HOW TO GET FLEXIBLE FAST: my story** 30 day challenge FULL BODY STRETCH: …


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  1. I’m 12 and im a rhythmic gymnast it’s not easy for me I have my left and front splits and overs but rlly close to my middle I have my chest stand and split leap and backwalkiver I have a hard time becaus im not as flexible as I want to be im very hard on myself witch im working on but I started at 8 but becaus of covid it’s like I started at 10 so it’s rlly hard for me please give me some tips my main focuses are pencher frontwalkiver and the rhythmic basics

  2. My story is: It all started when I was 5 years old. I started dance somewhere near this age. I was only doing mini dancing, so of course I wasn’t that flexible. I started going to dance twice a week. When I got a bit older, the age 6, I was actually kind of flexible. I think I was able to do a handstand and maybe a cartwheel. Then I broke my leg ( outside of dance). I stopped dancing. But, when I healed, I started stretching again. For some reason, I didn’t go back to dance, I haven’t been there since. But I managed to get my needle by the next year. To be honest, I actually got my middle and my left split. Now, I am very flexible, and thanks to you AND Anna Mcnulty. ❤️

  3. Another video shaming little kids suggesting to them "hard work and dedication" will give them your genetic results just to make money? What's wrong? Ballet company not paying well enough?

  4. Thank you for your video ! It's great to hear what others have gone through.
    For me I started working on my flexibility around the age of 14 as I was doing recreational RG. I was naturally flexible in my back but not in my legs. I remember my teacher and firends being surprised that I could walk in a bridge when I thought everyone could do that. It took me a year to get my right split by working everyday and two for my left. I still don't have my middle Split eventhough I'm close. I started to work on my strength really late. Now I'm almost 20 and I take contemporary dance classes since 2018. I keep on working everyday at home on my flexibility, strength and technique and I sometimes post dance videos and YouTube (eventhough I'm clearly not as good as you).
    If you have read all the way, thanks and have a good day 🙂

  5. I am in the square hip phase. 😹 As I already made some very long comment about my journey in another of your videos, I won't repeat myself but thanks again for the help and light you spread around you!!! 🐾

  6. Hannah, have you heard of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? Walking late, stretchy skin and extreme mobility are all features of hyper mobile EDS. It’s great that you’ve been looking after your strength as that is the most important thing to do.

  7. Thank you for your story. I really struggle with my flexibility. I found strengthening way easier for me than stretching. Gonna try your 30-day flexibility challenge. Hope, it'll help me increase my flexibility and make my stretching more consistent.

  8. The forced flexibility part really resonated. I was scared off from the first dancing class at the age of five due to the teacher’s approach. I started dancing at the age of 18 when I entered university. Maybe I am a bit regretful for not being able to get the training early in my life but I guess it is never too late to dance

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