A Mortgage Stress Deep Dive…

A deep dive of our mortgage stress analysis to end of January 2022, plus some rate sensitivity analysis and mapping. Where are …


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  1. Excellent show Martin, thank you.

    The figures are very bad, the implications for the economy are worse still.

    Government continue to put all the eggs in the housing industry, at what price, moving forward?

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  4. election is coming, housing will be pumped again. Maybe a change after the election, something like the howard years, big tax grab, prices up on everything in the 1st year budget. but .gov can keep pumping long after you are not solvent

  5. Hi Martin. I understand what you’re saying, but the government will do whatever it can to prevent real estate prices going down. They’re already handing money out. It’s really sad the incentives for people to get in the debt game. And the way banks are protected and win in any situation, there is no way for the banks to be held accountable for lending so much money. This system will go on, unscathed, at the expense of people living their whole lives under financial stress; that’s the place that gives, that’s the end that loses: people living in stress, couples getting divorced and so on. The consequences are not economical, they are spiritual; and that’s where I think you’re getting it wrong: you’re seeing the economic mistakes, and you’re expecting economic consequences, but the consequences are not economic, they are social and spiritual. Or I may be wrong, we’ll see.

  6. The thing is that in New Zealand, banks were supposed to be stress testing people for loans at about 6-7% when interest rates were low. So if they were doing this, I can't see how those borrowers would be in mortgage stress if rates rose to those levels. Then the new CCFA law came in late last year, and banks have greatly restricted lending, which has largely stalled the housing market.

  7. Excellent work Martin, you know what would interesting. Explaining to the younger generation of investors (and older ones) how the only reason Australia escaped unscathed by the last GFC was because of China. And that their debt levels are the worst on record and now there is no safety net.

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