How To Stay Healthy While Traveling Full Time?

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  1. That was really informative! It’s nice to have these things explained about good fats and organic information. Smart man! I have been on statin medication for years and have heard about the connection to memory loss but that’s what the doctor throws at you. This gives me other options and “food for thought!”

  2. Watched this video the other day on my tv, and wanted to jump on here to comment. My Mom passed away in 2010 from PSP. It is a horrible, debilitating disease that being in the Parkinson's family, also carries a lot of the issues associated with Alzheimer's, with the exception that your mind is still sharp, and in that regard, you know you're slipping away and can do nothing about it despite how much care and love your family gives you. We were able to find her a Dr at Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Brunswick NJ who, at the time, was considered the area expert in this disease, and although his forecast was grim, was able to advise us of what to expect, and how to make her as comfortable as possible. She was the mother of 7 children, and had 19 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren. We all did everything we could to make her comfortable, and we all keep her memory close to our hearts. Thank you for sharing this on your channel. When you mention PSP to someone, they never know anything about this disease, yet the consequences are the same. There is no treatment or recovery.

  3. Had to stop watching when the "Doctor" said "whatever flu-like" sickness is out there. Hard to believe someone who went to medical school can deny science. Guess he hasn't been in the hospitals working so he hasn't seen all these people suffering and dying from Covid. Like your channel but don't like doctors who deny science.

  4. Hi Michelle & brian , myself & my husband residently found you guys on you tube , and we would like to say that yeh so enjoyable to watch , & funny , and we think you both are so brave , to go off traveling , & living yeh life to the fullest , keep doing what yeh doing , ( great job ) stay safe , lot's of love from c.o . Tipperary 🇮🇪 Ireland, from , noel & theresa xxx

  5. Enjoyed the video. Eating fresh, healthy food from all food groups is what is important. Life is too short to not have occasional sweets. I was hoping the video was going to cover how you two stay slim living on the road. Do you belong to a national gym? Sitting at computers all week and then driving to explore places on the weekend, please share with all of us what type of exercise routine you follow. I find the older I get the more active I need to be just to keep from gaining.

  6. That was a fantastic doctor, video wowww. Love that a doctor puts organic as a way of living. In my house have we been eating organic for 26 years now. Got a son with allergi and transferred to organic because of that. If you are in a state try and go into Natural Grocers. They have all you need and for a good price. I also get a lot of organic in Costco. Like beans and so on. Thank you for seeing focus on the health and taking care of one self.

  7. Thanks for sharing. We work hard to eat right but have yet to figure out how to exercise regularly. Totally bummed we won't be able to meet up with you in Clermont as we are heading toward Miami on Saturday. I did notice that you are in the same park right now as we are as I was taking the garbage out. We were your neighbors in the Airstream in Verde Valley a couple of years ago.

  8. Great video. I have way too many pharmaceuticals trying to lower cholesterol and get numbers right. Try to eat healthy and exercise but really need to find a doctor more interested in healthy lifestyle over prescribing drugs. Thanks for the video. Great info.

  9. I eat a carnivore diet (a zero/super low carb version of keto), beef heavy with plenty of other meats…sorry Michelle…no pie! been at it 15 mos and I can't remember the last time ive felt this good. certainly not by eating the standard American diet or things like Nutrisystem and weight watcher's food. for me paleo and regular keto were just to high in carbs and I couldn't sustain it more than 3 or 4 months before I failed and gained the weight back plus more but the were still better than SAD or joining clubs. the meat doesn't have to be the expensive organic fancy meat to keep u healthy, grocery meat gives fantastic benefits. the grassfed grass finished may be 2% better but its negligible for most ppl according to Dr's who follow and teach low/zero carb. if u can get food from a local rancher that is optimal.

  10. Totally agree, what is our priority for living a healthy life? Fortunately I love to cook and rarely eat processed food. I very rarely eat in restaurants because I want to know what is in my food.
    Thanks for sharing this 🥰

  11. Hey, you two, just had a chance to tune in this morning (been super busy on the home front getting Junior all packed up for the road)! Can't agree more with the importance of healthy foods & lifestyle, which is what we love about RV'ing, always have our own kitchen to make our own foods. Glad to see you two safe and well, hope to catch up in 2022 at some point!

  12. Been doing the paleo/carnivor/keto thing for years. Surprised to see this episode but I'm very suportive of it. I'm 70yo. I have a perfect lipid panel and I eat lots of meat and fish. I take no medication. Research, research, research and listen to your body. Good luck, you guys. I've been watching for the last few years and enjoy your channel alot.

  13. I am so happy you guys are in touch with this Dr. I had ask y'all to Chek out Dr. Sten Ekberg because he has the same approach to life and health. I had a big concern for all the pie eating…lol. Thank you for sharing this Dr. on your you tube channel.
    Congratulations and I hope y'all they this way of eating and living. Be safe and I look forward to your next adventure. Nancy Williams

  14. Not buying it. Waited a bit to post, wanted to see the group thoughts. Not going to respond about the Dr. Personal beliefs but will say eating a balance diet, eating "pies" in moderation with a bit of exercise will keep you healthy.

  15. What a good video. We don't think we'll ever be full timers but such great information. Michelle is right. Unfortunately all the healthy stuff is so much more expensive. But made me realize I need to prioritize better and try to make some changed. Thanks again for such great information. Your videos are always so good.

  16. Loved this interview with you guys. Seems like we stirred the pot a little bit. Many other opinions here. Thank you for sharing mine. I do want to clarify that I never recommended eating sugar. Far from it. All I said was that if you eat sugar, which just about everyone does, make sure it is organic.

