Exploring How This Plant Could Replace Concrete

Exploring How This Plant Could Replace Concrete. Go to to get Curiosity Stream for only …


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  1. Did this video allow for the huge energy involved in mining limestone, then heating it to high temperatures to produce slaked lime ……which is also done to produce concrete. If not then you are basically substituting hemp for the gravel in concrete, which is hardly energy saving.

  2. The 0.3% THC in hemp is only found in its flowers, when it's flowering. The vast majority of the plant has essentially no THC.

  3. I heard from a old documentary Herny Ford actually tested and made a High grade damage resistant Type of car body using hemp. He even took a sledge hammer to the door and videoed it with no scratch. But due to the plants status while he was alive he just kept the recipe in a safe some where to collect dust

  4. Yes Matt, We are ALL retards who cannot tell the difference between fiber and pharmaceuticals? Yes, we are just so dumb we stopped watching this condescending drivel at @1:49.

  5. Carbon dioxide is what plant mass is made of and o2 is the waste product… so what is the consequence of lowering the co2 levels???? Do ice cores show pre industrial co2 levels higher than today??? I love moving forward but I think something is missing is this co2 argument

  6. Sounds like a nice idea for 'soft' builldings (single houses etc.) and this was safe geenral Co2 of a industry at all.

    A cynical person would ask what we should burn thousend million tons of worn tires for if not for the concrete production – as it is the thing right now – but well, what a luck i'm a happy person.

    The problems i see with this material are all stupid and completley avoidable, but i have some experience with the industry right now, so i will thow them in to help somone thinking about working with might see those critical moments before they appear.
    1. Architects. There is no force in the world able to change someone's once learned rules. So a huge number of architects will not make the simple modification to ther softwares to perfectly integrate all circumstances into a situation of new material. Make sure they do.
    2. Firefighters are also bound to the classical learend rules of how to survive while entering a burning building. Make sure those people not refuse to help you with a fire in the building by ' it is not build by ther security guidlines'. It helps to propperly root electricity to fire-save metal tubes etc. The same problem btw. applies to PV, energy storrages and electric cars(+ther recharging stuff).
    3. Make sure you build far from potential sources of flood. Also solid basement might be way more relevant in case of such enviromental threads.

  7. Hemp is a global North thing, and by focusing only on that excludes the global South from being able to benefit.

    Just like sugar cane and tobacco don't grow in Europe, so hemp does not grow in the global South with less than .3% THC.

    Hemp is cannabis grown above 40degrees North.

  8. This is very promising. If the two building material are combined you perhaps get the best of both worlds. Also, a 100 year lifespan should be adequate for most homes. It gives others ease of replacing what was there with improved technology. Not every building deserves to be around for 1000 years

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