the wool pulled over their eyes and see that our political asylum has overflowed with their truths to power and corrupt laws that no one should ever kneel to.

    I'm also so sorry that our immigrants have been deceived by what they escaped too.

    Every Canadian citizen should be terrified and ashamed to have authorized through your taxes: our laws, oaths, and our public servants to become so corrupt as to make it legal to commit Organized Crimes Against Humanity.

    But then again we all have allowed this for over 100 years and ongoing, far too long, when nature’s medicine was illegally injected into the Criminal Code, probably by the same hands that have Trudeau's strings, mugging us now. So so evil.

    Even worse, you authorized him to chip you, your bank account, your digital ID's and then gamble with your future and your prodigies by allowing the government to illegally get their truths to power that they wanted and disgracing our veterans who asked for too much.

    So how are you going to get rid of the blindness to a century's worth of corruption when he's successfully splintered all of Canada into many myriads of cults and the media is paid to keep you blind, enforced by his Queens Gestapo?

    When the government abuses our taxes for their benefit instead of the people, well, I want my taxes back, as I do not want to be contributing to Organized Crimes Against Humanity, authorized not just by those wearing the government stink sucking on our taxes like parasites, but also all of you.

    100 years of government excuses to do more harm for corporate best interests has shamed me to the core, and with no apology for your greed to those most in need which backs you royally failed to have.

    It is the government that’s responsible for the detouring third-world healthcare we now have by forcing our talent out of Canada so they can pay their student loan before they retire, not to mention corporations and industries required for our country's self-sustainability all being farmed out because of unsustainability.

    You are, of course, welcome to your own misinterpretation. Why are you laughing? Do something. Stop watching YouTube like a disabled and do something.

  2. sorry i haven been watching any show lately i hope you guys are ok physically & mentally i am not doing well as i live in ottawa lol we can even afford food atm & my grow is still going whit 1 lady but i cant do more i hope all will be fine for you guys i am just in a roth place atm but peace & pot to all

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