Justin Trudeau : A Very Tyrannical Narcissist?

narcissist #hgtudor #trudeau The Canadian Prime Minister is under fire repeatedly and has responded with strong arm tactics.


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  1. Trudeau is very friend with French President Macron, another interesting narcissist to study ! Same games of charm, same brutality when they are contradicted or thwarted… Same masters to think and act, same programming ?

  2. Thank you HG Tudor for addressing Justin Trudeau or "Turdeau" as we now call him. I voted for JT to be analyzed a long time ago and thought you had decided not to. I hadn't given thought to all the research and work you would have to out into this. Very very well done and Canadians appreciate and love you.❤🇨🇦

  3. Ya.. he’s building a pipeline through the Rockies right now.. missing money in all departments. .. ex Russian reporter somehow your right hand “man”.. (Crystia) ,,,Jan.14 /22, 200,000 Canadians lose their jobs.. all campaign promises broken .. so not sure how he reconciles all these hypocritical policies.. a very tyrannical liar.

    Work like yours helps the world see them .. the whole country is discussing his childish narcissism. Absolutely unconscious mid ranger – somatic – with a mother complex the size of my country. Legacy” leader”,, raised to be this asshole. Canadians thought they were voting in a transparent gov. ..he’s spying on all our phones actively.. paranoia.. and rightfully so.. he inspires division. He literally studied acting .. mimicking. And now his creature is fed beyond its wildest dreams!! And he thinks he’s god. So the psychopathic part of this disorder has been activated.. I was never fooled. Was raised to never vote in a Trudeau. No one is fooled. Just gotta get him out of there now. A very tyrannical barnacle. I suspect his wife is with Harry’s wife.. rumours on the hill say his wife left him months ago. It isn’t official.

    We are absolutely not done – despite what the news says .. we are still protesting. This man is a dictator. Manufactured war or no war. People are starting to see these conmen.

    Looking forward to part two. 🙏🏼Thanks!🔥 🇨🇦

  4. Could you do one on another leader very much like Trudeau, the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Adern. We are calling for her to resign because of her lies, manipulations, hidden agendas and lock downs. She had the nerve to tell us to be kind, but then violated our democratic rights by forcing employers to sack employees who did not follow her dictates. She refuses to talk to protestors and has used the police and the media to attack and then vilify them.
    Adern is a Communist I myself have seen video of her in her younger years at a Labour rally addressing various people as comrade so and so. She is a supporter of China and has not ejected Russia's ambassador from our country. Her management of our country is pathetic it is all talk and no action, while she squandered tax payers money and prepares us for more taxes.

  5. Yes, I believe he is a very tyrannical narcissist. I have never found him charismatic or his vapid characterless face attractive He is a poor speaker and spouts nonsense and lies. He is actually very boring. Listening to him speak is like trying to listen to Meghan Markle. A masochistic endeavor that can only be endured for a few sentences at most.

  6. 'Open, ethical and transparent government'. Words to chill the blood. You know you're in big trouble when these cliches are trotted out by the Trudeaus and Aderns of this world. WE can laugh off the Sussex attempts to mount the political stage, but Justin and Jacinda actually hold the reins of power. I think it was C S Lewis who said that the most dangerous people are those determined to make you take a course of action 'for your own good'.

  7. As I never had a serious personal encounter with a narcissist, I'm not the best judge of this, but I wouldn't be amazed if he is a narcissist and from my limited knowledge I'd say with his airheaded vanity he's probably a mid-ranger (I may be wrong).
    Interestingly, I've despised that man from the moment I became aware of his existence. Like his father a pathetic, pussy whipped individual, and very much unlike his father, who was a leading intellectual of his times (whether one liked his political stance or not), a mediocre mind, if that (no disrespect towards schoolteachers intended). I doubt that he would have gotten so far without the Trudeau name. Old Pierre would be an interesting object for the Tudorscope as well.

  8. JT is just shrivelled balled middle midranger. A coward who hides because the population protests his suspension of the rule of law, like everyone was just going to believe he was acting according to the science in everyone's best interests. Deflection comes easily
    to JT because he REALLY believes he is Canada's saviour. Sending Mounties to disperse peaceful crowds with batons proves he will stop at nothing to silence opposition. Asserted control in the moment, but JT will be thrown out of office quickly once the momentum for a vote of no confidence grows. JT deftly prevented such a motion last week, but I doubt he can continue to defer a vote much longer.

  9. The world really is being run by narcissists…..name a head of government that isn't one. ( or a head of big tech, big pharma big banks….its endless)

  10. A warning to everyone of what will happen if we lose cash! Digital banking is so proffered by banks & governments……do as you are told or you will have no £. Simple, extre effective way of controlling absolutely everybody & everything.
    Coming to us all in the very near future as people sleepwalk to their own enslavement.
    Canada(like Australia & New zealand) basically been test cases.

  11. Son of 'fuddle-duddle' with the good hair–illegal election. It was the name recognition that sort of got him in. He's a real idiot–never had a job and never did a thing. Where did they put Margaret his mom, the raving lunatic?

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