Hey G Peeps – Sun 2.20.22 – Russian War, Gun Talk, Constitution & Ghislaine Maxwell Killed Herself

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  1. FYI….to piggyback on Ricks video on Brady lists, a Giglio or Brady list is a list compiled usually by a prosecutor's office or a police department containing the names and details of law enforcement officers who have had sustained incidents of untruthfulness, criminal convictions, candor issues, or some other type of issue placing their credibility into question.. Now, the Brady Rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), requires prosecutors to disclose materially exculpatory evidence in the government's possession to the defense. The defendant bears the burden to prove that the undisclosed evidence was both material and favorable.

    That out of the way, and I may be poking a hornet's nest here.but I ask that you please keep an open mind with what I am about to put out here. Brady lists understandably ignite conflicts between police and prosecutors, management. Front-line Officers are pushing back against decisions that, in some circumstances, provide no due process, can be arbitrary or retaliatory, and can end the careers of good officers. Brady and its progeny require prosecutors to seek out and disclose to the defense any material exculpatory evidence, including evidence that could be used to impeach police witnesses. Because of this duty (the violation of which has numerous consequences), many prosecutors have established Brady lists – names of officers whose credibility could be impeached at trial based on information about their truthfulness, honesty, bias, or an issue central to the particular case such as use of force. Prosecutors then decide whether Brady requires them to provide the information to the defense in any case in which the officer might testify. Prosecutors can decide to avoid having a Brady-listed cop testify or refuse to accept a case in which they’re an essential witness. That could limit the officer from any police activity that might lead to the witness stand. Most departments can’t afford to limit officers to administrative duties indefinitely. The result could be termination with little chance of employment as an officer elsewhere. Great if you are dealing with a bad cop. However, there is something that should be considered before accepting this as a blessing. Just like there are bad cops there are also bad prosecutors who are only interested in advancing their careers at all costs. Are there any Brady lists for Prosecutors? Maybe there should be. What about for judges? Corruption exists in all areas of the justice/law enforcement system.

    Here is the issue with Brady Lists folks. Generally, the decision about whether an officer gets Brady listed is entirely up to the prosecutor. Prosecutors may delegate part of that decision-making by enlisting the officer’s department to maintain a Brady list for prosecutorial review, but they need not. There are no formal, nationally agreed upon guidelines for what conduct will result in an officer being Brady listed or to what standard the conduct must be proven, if at all (versus a mere allegation or complaint). Indeed, in U.S. v. Olsen, the 9th Circuit held that Brady disclosure requirements applied to ongoing investigations of officers. There are also no formal, required appeals processes for officers. Some prosecutors’ offices have set up Brady policies, including mechanisms for officers to challenge being listed. But establishing and abiding by such policies is voluntary. Moreover, interpretation and application of the policies can differ even within agencies.

    Given the stakes for officers and the lack of any predictable process or appeal, it’s not surprising officers have pushed back, especially when they perceive an abuse of Brady discretionary power by prosecutors or their own brass. I realize that there is a segment of our society that has very little, if any love, for law enforcement. Pretty sure it has been well earned. However, we should at least admit that not every single officer in uniform is a bad cop abusing their authority. There are officers out there that are sincerely working hard for their community .

  2. Im sorry but I agree with Joeys tear down America and sell it of piece by piece plan. I also agree all white people are racist unless your last name is Biden. A people who would sit back and allow the things to happen that have happened do not deserve a country. America land of the ? And the home of the ?

  3. Conspiracy? That may be why in hs when a friend told me to stand there while she stole a donut and I turned around and yelled – WHAT? to which she said, never mind! 🤣🤪

  4. No wonder I couldn't find you Saturday Night.
    Sorry to hear the commenters got out of control.
    Not sure if your viewers realize they themselves can block anyone's comments on their own if they see someone annoying them. They don't need to tell you what to do. I wish I could do that in real life 😉
    Ghislane Maxwell is alive.
    concerns were over someone in Paris and Epstein.
    It wouldn't surprise me should it happen nor would I care. She not only was a madam she abused kids as well. It's more likely she was Epstein's Handler. Her family history spoke volumes.

  5. Rick did you figure out yet that it WAS NOT Jeffrey Epstein's girlfriend "Ghislaine Maxwell" who committee suicide? It was another pervert friend of his in France, a guy named "Jean-Luc Brunel." Just FYI my friend.

  6. 28:10 When you said, you could of arrested him for a Felony. That was back in the
    Day when the blue line was thick,and Cop's were Cool, Not like Today the Blue Line is
    So Thin it's Creepin up some Cop's A$$ so high, They NEED to Smoke Dope to get up
    there and pull it Out ?

  7. The problem is the people don't understand the power of free speech and the power of freedom. Too many people accept less freedom and more regulations and they don't even see it happening they're completely blind to it. The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth the Good the bad and The ugly. When information is picked apart for whatever reason it's basically changing the history book.

  8. Blame everything on blind loyalty. This country is lost. Our founding fathers understood self accountability and our government is no longer held accountable

  9. Voting for Beto is telling the Republicans they need to move towards the left to get more votes vs voting Libertarian and teaching conservatives they need to move towards liberty🤔

  10. The only reason he got punished at all is because he didn't share all his spoils with the prosecutors and judges!!! They're ALL criminals anymore.

  11. I miss this live but I want to tell you that the cops came to my neighbor's house the other day they were local. I trained with a couple then a couple years ago. They ask me a question I didn't answer they thought I was joking. When they found out that I was serious they asked me what was the change I replied good luck America
    …… waking away

  12. Your the cop guy and the horse guy. In this youtube , 'This is terrifying': What Justin Trudeau is doing in Canada is 'insane' . Did the mounted cop turn his horse into the people? Are the guys the all army green and what looks like full body armor NATO troops? No police identification on them just numbers one their helmets and a big number on thier back.

  13. Does anyone know if fake news gets money from yt for views or anything for replaying their normal Broardcast? I can't get away from them on every platform. I don't want them getting money for lying.

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