What Fresh Hell is Google Planning for Android? – SR76

Google is bringing their Privacy Sandbox to Android, Meta/Facebook is settling a nearly 10-year old lawsuit, states are abusing …


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  1. Theres no such thing as "normal in Europe". Europe is not monolithic, it has dozens of different countries and cultures. For instance, here in Portugal it would be highly illegal to ask for someone's religion in a job application. It would be equally illegal to ask for someone's race/ethnicity. Thats despite the fact that, if Im not mistaken, thats common to ask in the USA, I know that at least in the census its something thats asked which, again, its not done here. Going more into the aspect of rarely existing a standard for anythimg across the multiple European countries, some countries ban fascits parties but accept communists while others do the opposite. Some ban both, others ban neither. Some countries have a USA style "credit score" system for giving out loans. Its a system that distrusts the person until proven otherwise. That would be against the constitution here in Portugal. Instead, people have to ve assumed as trustworthy unless proven otherwise. The ability to get a loan cannot depend on past loans and repayments.

    Regarding religion, here in Portugal, it would be the employee, after being hired, that would have the right to invoke its religion in order to have different rest days or have a break at a specific time of the day in order to attend to some religious obligation like praying.

  2. Your video titles are really annoying… I like your regular videos, not the podcast… So when you upload a podcast with a headline like that, most people would think it's a video on a specific topic and only after they click on it they would see the full title that reveals its a half an hour podcast with much more irrelevant content…
    Really love your channel but this click bait your doing is not cool, hope you take this the right way…

  3. I feel like this whole "US based apps" and "ties to the Chinese government" is in danger of sliding into 'yellow peril territory. I appreciate that Techlore is just reading from a news article but I feel like we as a community could do better at criticising Chinese apps for actual privacy problems not vague insinuations about them being Chinese.
    Just some thoughts.

  4. Hiya Nathan, great vid and thankyou for voicing your thoughts on the mental help topic. If having depression wasn't bad enough now you have to worry about your data while in the worst position. Last thing I want is an AI trying to determine if I'm depressed, how would you even quantify that! Suddenly you're in a "health centre" because an AI says you're at risk…… scary!

  5. thanks Nathan for all you guys do, you and Henry do the world a big service, also the livestream you did with your girlfriend was very sweet, much love to you all

  6. Facebook TOS may say no tracking off site BUT the sites which use Facebook tracking plugins are at fault as it was their sites these features were added on. I think if they want to sue they should go after the individual sites with implemented Facebook trackers & not facebook itself. As far as I see it, Facebook did nothing wrong as you chose to do business with a seperate comapny which shares data with Facebook. The seperate company is at fault, not Facebook

  7. The muslm/non-muslim thing may be to do with the facilities Swissport run in the Middle East. Some countries prefer/require muslims for particular sites or roles.

  8. I don't think it is normal practice, anywhere in EU, for employers to ask for or even retain information about an employees religion. In the UK it would be considered protected data (under GDPR) and wouldn't be lawful (afaik) for an employer to ask, in the same way it would be unlawful to ask ask about sexual orientation or if someone is pregnant etc. I would recommend talking to Black belt Barrister if you want reliable information about UK law. https://www.youtube.com/c/BlackBeltBarrister

  9. I installed Blokada to reduce the network spam from my phone. I've blocked 95% of all TikTok requests and the app still works fine… which suggests that it is doing a lot of stuff in the background that is superfluous to the user experience.
    You had a good rant in the middle of this report that had me nodding along in a "hell yeah!" way.

    The SMS banking thing: I asked my bank if I could use RFC6238 TOTP 2FA rather than SMS, and they told me that they had to use SMS because it was being globally mandated by the USA banking system. [Further equating your phone to your identity; which is as bad as people trying to solve all of the Internet problems with, "just stick it in the DNS."]

  10. Swissport do plane food which is why they might have a religion column to identify if more halal or kosher meals are needed though I don't know why they wouldn't just have special food column.

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