1761: What to do When Weight Loss Stalls, Improve CrossFit Performance & More (Live Coaching)

00:00 RGB Bundle Giveaway 01:30 Mind Pump Fit Tip: Hey, woke people! STOP trying to bring “wokeism” to fitness! It’s NOT …


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  1. I know I’ve commented something similar before but I can’t express how much I love your guys’ content! I was doing random workouts that I would throw together then realized I needed some guidance so I purchased a program from a power lifter I follow and it was more cardio inducing than weight training for me trying to squeeze in the amount of volume and sets she had programmed. I just don’t have the time for her program to run it properly, no shade! But since finding you all, I write my own workouts and focus on full body four days a week. I do the big lifts and work in some isolation work, mobility and abdominal training to round them out. I’ve gotten so strong and my lifts are only getting heavier. So thanks again Sal Adam and Justin for all you’ve done!! ❤️

  2. I love this podcast so much i tell everyone about it! Its really like having pocket personal trainers yall guys GIVE SO MANY GEMS ABOUT EVERYTHING FITNESS! You would etheir have to dig for or buy i found this podcast late 2020 maybe and just been kinda dropping in here and their to listen now i listen almost everyday. Anyways i been a huge guy since i played football in highschool very strong but still have large amounts of fat because while i was good at the lifts i would be doing shit like eating junk in the weight room and alot of the times even before games and practice but believe or not this didnt really effect my preformance i dont know if it was because i was young but i didnt get tired during games or even 2 a days. Matter of fact toward the end of my senior year i even played both sides of the ball O gaurd and D end with asthma at the end of every game our coach would give the big guys our own box of pizza or box of chicken,pretty much whatever we had that night. Its just crazy to me when i think about it now i drank alot of water of course because of the texas heat but guys im telling you i was getting my foot chopped off for sure if i continued to eat this way. However i weighed 315-320lbs early january 2021 and now i am floating around 229lbs i feel like fucking super hero at times 🤣but i got this done using what i know from lifting in school and your podcast as the ultimate guide. With that being said i cant thank you guys enough for all that yall do yall are one of my favorite but should be one of the best pods overall!

  3. I have been listening to your show for three years now. Absolutely love it. Recently installed a PRX home gym based off of your recommendations. So awesome! I’m a mom of two boys 14 and 18. They’re both interested in lifting weights and being fit but don’t know where to begin. And they don’t want “mom” coaching them. Help a Mom out. 😊❤️ thank you for your wonderful content!!!

  4. ive lost 93 pounds in 11 months watching this show. it has helped me form my work out routine and ive been using alot of thier tricks and key points to get that change. thank you so much for making content based off experience and data.

  5. Working Anabolic Program in my garage trying not to crack up. Great advice. I love that you focus on long term healthy lifestyle versus a quick fix. Trying to get metabolism back on track after cardio crazy/calorie cutting. Don't stop the great advice 🏋️‍♀️

  6. Ugh I have been not losing fat , and need some help! I started adding on rest days but I'm still doing CrossFit on my non weight days . I'm not calorie restricting just eating healthy . By the way thanks to weight lifting I have great endurance for cross

  7. It's funny that a skinny person can become a fat person but a fat person can't become skinny because logic. And apparently it's never been proven to happen. We live in a time that so many make the transition for a better life and the transformations are incredible. It's a huge trend right now.

  8. MINDPUMP! Let’s go I need these maps programs! Definitely love you guys and subscribed to the channel and the apple podcast! Would love these programs!!!!!!!!!

  9. 17:45 – "speaking of women and girls, Justin I want to hear . . you're making quite the impact at the high school. . . " – A scary lead in for anyone who doesn't know Justin's current coaching work.

  10. Greetings guys! I want to thanks you for your videos, especially for the videos in which you explain how to treat the cause of the pain not just to numb it. I have been practicing martial arts for some years and only on this channel i found the solutions for my problems. Nowadays I put more interest in my mobility and strenght work with exercises that I found here, but i also put more emphasis on my alimentation.

  11. Echo what Sal said on bodybuilding! After going through my first competition, a whole new "norm" was created. It completely changes what being lean and tracking intake means. It has taken me YEARS to allow myself to get into the higher teens in bodyfat (I'm female). The Mind Pump podcast has helped me to reset what it means to be healthy and remind myself that I have al l the tools I need to change my physique at any time. So taking mini deviations in diet and training to my "current plan" to enjoy the special moments in life are just fine. Keep up the awesome work guys!

  12. I found you guys around 2 weeks ago and really appreciate the knowledge that you guys are putting out it is extremely helpful and I learn things every episode and I have non stop been listening and watching your workout videos. My fitness journey started 1.5 years ago and wish I would have found you guys way sooner because I was definitely not doing things the correct way – I was shedding weight fast it felt like but also what I didn't notice was loosing muscle at the same time. I was just doing cardio and cut the potions way down to just loose the fat, I went from 350 to 255 and in the last few months I have gotten addicted to lifting and having a blast doing it. I started just making my own stuff up to work on, no real schedule to follow. But after listing to you guys and watching your other videos on how to actually do the exercises has been a huge help – so I just want to say thank you for everything you guys put out and I have already sent some of your videos to other people to check out!

  13. recently new listener, currently i am looking to drop some body fat im currently 240lbs 5'7" 30year old male with 23% body fat i do have some muscle from lifting weights for the past 12 years and have been fit for my time in the military, i recently finished my contract in march of 2020 and i want to cut down so the muscle shows more than my fat. i understand that lifting weights will help but would an approach towards doing body weight exercises like pull ups, push ups and some resistance bands for added time under tension and do some walking or hiking but no cardio that is geared towards fat loss rather focus on something to keep me moving rather than sitting on the couch. im a office manager so most my day is spend sitting down so im thinking that would help. this is the approach im looking to get but if you can help me add or have any input that can help i would greatly appreciate it.

  14. hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you for the encyclopedia of information involving this industry. I’ve been a trainer for 2 years now ( started right before covid lockdown). I have had some great mentors along the way but the way you guys break down information has changed my approach for my clients. So thank you! I’m also living the toddler life with identical twin 3 year old boys and a baby girl on the way! So I love all of the parenting talk, it hits home! Thanks again guys ! Have a good day and keep being good humans

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