Bret and Heather 117th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Regimented Meandering and Planned Serendipity

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  1. I watched this movie yesterday called Leave No Trace. I found myself getting PISSED! You helped me identify what it was. It was the "do gooder authorities" knowing what was best for the dad and his daughter, AND IMPOSING IT on them. "For their own good".

  2. Brett's dad jokes are very slow to evolve somewhere in the same era of funny! (Orwell). I mean that in the nicest possible way and a prolific dad joke teller myself.

  3. I just did the arithmetic in my head… Bret is correct. 117 is a prime number. He knows what I do not… (3 x 39) and (9 x 13) are malinformation.

    Prime numbers are what authorities claim they are. Despite all proof to the contrary. smh 🙂

  4. I actually never even noticed the " one way arrows" in the isles of Wal-Mart until I was leaving the store. Guess I'm walking to the beat of a different drummer.

  5. Please consider using a compressor on your microphones. This will make your podcast sound better. It will smooth out the variation in the levels of your speech. If someone is listening in a car/truck using a compressor will eliminate the need to turn up/down the radio. This applies to all listeners. Properly set the compressor will make your voices more direct and intimate. This NPR sound without the Propaganda. Keep up the good work.

  6. Great discussions as usual. With respect to the HPV vaccine, I suspect that it is also effective in preventing HPV induced or oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer and therefore is of benefit to boys who receive the vaccine as well

  7. Thanks for saying it. I too have been baffledc& disgusted that employers tout "inclusivity & diversity " we need to be sensitive to gender preference etc, however there is clear discrimination against unvaccinated. You are the problem. You are the reason we can't get back to normal. This planned pandemic was well coordinated. They used fear to get blind compliance & to divide us!

  8. I work as security at night clubs. I notice that even after the table mandates were lifted the customers still want the old seating rules, to the point that people were requesting that I enforce them. Private security where I live were the ones who policed most of the covid madness. Clever government.

  9. When discussing Milo and being a luxury pedaler, I was reminded of a documentary I watched on PBS, on Esteé Lauder and women's cosmetics in the 1930s.

    During the darkest days of the Great Depression the only thing that did NOT suffer was women's cosmetics, because it was reasonably enough priced, that it gave women the "feeling" they were treating themselves, e.g., the idea was put forward that some small luxury items are indeed recession and depression proof. Phones are likely in this category now, along with cosmetics, and I'd argue, online gaming and digital TV services. IMHO

  10. It is hard to see ourselves as an invasive species that has destroyed the planet. If that is what we are I assume we will keep on doing it. Traditional exploitation will continue but in the background the deep scars of a planet reeling from a collapsing eco-system seeks entropy. When we speak of Canada I do not think of covid or truckers or Trudeau, I only think of Canada's thawing permafrost.

  11. When I worked as a software developer, we were plagued by the "work ethic". For example, management wanting to measure how many lines of code the developers produced. There was also a love of largely pointless documentation which was nearly impossible to maintain. From what I have heard from people who work within it, the NHS has a massive problem with highly inefficient processes which seem to exist only to keep people busy (for example, people employed to manually copy data by hand from one spreadsheet to another every week).

  12. I am a 23 year old physics student whose parents got divorced at 2 y.o. and whose mother was amazing and whose father was controlling and narcissistic. I know alot about psychology and relationships and I truly believe Bret and heathers relationship is the best I’ve ever seen. On so many levels for so many big and small reasons.

  13. I had to go into a restaurant the other day to pick something up, haven't been to one (except one that ignored the rules and ate the fines- I LOVE that place now) in two years. I wasn't comfortable. As an unvacced, i felt like i might be yelled at at any second. I found myself disliking the patrons, while i am a generally very outgoing person. I realized that I no longer feel a kinship with those people, I don't even like them. Many revel in the creation, imposition, and obeisance to a plethora of rules. I do not, and never have. I think that all those of us who never quite "fit in" are feeling something similar right now. Like we're being hammered against our will, into a shape that isn't us. And all the boring, banal, and deadbrained revel in it. It's like they are happy that now everyone has to behave exactly the same way, that it is good that there are now prescribed rules on everything from walking (where, when, how), being outside, eating, EVERYTHING.
    I think it makes the NPC's uncomfortable when they need to turn their brain on.