  17. Thank you Brian and Michele for this enlightening video. I've often wondered how anyone might adopt a "healthy" lifestyle, however you define it, while on the road. I very much appreciate the information this physician offered. He said it early in his remarks. Medical students get virtually no training in nutrition during their many years of education. Remarkable when you think about this. However, we are overwhelmed with the marketing from Big Food (and Big Pharma) which makes it extremely difficult to know which path is best. And the lure of fast food is just that, ,it's convenient and easy which can lure us into an unhealthy lifestyle if we let it. My bride has been following your channel for the better part of two years and this installment on your channel has made me a disciple. I am now subscribed. thank you again for covering so many diverse topics of interest and importance to those on the road seeing our great nation

  18. And that's why we have road rage…people have little respect for someone else's opinion. You are correct when people disown or cancel someone if they don't 100% agree with them. I always get some value from listening to different opinions. We then decide what is best for our situation. As for PIE or any other eating/lifestyle habits, we (should ) take moderation, but again that is our choice. Thanks for your great videos and it was interesting to hear a different vlog today. Safe travels and look forward to your next video.

  19. Hello Visionaries! 99% of you have shown gratitude for this video and there was just a few that acted very disappointed that we were sharing Dr. Wolfson's views on our channel. We’re simply just sharing what this doctor had to share hoping it would help someone. Some of what he shared we knew he believed in and some we did not…but we still wanted to share it because we felt it may help someone.

    We believe a lot of what he has said, but we also have our own beliefs and why it get's so confusing with all these diets and what to eat or not eat. EVERY diet (or way of eating) including the one Dr. Wolfson talked about has it’s research that “proves” it is healthy. What we believe the problem is, is when people are combining all these different foods together, that is what WE believe is when it causes problems. Our bodies adapt whether it's a low carb or high carb diet, but TOO MUCH of EITHER or especially too much of BOTH combined is a recipe for disaster.

    Take Bob Harper for instance. He ate the Paleo diet and Mediterranean diet for years and worked out all the time and it showed. He was in very good physical condition. But due to an underlying problem he had with a protein, he developed heart disease and had a massive heart attack…even though he was "eating healthy". So our suggestion is for everyone to do their OWN research including what Dr. Jack Wolfson had to say and go with your own gut feeling of what you think is right for you. We think many of us are different in what works for each of us, but there are still foods out there that are bad for all of us.

    We’re not here to push any diet or beliefs on anyone. Again, we just simply wanted to share this doctors perspective, knowledge and expertise with those that DO have similar beliefs. As mentioned in this video, Dr. Wolfson watched his father suffer for a long time and found what he believes is the truth of why his dad suffered and passed away. Can you not blame him for having his own beliefs? My father also had Parkinson's…so can you not blame me for his beliefs hitting home with me?

    We would like to thank the 99% of the viewers that have expressed gratitude and enjoyed the video. But there has been a small few have been very rude and even saying they are “disappointed” in US… that we shared this doctors views. 🤷🏻‍♂ 🤷🏼‍♀

    We want this channel to be full of positivity and keep it that way. Many people don’t always agree with everything said, but most of them know to keep it to themselves also if they don’t. This has been very interesting to see these responses and sad at the same time. Reminds us of all the friendships and families that are ruined just because of their beliefs in politics or whether or not to vaccinate or not. It’s called choice and if you rid a friend or family member over that, then the real problem is in the mirror. If you don't like the truth, there are plenty of other channels out there that will feed you what you're looking for. One thing that we refuse to do, is to cave in to someone just because they think we want their Subscription or view to our channel. What we want is a positive community. We'll continue being a channel that tries to be entertaining and helpful and creating a community full of positivity.

    We will continue to filter out all the spam, fake YouTube accounts trying to bring down another "competitor" channel (yes it is real) and trolls and block each and every one of them from our channel to keep it as positive as possible for everyone.

    Be well and stay safe everyone!
    Brian & Michelle

  20. Much of what he's saying at the start of the interview is complete garbage!!!!! In what parallel universe is seafood the most healthy food to consume.? Meat, butter, sugar, oil? Seriously. How can anyone believe this.? He's got things partly correct with organically grown foods and eliminating poisons from your food but what do you think added sugar, saturated fat is? Poison to your liver and heart! Few people will ever understand this . A whole food plant based eating lifestyle is the only way to live a long and disease free life. Research it Brian and Michelle. This is nutritional truth. No meat, added sugar, saturated fats, fast food, deep fried food, alchohol. These are the things that cause problems. Eliminate them and problems start going away and diseases can be reversed.

  21. I have follow you guys for a long time and I really enjoy it. This video was so helpful. I have been miserably Keto for three years. I learned so much about healthy eating. Thank you for leaving your regular platform (which I really like) to get information out on healthy eating.

  22. Thank you for doing this video interview. It’s interesting learning different opinions on how to be healthy and living a great life. We do firmly agree on removing the toxins we put in our bodies every day. But I also believe that many of those toxins become addictive and we crave them. Trying to find healthy replacement options are the issue. Right along with availability and high costs. It’s cheaper to eat poor. 🤨.
    Also was interested in why they choose to get a sprinter van. Thanks you two!

  23. Wow, I am having a hard time with this Dr’s “paleo” mentality……..if either of you would like a different opinion, that does have similarities to what your friend believes, please check out two doctors who have years and years of experience, backed by actual peer reviewed studies In bonafide medical journals. One is Dr. Neal Barnard and the other is Dr. Joel Furhman. Both have Indispensable information you could benefit from. We have watched you make your smoothies, and cheered you on. We also watch you with the burgers, fries and pie, and we literally salivate. You are living the dream we have had for years, traveling and seeing the US. We wish you to continue doing so for many years. Yes to avoiding chemicals and toxins in our food. Be healthy, be well and keep on Rv Ing! 🦋

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