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  1. This is taking my urge to Nest like next level! I want to go through every drawer and cabinet in my house. My husband will thank you later 😂

  2. I remember when you started being more of a minimalist with your makeup. And it inspired me. There’s so much makeup that I didn’t buy cause I knew I probably wouldn’t use it up.
    I’ve only been buying what works and what I know I’m going to use. Thank you for these videos!

  3. Personally my experience has been that if I have new make-up and I list it on Facebook market for free it goes in less than five minutes which makes me feel good because at least my purchase will be appreciated by someone else.

    I don’t know if they end up keeping it but at least I have given my items a chance not to be in a landfill.

    Sometimes we don’t realize that there are people that don’t have as many nice things or money to buy nice things as many of us and it is good to keep that humble mindset whenever you think of just throwing something away.

    It may be meaningless to you but it may make someone’s day.

    I can’t begin to tell you how many people have thanked me for donating a new item that I was thinking of just tossing away believing no one would want it.

  4. Thanks for promoting use what you have and don't hoard, in the last 2 years I have not purchase any make up at all. I have use what I have and had to throw away most of my lipsticks, now that mask mandates are going away I may purchase new ones and from now on I will only buy what I need and use.

  5. physical exfoliants also are better collagen boosters 😀 the actual massage you give your skin as you scrub is also giving you the extra results. Laura Mercier face scrub with violet water is soo good for sensitive skin. its scrubs really nice too

  6. hello my beauty from ivania who you met at imats pasadena a lonnnnnnnnnng time ago sugar. way before the baby 😀 first, that top is dripping 😉 girl you are always styling. Tiffany you are the best influencer in my eyes. You are gorgeous and so lovely to watch 😀

  7. I find videos like this so refreshing. I love it when people use the same products over and over, it shows they genuinely love them. I really don't like the MASSIVE PR HAUL videos or the I BOUGHT EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT BY TOM FORD stuff, no thank you. I have one makeup bag and then a small acrylic storage with some various colours of lips and cream eye colours. I have 7 lip products (4 crayons, 2 lipsticks, 1 lip liner) so I'm not talking millions of products. Cannot stand entire rooms of makeup products, used to love it, used to want it, not anymore.

  8. What scares me about these lash serums is that all of them contain that ingredient that might darken your eye color. The results are insane but I still am freaked out to use them.

  9. Tiffany this is a very important video for a few reasons but primarily the message that less is more and that we really should not be chasing trends and quantities but rather use and enjoy what we have. I almost feel bad for influencers that hoard massive quantities of makeup just because its their job and then make huge declutters. Also it is so wasteful and bad for the environment.

  10. I love that you leave your hair natural because I do too and people always tell me I need highlights like 😂 I finally grew out all the bleach and damage and I’m not trying to go back there.. but anyways love your channel thanks girl!

  11. This is why I love buying the mini sizes! Love that brands are offering more & more products in minis. Even if I use something everyday, it’s hard to go through full-sized stuff quick enough.

  12. The best lesson I've learned from your videos over the years is quality over quantity. I used to buy buy buy! Whatever the youtube girlies were talking about always needed the newest, but now at 35 mom of two, don't have time for it. I want stuff that works, looks good and makes me feel good. You made me realize there's nothing wrong with repurchasing the same thing over and over if it works! It's great to try new things, but having a core routine is key. I'm def going to declutter after this.

  13. Pressed powder products can be sanitized by spraying alcohol and letting it dry. As long as they’re performing and not crumbly, they can last many years.

  14. Tns essential serum is the best. I tried the drunk elephant too, thinking it was similar. It’s not. Try the HA5 and (when it comes back in stock) dermal repair. The tns eye repair is the great too! ❤️

  15. I can dispose of drugstore stuff like it’s nobody’s business, but my higher end stuff I have a really hard time with. I have 2 eyeshadow palettes that I ‘should’ get rid of, but they somehow get back in the drawer every time. One I use on days I don’t care how my makeup turns out cause to not one of my favs that makes me feel good and the other is the only palette in my life I actually used an entire eye color completely up – only 1 though – all the other colors are all not panned. They are both probably 5 years old. And I have tons of others. I have no excuse for it. Yet I would feel guilty throwing it away. Maybe because they were one of the first high end things I finally had the extra money for and they meant something to me. Clothes are very easy for me to declutter – I am decluttering those constantly – but makeup is so hard for me. Except mascara – I only use 1 at a time and only for 3-4 months – then if I love it I purchase another.

  16. I stopped watching Youtube for a few years, but I'm finally back on and here I am on your channel 🤣 I'm 24 years old, and I can't tell you enough how much I respect that you speak your mind! You stay true to you, which is so hard to find in today's world, and I'm not surprised I'm back watching your channel after being off the past few years 💕

  17. I love this video. I started getting rid of stuff and trying to use up what I have before buying more. I started recycling my empties at Nordstrom. Idk why but it makes me feel really good actually finishing something now 😬

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