    Anyways, there's now a gulf between me and my countrymen that can never be bridged again. I see them now for the compliant, banal, dead brained, conformist normies that they are. Governed by fear, eager to feel smug, threatened by the unexpected or different. These people will never allow any creativity, difference, or genuine striving, unless it is in the prescribed manner, by the sanctioned people.

    Thanks for reading, I hope you understand-
    a prisoner of the beige tyranny of Canada.

  14. Great discussion as always. Regarding your discussion on a definition for Gene Therapy. As a software guy, I'll present this analogy. Conventional medicine would be akin to modifying the configuration of a software program. Gene Therapy would be akin to modifying the program itself. That is – conventional medicine (modify the configuration) can activate known behavior and features of the existing program, whereas Gene Therapy (modifying the program itself) can add entirely new features and behavior.

    (Leave it to Elon Musk to bypass all that and modify the hardware itself via his Neuralink project :-D)

  15. Just my personal experience as an unvaccinated person living in portland, and having to test to go an event… I went to see OBT Dracula and had to have a negative test 72 hours before. I booked an appt. at Walgreens they didn’t ask for ID or insurance info and responded with a negative test within a couple hours. Pretty easy. Now on principle I disagree with all of that and I absolutely agree it creates an apartheid and I think it’s gross. My question is how many people will fall back in line when they reinstated the mask mandate again in the near future?

  16. "regimented serendipity and planned meandering", hahaha almost word for word what came out of my husband's mouth while driving through Death Valley a few weeks ago, having to reluctantly discuss the nature (and value) of a "road trip". You a virgo Bret?

    Also let's not kid ourselves in thinking that the people who came up with these ideas had any intention of making things "better". Let's move forward with the assumption that anyone in a position of power inherently does not have our best interests at heart, they've forfeited the benefit of the doubt.

  17. Thank you, from Manitoba, Canada. Just finished the chapter on schools. Lots of great things to process as a high school teacher. Thank you very much for all you do. Your podcast is part of my life and integral to how I go forward with integrity.

  18. JT is in power for 3 more years until we can vote him out unless we can get a vote of nonconfidence but he has the NDP proping him up so i doubt we will get any relief for few more years! or civil war!……lol

  19. yopu guys know JACK about Canada, Ontario was in charge of keeping the peach in Ottawa, NOT the federal! The convoy was all about the border crossing, of wait, no… it was about… Oh well, no one knows anymore.

    The folks who pushed that protest meant only to overthrow the current governement on the basis on mask, impatience and the right wings NUTS in Alberta and Quebec. Funded by US right wings nuts… SO, glad to see you two just tripped over PEterson's cult!. pathetic and no longer following you. That alone is a case where you do not know and pushing a LIE. We just had an election 6 months ago and the conservative LOST a few seat. We are more liberal than you guys are to start with.

  20. They conflate controlling people's behavior with controlling virus spread…… the result: not what they expected…. as has been proven, you can "run", but you can't "hide"…
    The hypocrites on SNL had a revealing skit on how taboo it is to draw attention to the idiotic policies while ppl are hesitant and ashamed to realize and speak about it… ashamed to admit they were wrong all along….

  21. Masks are permanent in health facilities, including psychiatric, in Portland. I have crippling, near suicidal ptsd and I can't go to counseling, because the unscientific mandates makes it worse. The last counselor I tried wore a mask during our zoom intake.

  22. I have been wanting for so long to bring my 10 year old daughter to the national art gallery in Ottawa. Not vaxxed so I can't get in. Very sad. She's an artist and I so wanted to watch her see. 😕

  23. "Do something every day that surprises them…that does not compute. Be the kind of person that does not compute with some regularity so that you aren't entrainable." – Heather

    I will! I think this is going to be fun.

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